Saturday, 5 February 2022

PISSRAEL is not a country

Mahathir is WRONG !! 

PISSRAEL (Palestine under Illegal Israelite colonial occupation) is NOT a legitimate country.  

PISSRAEL is a militarized ZIONIST-MAFIA COLONY of murderous land-thieving lying deceiving cheating pseudo-hebrew colonialist criminals. 

These pseudo--hebrews are using billions of dollars and weapons and weapons systems, like nuclear weapons, submarines, guns, helicopters, and jet fighters, GIVEN FREE OF CHARGE to the colonialist fascist racist right-wing talmudic ZIONIST-MAFIA APARTHEID REGIME by dirty conniving Western criminal regimes like Canada USA Britain France Germany, to OPPRESS SUPPRESS AND REPRESS the Native Palestinians who have owned and lived in Palestine since 2,000 BC or 4,000 years ago.  

PISSRAEL is nothing more than an ILLEGAL land grab by colonialist pseudo-hebrews, in their LAST FEW YEARS OF EXISTENCE, funded and armed by immoral unethical criminal Western regimes who had lost Palestine, Egypt, Syria, Asia Minor (today's Turkey), in fact the entire Middle East and North Africa, to Muslims more than a 1,000 years ago.  PISSRAEL is the defeated and wound-licking and bitter Western regimes' 70-year old rottweiler.   May I point out to everyone reading this post that rottweilers are a dog breed that does not have a very long lifespan.  Period. 


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