Saturday 14 September 2024

Protect Your Posts

Whenever you post anything on Facebook, always remember to copy the post word for ward to OTHER PLATFORMS ... Blogger is one, Telegram is another, MeWe still another. THERE ARE MANY. Having your own website and corporate email addresses as well as the large online storage the website comes with is another option. You should also copy it to a STACKED SSD EXTERNAL DRIVE ... Evernote is very handy ... MS OneNote is another, although Microsoft is a zionist-mafia controlled censoring panel ... your best bets would be your own website and the stacked SDD external drive you can easily attach to your cellphone / laptop / desktop. 

To all my Facebook friends ... I am making a COPIES of all my Facebook posts as well as posts on Telegram and TikTok. These copies are being DEPOSITED into my account. But because I do NOT trust Google OR ANY US-BASED email service, because these services are almost always controlled by ZIONAZIS AND ZIONIST-MAFIA CRIMINAL FUCKHEADS, I am also depositing these posts, WORD FOR WORD, on three other places : a CD, a DVD, and a stacked external hard drive, 4 TB. I strongly advice you to do the same. This way, if any of these censoring criminals mess with your uploads, simply RE-UPLOAD AGAIN AND AGAIN. 

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