Friday 18 March 2022

Empire Of Lies 

Tulsi Gabbard on the mythology of the zionist-mafia Volodymyr Zelenskyy's democracy in Jew-occupied Ukistan.  


Biden is a fucking liar. And the so-called Congress is filled to the rafters with liars cheaters deceivers war-mongers ... these criminals DESERVE TO GET WHAT'S COMING TO THEM. 

I am with Russia.  I am with His Excellency President Vladimir Putin of the Russian Federation.  I agree 100% with President Putin when he stated that AmeriKKKa and its gang of prostitutes and thugs and goons, also known as NATO, is nothing more than a NEO-FASCIST PREDATORY BIKER GANG, an Empire of Lies, where the truth is treasonous. 


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