Facecrook's DAY ARE NUMBERED...
TikTok, a China-based video-sharing app, is pulling away Facebook users by the tens of millions. Of course, the US regime, goaded on by Facebook's owner and executives, is trying to take action AGAINST TikTok as the app's POPULARITY SURGES. Furthermore, Apple just introduced privacy rules that do not allow Facebook to target iOS users, both on computer devices and cellphones, with advertising, meaning that Facebook yesterday saw the biggest loss of market value in modern corporate history, 250 billion dollars wiped out due to just that 1 move by Apple ... if Microsoft does the same thing with the Windows DOS on computer devices and cellphones, Facebook will be hit with an even bigger loss of its market value again.
Facebook Watch and FB's Reels (FB's attempt to take on TikTok) have fizzled out or struggled to make money. Meta's cryptocurrency Diem folded in early 2022, despite being announced with great fanfare more than two years ago. You are watching a company IN DECLINE. 1.9 billion users...really...and how many of these are DEAD PEOPLE? Maybe 10%? And how many are accounts that are disabled or just not being used anymore because the users are (1) busy with REAL LIVES, or (2) left FB because they became aware of how their personal info is being used by FB's algorithms to pepper them with targeted advertising, or (3) are gone PERMANENTLY to other social platforms like TikTok, MeWe, Gab, Parker, ETC? Maybe another 10%? And because Facebook is a spy organization spying on you constantly, the app and the website are now being blocked in dozens of countries around the world including China which has 1.5 billion people.
Facebook is a company owned and managed by ZIONIST-MAFIA scumbags from top to bottom, and it has so many Mossad agents in it, including bodyguards for Marcus Fuckerbogus, that Facebook has become the digital version of Hellaviv, Haifa, and Jerusalem : A HEBREW SHITHOLE.
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by The Research & Reporting Bureau (Project-22)
The Garnet Troy Rossi Society
Human Rights Watch (HRW) said that "while apartheid was initially coined with respect to institutional persecution of black people in South Africa, it was now a universally recognised legal term".
Amnesty International (AI) has described the HRW report as Pissrael’s "cruel system of domination and oppression against Palestinians, as a landmark with new research and analysis detailing violations" by Pissraeli occupation forces against the NATIVE Palestinian people.
HRW said the report focuses on "the policies and practices" of the racist Jew-centric right-wing neo-fascist neo-colonialist Pissraeli regime "towards Palestinians across all territories under its control" and sets out the Pissraeli regime's "obligations under international law".
The comprehensive report "documents how massive seizures of Palestinian land and property, secret unlawful killings, forcible transfer, drastic movement restrictions, and the denial of nationality and citizenship to Palestinians are all components of a discriminatory system which amounts to a crime against humanity under international law,” it said prior to the launch of the report by Agnes Callamard from East Jerusalem during her first visit to the region as Amnesty International's Secretary-General.
The report has already provoked strong criticism from Pissraeli regime officials and its zionist-mafia supporters in an attempt to discredit AI and HRW before the report's official publication.
Human Rights Watch, in a 213-page report, said the Pissraeli regime's "dual policies, double standards, which are codified in its laws", privilege zionist-mafia "Jews while repressing Palestinians and had crossed the threshold into apartheid".
"Apartheid is a universal legal term defined by international law that refers to severe institutional discrimination and systematic oppression by one racial group over another".
The finding in the report "is based on an overarching" Pissraeli regime's "policy to maintain the domination" by zionist-mafia Jews "over Palestinians and grave abuses committed against Palestinians living in the occupied territory, including East Jerusalem," the group said in their statement.
"The report draws on years of human rights documentation, case studies, and a review of government planning documents, statements by officials and other sources", the group said.
"Prominent voices have warned for years that apartheid lurks just around the corner of the trajectory", that the Pissrael regime's occupational colonialist militarized "rule over Palestinians does not change," said Kenneth Roth, executive director of HRW.
This detailed study shows that the Pissrael regime's authorities "have already turned that corner and today are committing the crimes against humanity of apartheid and persecution."
The Palestinian Authority (PA) welcomed the report, with presidential spokesperson Nabil Abu Rudeineh calling it a “powerful testament to the struggle of the people of Palestine" under Pissrael's "belligerent military occupation and its colonial and oppressive policies”, according to official PA news agency Wafa.
Meanwhile, PA Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh called on the international community "to take note and act accordingly".
“The traditional situation, where many countries worldwide announce their position against occupation without actual sanctions and without revising their relations and agreements" with the Pissrael regime on the "different diplomatic, cultural, and trade relations, can and should not continue,” he said.
Ahead of the report's release, the Pissrael regime's Ministry of Foreign Affairs told Middle East Eye that "the report is a propaganda pamphlet" and slammed HRW for "not sharing the document" with the Pissrael regime's authorities "for review ahead of its publication".
"Human Rights Watch is known to have a long-standing agenda, actively seeking for years to promote boycotts against us," the Ministry said in an emailed statement to Western media outlets.
"This report is yet another part of the organisation's ongoing campaign, led by a known BDS supporter, with no connection to facts or reality on the ground," it continued. "The fictional claims that HRW concocted are both preposterous and false."
- 'Maintaining a solid Jewish majority' -
In its report, HRW noted that the Pissrael regime's police state had sought "to maximise the land available" to zionist-mafia Jew communities while "concentrating most Palestinians into dense population centres".
"The Jewish authorities have adopted policies to mitigate what they have openly described as a 'demographic threat' from Palestinians," HRW said, referring to a much higher Palestinian birthrate than the Jews.
"In Jerusalem, for example, the regime's plan for the municipality, including both the West and Occupied East parts of the City, sets the goal of maintaining a solid Jewish majority in the city and even specifies the demographic ratios it hopes to maintain."
To meet its goals, the Pissrael regime's authorities "systematically discriminate against Palestinians", the group alleged.
"The institutional discrimination that Palestinians face includes laws that allow hundreds of small Jewish towns to effectively exclude Palestinians and budgets that allocate only a fraction of resources to Palestinian schools as compared to those that serve Jewish children," it continued.
HRW highlighted the Pissrael regime's practice of prosecuting Palestinians in the occupied West Bank under "draconian military law", while Jews living in their West Bank colonies are afforded "their full civil rights", saying "that alone amounts to the systematic oppression required for apartheid".
The Pissreal occupational regime's own military court, which ONLY prosecutes Palestinians, has self-reported a 99.7 percent conviction rate.
"Denying millions of Palestinians their fundamental rights, without any legitimate security justification and solely because they are Palestinian and not Jewish, is not simply a matter of an abusive occupation," Roth said.
"These policies, which grant Jewish the same rights and privileges wherever they live and discriminate against Palestinians to varying degrees wherever they live, reflect a policy to privilege one people at the expense of another."
Having one set of laws for Jews and another set of laws for non-Jews in Occupied Palestine is HYPOCRISY, pure and simple. Labelling Palestinians (and other non-Jews) as anti-Semitic is simply laughable since the Palestinians are infinitely MORE SEMETIC than the Jews who have intermixed with Europeans for OVER TWO millennia. Comparing the racial kinship of modern Jews with the ancient Hebrews of 1,000 BC (3,000 years ago) is like comparing modern Syrians to ancient Syrians, in that DNA commonalities exist BUT the race has been severely DILUTED due to near extermination campaigns by foreign invaders, intermarriage with other races, mass deaths from the plague and other diseases, and transmigration.
Palestinians have been protesting hypocritic policies concerning the Al-Aqsa Mosque, as the Pissraeli military has limited Palestinians access to the Mosque and the surrounding compound while allowing Jews free access to the Mosque compound where their so-called Western Wall is located.
Last year, 2021, the Pissraeli regime banned Palestinians from entering the Mosque for the whole month of Ramadan due to the Covid-19 pandemic. However, Jew colonisers were allowed to visit Al-Aqsa at the time, escorted by the Pissrael regime's security and intelligence units. Apartheid DOUBLE-STANDARDS.
According to HRW, some of the Pissrael regime's "other policies that constitute severe abuses required under the universal definition of apartheid include: sweeping movement restrictions in the form of the Gaza closure and a permit regime; confiscation of more than a third of the land in the West Bank; harsh conditions in parts of the West Bank that led to the forcible transfer of thousands of Palestinians out of their homes; the denial of residency rights to hundreds of thousands of Palestinians and their relatives; and the suspension of basic civil rights to millions of Palestinians".
The group also noted the "near-categorical denial of building permits to Palestinians" and the "subsequent demolition of thousands of Palestinian homes on the pretext of lacking permits" - a policy that HRW said has no security justification.
- 'The most serious crimes' -
In January 2022, a leading rights group in Jerusalem B'Tselem also labelled Pissrael as "an apartheid regime", breaking from consensus, even among Pissrael's left, that the land is a democracy.
"By geographically, demographically, and physically engineering space, the racist fascist regime enables Jews to live in a contiguous area with full rights, including self-determination, while Palestinians live in separate units, almost ghettos, and enjoy far fewer rights," the B'Tselem report stated.
"This qualifies as an apartheid regime, although the regime is commonly viewed by controlled Western media and doting governments as a democracy upholding a temporary occupation."
B’Tselem welcomed the HRW report, and called on the international community to see it as “an urgent wake-up call...to finally take concrete action in rejection of apartheid and in support of human rights, democracy, and justice”.
Speaking to journalists, Omar Shakir, HRW's Palestine director who has been banned from visiting Pissrael, stressed that rights groups "do not make determinations about crimes against humanity lightly", as they are "the most serious crimes under international law".
"One required element of the crime against humanity of apartheid is an intent to dominate". For decades, he said, the Pissrael regime "insisted that the status quo, especially in the occupied Palestinian territories, was 'temporary', the result of the stalled 'peace process'," Shakir said.
"[But] the continuous expansion of Jew-only colonies in the West Bank and significant investment in infrastructure to seamlessly connect these colonies" with the rest of Pissrael-occupied territories, "and the passage of the Jewish Nation-State Law, and declarations of intent to formally annex additional parts of the West Bank" have clarified Pissrael's intent "to maintain the domination of Jews over Palestinians for the foreseeable future - if not permanently," he continued.
"When we connected the dots, it became clear to us that there was an underlying reality - a reality in which a single racist fascist regime rules over the area between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea where two groups of roughly equal size live, methodically privileging Jews and systematically oppressing Palestinians," Shakir said.
Following its determination, HRW called on the Pissraeli regime authorities to "dismantle all forms of repression and discrimination that privilege Jews at the expense of Palestinians, including with regards to freedom of movement, allocation of land and resources, access to water, electricity, and other services, and the granting of building permits".
It also called on the International Criminal Court (ICC) to investigate and prosecute those credibly implicated in Pissrael's apartheid system.
In addition, the group urged the United Nations to establish an official commission of inquiry to investigate systematic discrimination and repression in Pissrael and Palestine and a UN global envoy for the crimes of persecution and apartheid with a mandate to mobilise international action to end persecution and apartheid worldwide.
"Countries should condition arms sales and military and security assistance to the regime's authorities taking concrete and verifiable steps towards ending their commission of these crimes," the group said, also calling on the international community to "vet agreements, cooperation schemes, and all forms of trade and dealing" with the Pissrael regime to screen for those directly contributing to committing crimes against humanity.
"While much of the world treats the regime's half-century occupation as a temporary situation that a decades-long ‘peace process’ will soon cure, the oppression of Palestinians there has reached a threshold and a permanence that meets the definitions of the crimes of apartheid and persecution," Roth said.
"Those who strive for peace in Palestine, whether a one or two-state solution or a confederation, should in the meantime recognise this reality for what it is and bring to bear the sorts of human rights tools needed to end it."
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Just imagine what these racist talmudic jew-centric jew-supremist zionist-mafia would be doing to us if they ruled Canada and/or were a majority in this country?!?
Reading the HRW report makes us well aware the GRAVE DANGER the these racist talmudic jew-centric jew-supremist zionist-mafia pose to each and every non-Jew in Canada and in other Western countries.
The Donald Dumpster regime had in place a MUSLIM BAN for many months, engineered by jew-centric jew-supremist zionist-mafia criminal scum in Dumpster's entourage. Perhaps the time has come for CANADA to expel all zionist-mafia from this country, and permanently BAN them and their Moses death cult, and their sleazy racist neo-fascist hyper-nationalist zionism, their racist hate literature the talmud and the mishna, their hebrew language, and their bible (so-called Old Testament), anything and everything that makes these racist deceitful criminals hate and conspire against all the rest of us, and who in their sick and twisted minds believe the rest of humans are little more than COWS to be MILKED for the benefit of a so-called god's "chosen people". This "chosen nation" BULLSHIT PROPAGANDA goes against the US Constitution that states "ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL". Not apparently to these lying deceiving sacks of shit, who believe they are above us, different, superior.
I say: FUCK 'EM and let them bleed. Let us deal with these Filthy Fascist Fucks in the language THEY UNDERSTAND: let's give them a taste of their very own Talmudic-Mosaic laws, used against them...AN EYE FOR EYE, A TOOTH FOR A TOOTH.
All THREE LEVELS of governments in Canada MUST SOON CHOOSE between 2.5 billion Muslims and 69 Muslim-majority countries and regions around the world, and massive natural resources and capital investment Canada will need from these people and their lands and governments, and under 20 million Jews and ONE land they are illegally occupying colonising terrorising, a land that is not even their own to begin with.
Furthermore, ALL OF US need to understand that the so-called "normalisation accords" between Arab regimes with the Pissrael regime is an INSULT to any thinking person's intelligence, since these Arab regimes are, ALL WITHOUT ANY SINGLE EXCEPTION, authoritarian dictatorships (Egypt, Sudan, Uzbekistan, Turkey) and authoritarian monarchial regimes (Morocco, Saudi-occupied Arabia, UAE, Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman, Jordan, etc) that have little or zero democratic credentials, institutions, or traditions, thereby having little or no popular status even on their domestic turfs, and so these regimes MUST NOT BE taken seriously nor given diplomatic recognition by a democracy like Canada, meaning these so-called "normalisation" accords are NOTHING MORE THAN simple bullshit propaganda by the zionist-mafia heathens, the dirty US regime, and its media parrots / talking heads.
Read news that will never be shown on CTV, CBC, Global, CBS, NBC, ABC, and other zionist-mafia controlled MSM.
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