Saturday, 1 February 2025

Do not post anti-China shit

Sweatshops did exist in China, but THE VERY LAST ONES ARE RAPIDLY BEING CLOSED DOWN since the CHEAP LABOUR industry has long gone to MEXICO, VIETNAM, INDIA, ETC. 

China is NO LONGER the CHEAP LABOR / MARKET/ SOURCE/ POOL of the 1980s and 1990s. 

China is now a HIGH-INCOME country with the WORLD'S LARGEST ECONOMY based on PPP (purchasing power parity), the only true measure of a country's real wealth. 

I posted several FACEBOOK REEL VIDEOS about this recently which pretty much debunks claim of sweatshops still in existence in China : Western CEOs talking about WHY they keep going to China even though China is no longer the cheap labor pool it used to be. 

The Chinese middle-class, 1.3 billion strong in a population of 1.4 billion, and the LARGEST in world history, is also the RICHEST in world history, is sitting on 15 TRILLION DOLLARS IN PERSONAL SAVINGS, not incl their primary houses and property assets. They don't need sweatshops any longer. China is a rich continent all by itself at this time. Increasingly, it no longer requires foreign trade partners, which it only requires for ENERGY SUPPLIES ... because everything the Chinese economy is making right now is BEING DEVOURED by the CHINESE CONSUMER. China needs foreign trade partners only because of energy supplies and ERGO it is spending TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS in building its BRICKS & ROAD INITIATIVE BRI through DOZENS OF COUNTRIES, ostensibly to STABILIZE AND STRENGTHEN ITS ENERGY SUPPLIES. 

Furthermore, China has some of the richest billionaires and multi-billionaires in the world, but they're not oligarchs because the Chinese Govt has 💯 % COMPLETE CONTROL over everything these billionaires, these so-called "Chinese oligarchs" , say and do. 

I have posted many times that the Chinese CCP Govt owns / controls 80% to 90% of the entire CHINESE ECONOMY, and owns / controls up 80% to 90% of ALL COMPANIES BASED IN CHINA. 

What that means is that THE CCP GOVT also control the power and the assets and the money of these billionaires and so-called "Chinese oligarchs". 

So in essence, the term "Chinese oligarchs" DOES NOT EXIST ... it is illogical in a COMMUNIST- SOCIALIST SYSTEM like China in which the CCP GOVT owns and controls up to 90% of the Chinese economy and up to 90% of all companies in China. 

This "Chinese oligarchs" term is nothing more than INFANTILE DECEITFUL PROPAGANDA used by WESTERN LIARS DECEIVERS FUCKTARDS who either know VERY LITTLE about what is actually happening in China, or who know a GREAT DEAL but are LYING AND DECEIVING THE WESTERN GENERAL PUBLIC for the purposes of controlling the narrative and installing anti-China policies. 

By controlling up to 90% of the economy and 90% of all companies, the Chinese CCP Govt TIGHTLY CONTROLS EVERY BILLIONAIRE AND "OLIGARCH" in China.

If any of them GETS OUT OF LINE AND STARTS ACTING INDEPENDENTLY, they IMMEDIATELY end up in jail with all their assets confiscated immediately and their job / career / position in that company TERMINATED IMMEDIATELY. 

I can provide links to thousands of news articles about this. 

So billionaires and "oligarchs" really do not have any power in China. The money and other assets they have are only allowed by the CCP GOVT. 

I've been posting a lot of information about China, and you should be reading them to educate yourself. These are based on news articles in Chinese AND western media. 

If you have an anti-China FETISH, please take that fucking bullshit somewhere else, because as of RIGHT NOW, I'll be DELETING ALL ANTI CHINA COMMENTS. Got it? You must be willing to do the research BEFORE you post stupid fucking claims and NONSENSICAL Western PROPAGANDA on my Facebook real estate. 

You have been given FAIR WARNING. 



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