Wednesday 24 July 2024

No Such Thing As Abraham Accords

There is NO SUCH TREATY as the so-called "Aabraham Accords". 

It is ILLOGICAL to name a treaty after a MYTHOLOGICAL FIGURE whose very existence can only be found in the rabbi-written so-called "bible". 


MODERN ARCHEOLOGY dates from 01 July 1798, when diggers (at the time called HISTORIAN DIGGERS by French authorities) accompanied Napoleon Bonaparte to Egypt during his invasion of Egypt, Sinai, and the Levant that year. 

Since then till today, a span of over 225 years of ARCHEOLOGICAL RESEARCH AND DIGGING, not one single piece of factual hard scientific empirical historical archeological EVIDENCE has ever been found PROVING THE HISTORICITY / EXISTENCE of Adham (Adam), Hawah (Eve), Noh (Noah), Noh's flood, Sem/Shem, Ibrahim (Abraham), Ishmael (Ismail), Ishak (Issac), Looth (Lot), Yacoub (Jacob), Yusuf (Joseph), Yahooda (Judah), Musa (Moses), Haroon (Aaron), Dawood (David), Suleiman (Solomon), Shams (Samson), Layla (Delilah), ETC... these names of these MYTHOLOGICAL FIGURES are the original Arabic-Aramaic names found in the original Arabic-Aramaic "bible" ... the corresponding names in the brackets were INVENTED in the late 800s AD by Anglo-Saxon theologians in the royal court of King Alfred of United England, who ordered these theologians to TRANSLATE significant parts of the ancient Arabic-Aramaic biblical texts into the vernacular Old English ... and that's how these names within the brackets shown above have come down to us. 

Here's the kicker ... if those Anglo-Saxon theologians did not, I REPEAT DID NOT, translate the ancient Arabic-Aramaic texts into Old English, those ancient Arabic-Aramaic names would still be in existence, meaning that we would know 💯 % FOR SURE that the ANCIENT CANAANITES were NOT a separate distinct different identifiable culture religion language community (the so-called H-WORD, I-WORD, J-WORD), but were INDEED ANCIENT ARABS who spoke a LOCALIZED VARIATION/DIALECT OF ARABIC CALLED ARAMAIC, the official vernacular / de facto tongue of the Syria-to-Sinai region, and that these ARABIC-ARAMAIC NAMES shown above are proof positive of the ARABIC CULTURE TRADITIONS LANGUAGE AND MYTHOLOGIES of those ancient Arab-Canaanite natives of the Levant. 


Let me reiterate by saying that KIKEL MYTHOLOGY, which is actually ARAB MYTHOLOGY, dating from THE BRONZE AGE, around 1500 BC or 3500 years ago, is still MYTHOLOGY. 

Mythology is mythology, meaning that the contents of a mythology (figures and events surrounding them) cannot be, nor have ever been, positively scientifically empirically proven to exist via archaeology anthropology biology zoology botany geology physics and chemistry of the EVIDENCE-BASED PHYSICAL SCIENCES. 

Other Bronze Age mythologies, like Greek Mythology, Sumerian Mythology, Akkadian Mythology, Assyrian Mythology, Druid Mythology, Viking/Norse Mythology, Egyptian Mythology, ETC, ARE ALL DEAD. 

Only Hinduism of the Bronze Age is still alive, and only because India still exists as the ONLY HINDU MAJORITY country, as it was 3,500 years ago!!  

What I call KIKELISM / CANAANITISM / ARAB MYTHOLOGY, is being peddled as a genuine religion, which it is NOT. 

If we allow ANCIENT ARAB MYTHOLOGY to be peddled as a RELIGION TODAY, then there's NO REASON why Greek Mythology and other Bronze Age mythologies cannot be sold as religions in modern times either. 


There is no such thing as "Abraham Accords" ... it is all just a whole lot of bullshit kikel-operated zionist-mafia lies deceits nonsense brainwashing and propaganda. 


Not to mention the fact that every one of these Arab regimes that have signed this so-called "Accords" HAVE ZERO DEMOCRATIC CREDENTIALS history institutions and culture ... they're ALL authoritarian or monarchical dictatorship regimes that have virtually zero public support. 

To give diplomatic support to this so-called "Accords" is to give these murderous Arab dictatorships credibility and integrity and recognition, which THEY DO NOT HAVE. 

Canada must steer clear of recognizing this "treaty" between a kikel-operated zionist-mafia racist fascist apartheid regime and a few Arab dictatorships. 


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