Monday, 24 February 2025

How H-WORD CANCER spreads

How CANCER spreads in a country. Without knowing the history, without any historical and archeological evidence, without any knowledge of what is real and substantiated and what is mythological, there are leaders of countries that are willfully or ignorantly propagating BULLSHIT. 

Who created this mythology? 

The RABBIS did. 

Who else do you think wrote every single word of the Old Testicle inside caves, running from the long arms of the Roman Empire legions? 


YES, there was a WAR AGAINST TERRORISM back in the old days too, 2000 years ago. 

In antiquity, it was the Roman Empire VERSUS the kikels terrorists. 

These wars started during the Roman Republic days and did not finish until the Roman Empire days, a span of several hundred years. 

DID YOU KNOW THAT? Did you even bother to do your own research? 

Beginning from 1500 BC (3,500 years ago) to 500 AD (1,500 years ago), these RABBI VERMIN wanted to
(2) to create a sense of NATIONAL IDENTITY AND PURPOSE, 
(3) to give their flock a sense of ancestry / PEDIGREE, of belonging to an identifiable "ANCIENT COMMUNITY", 
(4) their own HOLY BOOK, 
(5) and to place the rabbis at the apex / pinnacle of the kikel community ... that is why 90% of the community is called RABBINICAL JUDAISM. 

There is an INFAMOUS STORY mentioned in the Talmud-Mishna that a FUCKING RABBI VERMIN actually DEFEATED their own god JEHOFUCK in a debate. 

Jehofuck, their own god of thunder lightning weather and war, was HUMILIATED by a human rabbi. Talk about being an APEX PREDATOR. 

Trust me ... the J-WORD does not exist ... 馃挴 % MYTHOLOGICAL BULLSHIT. 

No matter what the rabbi vermin have been able to do, BULLSHIT IS STILL BULLSHIT. 

Because outside the pages of the Old Testicle, ALL THE CHARACTERS AND EVENTS listed and described in the first 10 BOOKS / CHAPTERS in the Old Testicle, are ALL fictitious invented made-up concocted imaginary cooked-up bamboozling hoodwinking nonsensical mendacious moronic malignant malicious mischievous RABBI propaganda with absolutely ZERO (means KIKEL in a bullshit invented language called YIDDISH which is an admixture of Arabic German Polish Lithuanian and Russian) 
hard factual scientific empirical archeological historical evidence of their existence, despite digging all over the Middle-East since 1799 when ARCHAEOLOGY first came into being as a science. 

But does Zelenskyy Dumpster Trudeau Milei Sheinbaum know all this you just read above? 


The Chinese Communist Party CCP Gov't knows all about it. The Russian Communist Party knows all about it. Anyone who has even half a brain can do the research and know all about it. I'm not talking about blind obedience and blind belief. I am talking actual research work, empirical scientific research work ... working with hard factual historical archeological EVIDENCE. There is ZERO (KIKEL) to be found in the pages of the FIRST TEN CHAPTERS / BOOKS of the Old Testicle. 

That is why I call them KIKELS or ZERO. 

Because this whole fucking community and their rabbi vermin have ZERO credentials, ZERO integrity, ZERO credibility, ZERO pedigree, ZERO history. 

It is not far fetched to dump the whole lot of them into a GREAT BIG POT called ARABIC HISTORY & ARABIC MYTHOLOGY. There's no such thing as H-WORD I-WORD J-WORD community language religion ... IT'S ALL ARABIC-ARAMAIC. 

Trying to sell the H-WORD I-WORD J-WORD is like trying to sell BRONZE AGE Greek mythology and Viking mythology as religions. 

Greek Mythology and Viking Mythology are BOTH LONG DEAD. 

In 2025, there's no place for H-WORD I-WORD J-WORD Bronze Age mythology either. 
bronze's bullshit. 


Photos : 

Milei of Argentina in Jerusalem. 
Zelenskyy in Kiev 


Wednesday, 19 February 2025

13 ways to get rid of KIKELS

There are several ways to get rid of KIKELS out of your country community society : 

(1) stop using / stop calling them the H-WORD , I-WORDS , J-WORD, instead use the K-WORD, KIKEL, meanning ZERO in a bullshit language called YIDDISH, a mixture of Arabic Russian Polish Lithuanian German and Bullshit ... 

(2) using laws and parliamentary legislation, permanently BAN all H-WORDS and I-WORDS and J-WORDS , sinagogues, the Old Testicle ... also ban bibles from hotels, motels, restaurants, etc ... also ban Yiddish ... also ban the Talmud, Mishra, etc ... 

(3) know that their bullshitu mythology they're trying to pass off as a religion is in fact a BRONZE AGE MYTHOLOGY from 3500 years ago or 1500 BC ... that's like trying to sell Greek Mythology (a Bronze Age mythology now dead) and Viking/Norse Mythology (another Bronze Age mythology now dead) as a ligit religion ... so permanently BAN their mythology ... 

(4) permanently ban all FIVE S-WORDS that were INVENTED in the 1770s and 1880s in Germany ... 

(5) stop buying from them, stop selling to them, fire these FUCKING FILTHY KIKELS if they happen to be in your company, terminate any contracts with them ... 

(6) put a flag of Palestine, Hamas, Hezb-Allah, Houthis, Eran in your office, in your home, in front of your house, anywhere where the flag(s) is prominently visible ... 

(7) permanently terminate the operating licenses of any company that does business in Occupied Palestine ... give these businesses one week to permanently terminate all operations and get out of Occupied Palestine ... 

(8) don't give the kikels, any kikel, one fucking penny of your money ... 

(9) permanently ban any product or service coming out of Occupied Palestine ... permanently ban the UPC codes from Occupied Palestine ... 

(10) using rules and regulations and parliamentary legislation, ban any travel to war zones like Occupied Palestine, and anyone who does travel there for any reason CANNOT return because their citizenship will have been terminated ... 

(11) remove Hamas Hezb-Allah Houthis Eran from the list of terrorist organizations ... 

(12) establish full diplomatic trade cultural relationships with all four quickly and robustly and aggressively, including free trade , military supplies, tech sharing, ETC ...  

(13) permanently ban dual citizenship.

Sunday, 9 February 2025


The CULT OF JEHOFUCK is the most dangerous cult on this planet in 2025. It fuels the zioNazis and the kikels.

This cult's membership is only limited to 20 million kikels, 10 mil International Bible Students Association (IBSA), 25 mil other who annually attend IBSA conferences, and other dirty degenerates of that ilk. And maybe several hundred million around the world primarily in the Carib- Central America, Mexico, Brazil, Canada, Britain, Australia, EwwwSA South, Deep South, Bible Belt, and Midwest. 

It is a potent cult, yet virtually the entire membership is 馃挴 % IGNORANT or brainwashed as to the origin of this god. 

3,500 years ago or 1500 BC, RIGHT IN THE THICK OF THE BRONZE AGE, in the land of CANAAN, modern day PALESTINE, lived THE ANCIENT CANAANITES. They believed in a whole family of divinities. These were mythological gods and goddesses. There were literally scores of them among which Baal, Ishtar, Jehofuck, and dozens of others have been listed / named in the historical and archeological records. Some of these deities, like Jehofuck, lived up in the sky. Jehofuck lived in the clouds, because he was one of several gods controlling clouds, thunder, lightning, and the weather. In an arid landscape like Canaan, the weather was THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT ELEMENT in daily life, so you can just imagine how important JEHOFUCK was and eventually became. 

He was, later on around 1000 BC or 3000 yrs ago (at a time COINCIDENTALLY when MONOTHEISTIC CANAANITES were warring against their POLYTHEISTIC COUSINS, and spreading throughout the immediate region) also made into one of the gods of war, with a lightning bolt in his right hand, depicted on clay pottery shards. His images on clay pottery shows a god that looks peculiarly like a cloven-hoofed goat holding a lightning in his right hand. 

Other gods in the Canaanite pantheon lived in rivers, lakes, forests, mountain tops, valleys, meadows, orchards, grains, fish, the hearth, soil, and of course the underworld. Some gods of life. Someone gods for children. Some goddeses for pregnant women. Some for strength. Some gods represented the Sun, the Moon, ETC ETC ETC, you get the point. There were more than 100 of these mythological magical invisible deities. Nobody ever saw these divinities in person in the flesh. And so the cannon lights made up stories about them the heroic. Deeds and representative on clay pottery, papyrus, stones, clay bricks, and other tools of inscription, of which thousands have been dug up all over Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, and Eraq. 

These days were nature gods. The Ancient Canaanites saw a god or a goddess in EVERYTHING they saw with their eyes, so a mountain would have a god. The weather would have a god. Lightning would have a god. A river would have a god. A lake would have a god, A forest/woodland would have a god. A fish too. A brook. Cows. Chickens. Pigs. Snakes. Pregnant women. The hearth in their homes. Fire. Water. Soil/earth. The dead. Everything had at least one god or goddess. 

In India, a few thousand kilometers away to the east, it was very much the same, where the ANCIENT WHITE ARAYANS that had invaded Ancient India of dark natives, brought with them the HINDU MYTHOLOGY of millions of divinities. There are 33 million gods and goddesses in India even today, and they're all nature deities. They do not exist in real life because nobody has ever seen them physically, and so the Hindus MAKE UP MYTHICAL STORIES about these divinities, their heroic exploits and adventures, romantic affairs, and constant intervention/interference in the lives of mortal humans. They Hindus created physical images in the likenesses of these gods and goddesses. For examples MITRA ... and KALI who has black skin, a long blood-stained tongue, and many arms holding weapons, fruits, and lightning. Lingham is a god representing the male penis. Stone and marble penises representing Lingam/Linga are found all over Indis. Cobras have a god. Elephants have a God. Hanuman is the Monkey-God. 

North of Canaan, in Anatolia (modern day TURKEY), was the Empire of the HITTIES ... in northern Syria, was the MITANNI EMPIRE ... in Ancient Eran, the Aryan Persians and other Eranian tribes. The Hitties and the Mitanni and the Eranian peoples ALL SPOKE LANGUAGES closely related to SANSKRIT, the language of the ARYAN / WHITE / INDO-EUROPEAN Hindu invaders in India ... they also shared very similar gods and goddesses, such as Mithra. Each Indo-European / White / Aryan community and culture, from Anatolia to Greece to Russia to Eran to India to Ireland to Gaul (France) to Britain to Germany to the Romans/Italy, MADE UP / INVENTED their own unique gods over thousands of years. 

So that was the same among the Ancient Canaanites. These people were ARABS from NABATAEA (present day Jordan), from Syria, and from Yemen ... they spoke an early form of Arabic, and later on, from 1500 BC to 500 AD, a localized variation/ dialect of Arabic called ARABIC-ARAMAIC or simply ARAMAIC, a dialect THE KIKELS HAVE TRIED TO STEAL AND RENAME so-called "Hebrew", the mythological H-WORD ... the kikels try to STEAL everything in sight, so no one should be surprised by their attempt to STEAL ARABIC-ARAMAIC and RENAME IT BY THE H-WORD. 

All the other gods of the Ancient Canaanites have not really gone / disappeared into the mists of history ... they STILL EXIST, in the form of the KABALA, the ancient mysticism of the KIKEL RABBIS.

Yet, since 1000 BC, or 3000 years ago, during the TERRITORIAL EXPANSION of the MONOTHEISTIC CANAANITES, 
Jehofuck has been elevated to thr position OF THE SUPREME DEITY ... god of thunder, god of lightning, god of war, the god that looks like a cloven-hoofed goat, complete with 2 huge horns, hooves, a long beard, and a goat's face. 

WHY? No body knows. 

I personally couldn't give a flying fuck about the mythological Jehofuck. PUN INTENDED. 馃槅 馃ぃ

Tuesday, 4 February 2025

The View

All you pp are FUCKING MORONS. 

WITHOUT doing a due diligence,  WITHOUT researching on , and newsnow .com , you fucking morons are commenting like as if The View has been cancelled. 

What a bunch of right-wing rats and fascist freaks & crazies & loonies. 

The View has not been canceled. 

The View has not been canceled!!  

In fact, the show is currently in its 28th season and remains America's most-watched daytime talk show. 

ABC continues to schedule guests for the show, with Bill Gates appearing on Tuesday, February 4, 2025. 

The show's executive producer Brian Teta has noted its high viewership, and despite social media rumors, there are no official plans to cancel the program.

The current hosts - Whoopi Goldberg, Joy Behar, Ana Navarro, Sara Haines, Sunny Hostin, and Alyssa Farah Griffin - continue to produce new episodes, and the show remains a priority destination for political discussions and celebrity interviews. 

The View has become the most-viewed news and talk program in daytime television.

Saturday, 1 February 2025

Do not post anti-China shit

Sweatshops did exist in China, but THE VERY LAST ONES ARE RAPIDLY BEING CLOSED DOWN since the CHEAP LABOUR industry has long gone to MEXICO, VIETNAM, INDIA, ETC. 

China is NO LONGER the CHEAP LABOR / MARKET/ SOURCE/ POOL of the 1980s and 1990s. 

China is now a HIGH-INCOME country with the WORLD'S LARGEST ECONOMY based on PPP (purchasing power parity), the only true measure of a country's real wealth. 

I posted several FACEBOOK REEL VIDEOS about this recently which pretty much debunks claim of sweatshops still in existence in China : Western CEOs talking about WHY they keep going to China even though China is no longer the cheap labor pool it used to be. 

The Chinese middle-class, 1.3 billion strong in a population of 1.4 billion, and the LARGEST in world history, is also the RICHEST in world history, is sitting on 15 TRILLION DOLLARS IN PERSONAL SAVINGS, not incl their primary houses and property assets. They don't need sweatshops any longer. China is a rich continent all by itself at this time. Increasingly, it no longer requires foreign trade partners, which it only requires for ENERGY SUPPLIES ... because everything the Chinese economy is making right now is BEING DEVOURED by the CHINESE CONSUMER. China needs foreign trade partners only because of energy supplies and ERGO it is spending TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS in building its BRICKS & ROAD INITIATIVE BRI through DOZENS OF COUNTRIES, ostensibly to STABILIZE AND STRENGTHEN ITS ENERGY SUPPLIES. 

Furthermore, China has some of the richest billionaires and multi-billionaires in the world, but they're not oligarchs because the Chinese Govt has 馃挴 % COMPLETE CONTROL over everything these billionaires, these so-called "Chinese oligarchs" , say and do. 

I have posted many times that the Chinese CCP Govt owns / controls 80% to 90% of the entire CHINESE ECONOMY, and owns / controls up 80% to 90% of ALL COMPANIES BASED IN CHINA. 

What that means is that THE CCP GOVT also control the power and the assets and the money of these billionaires and so-called "Chinese oligarchs". 

So in essence, the term "Chinese oligarchs" DOES NOT EXIST ... it is illogical in a COMMUNIST- SOCIALIST SYSTEM like China in which the CCP GOVT owns and controls up to 90% of the Chinese economy and up to 90% of all companies in China. 

This "Chinese oligarchs" term is nothing more than INFANTILE DECEITFUL PROPAGANDA used by WESTERN LIARS DECEIVERS FUCKTARDS who either know VERY LITTLE about what is actually happening in China, or who know a GREAT DEAL but are LYING AND DECEIVING THE WESTERN GENERAL PUBLIC for the purposes of controlling the narrative and installing anti-China policies. 

By controlling up to 90% of the economy and 90% of all companies, the Chinese CCP Govt TIGHTLY CONTROLS EVERY BILLIONAIRE AND "OLIGARCH" in China.

If any of them GETS OUT OF LINE AND STARTS ACTING INDEPENDENTLY, they IMMEDIATELY end up in jail with all their assets confiscated immediately and their job / career / position in that company TERMINATED IMMEDIATELY. 

I can provide links to thousands of news articles about this. 

So billionaires and "oligarchs" really do not have any power in China. The money and other assets they have are only allowed by the CCP GOVT. 

I've been posting a lot of information about China, and you should be reading them to educate yourself. These are based on news articles in Chinese AND western media. 

If you have an anti-China FETISH, please take that fucking bullshit somewhere else, because as of RIGHT NOW, I'll be DELETING ALL ANTI CHINA COMMENTS. Got it? You must be willing to do the research BEFORE you post stupid fucking claims and NONSENSICAL Western PROPAGANDA on my Facebook real estate. 

You have been given FAIR WARNING. 

