Wednesday, 19 February 2025

13 ways to get rid of KIKELS

There are several ways to get rid of KIKELS out of your country community society : 

(1) stop using / stop calling them the H-WORD , I-WORDS , J-WORD, instead use the K-WORD, KIKEL, meanning ZERO in a bullshit language called YIDDISH, a mixture of Arabic Russian Polish Lithuanian German and Bullshit ... 

(2) using laws and parliamentary legislation, permanently BAN all H-WORDS and I-WORDS and J-WORDS , sinagogues, the Old Testicle ... also ban bibles from hotels, motels, restaurants, etc ... also ban Yiddish ... also ban the Talmud, Mishra, etc ... 

(3) know that their bullshitu mythology they're trying to pass off as a religion is in fact a BRONZE AGE MYTHOLOGY from 3500 years ago or 1500 BC ... that's like trying to sell Greek Mythology (a Bronze Age mythology now dead) and Viking/Norse Mythology (another Bronze Age mythology now dead) as a ligit religion ... so permanently BAN their mythology ... 

(4) permanently ban all FIVE S-WORDS that were INVENTED in the 1770s and 1880s in Germany ... 

(5) stop buying from them, stop selling to them, fire these FUCKING FILTHY KIKELS if they happen to be in your company, terminate any contracts with them ... 

(6) put a flag of Palestine, Hamas, Hezb-Allah, Houthis, Eran in your office, in your home, in front of your house, anywhere where the flag(s) is prominently visible ... 

(7) permanently terminate the operating licenses of any company that does business in Occupied Palestine ... give these businesses one week to permanently terminate all operations and get out of Occupied Palestine ... 

(8) don't give the kikels, any kikel, one fucking penny of your money ... 

(9) permanently ban any product or service coming out of Occupied Palestine ... permanently ban the UPC codes from Occupied Palestine ... 

(10) using rules and regulations and parliamentary legislation, ban any travel to war zones like Occupied Palestine, and anyone who does travel there for any reason CANNOT return because their citizenship will have been terminated ... 

(11) remove Hamas Hezb-Allah Houthis Eran from the list of terrorist organizations ... 

(12) establish full diplomatic trade cultural relationships with all four quickly and robustly and aggressively, including free trade , military supplies, tech sharing, ETC ...  

(13) permanently ban dual citizenship.

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