Sunday 12 May 2024

How To Keep KIKELS Out Of Your Country

How to keep KIKELS out of your country ... 

● 1 ... Terminate dual citizenship. 

● 2 ... BDS is national government policy.  

● 3 ... Declare Occupied Palestine as a war zone. 

● 4 ... Pass a legislation that any citizen who travels to a WAR ZONE such as Occupied Palestine cannot return to Canada because the individual's citizenship will be revoked / nullified. 

● 5 ... Pass a legislation to recognize Palestine as a State, accord the govt of Palestine full diplomatic support. 

● 6 ... Establish Canadian embassy in Gaza. 

● 7 ... Establish preferential trade ties, even free trade, with the State of Palestine. 

Repeat with Lebanon , Eraq , Eran , Yemen , Syria , Russia , Vietnam , China , Nicaragua , Venezuela , Bolivia , Brazil , Cuba , Laos , Cambodia , Malaysia , Kuwait , South Africa, and other anti-Pissrael governments. 

● 8 ... Terminate diplomatic recognition permanently of the zioNazi zionist-mafia apartheid kikel colony regime in Occupied Palestine ... give that regime 24 hours to shut down all consulates and the embassies in Ottawa, and remove all diplomatic personals out of Canada within 24 hours. 

● 9 ... Terminate all export - import trade , and establish full-spectrum economic, diplomatic, commercial, cultural, military sanctions against the kikel colony apartheid zioNazi regime in Occupied Palestine. 

● 10 ... Terminate all sanctions against Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis, Iran, Syria, Russia, Lebanon, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba, North-Korea, and Yemen. 

● 11 ... Ban the blue zionist-mafia kikel colony flag permanently, and force all buildings and institutions and organizations to remove that flag immediately or else face immediate all assets seizure/confiscation. 

● 12 ... If Florida can ban books, if Texas and Arizona can ban abortion, then there is no reason why the Canadian Federal Government cannot ban these five words : SEMITE , SEMITIC , ANTI-SEMITE , ANTI-SEMITIC , ANTI-SEMITISM ... any media outlet, any individual, or organization who uses these words will face immediate arrest, and confiscation of all assets ... these five words were invented in the 1770s and 1880s and did not exist before. 

● 13 ... Ban the I-words , the J-words , the H-words too ... under the same immediate penalties. 

● 14 ... Declare so-called "judaism" to be MYTHOLOGY not afforded freedom of religion protection by the Canadian Govt ... the Canadian Govt will have to use the NOTWITHSTANDING CLAUSE itself this time. 

● 15 ... Ban Kikel Mythology (the Old Testicle) ... ban the Talmud ... ban the Mishna ... all are mythologies, not accorded State protection ... use the exact same logic and laws as Florida's Rat-infested 🐀 right-wing regime used to ban hundreds of culturally iconic books ... warn the DC Mob that Canadian laws banning those five words, the H-words, the I-words, the J-words, as well as Kikel Mythology, the Talmud, and the Mishna will remain in place as long as Florida's banning books remain in place.  

● 16 ... Establish a 5 million dollar reward for information leading to the arrest or killing of Mossad agents, operatives, terrorists, informants, spies, saboteur, and provocateurs in Canada. 

● 17 ... Order all cultural centers, buildings, offices, agencies, organizations, NGOs, and businesses affiliated with the zioNazi zionist-mafia regime in Occupied Palestine, or based in Occupied Palestine, to shut down all operations within 24 hours, or face immediate confiscation of all assets and arrest of all persons at these locations and entities. 

● 18 ... Order all kikel rabbis to leave Canada within 24 hours, or face arrest, deportation, revocation of citizenship, massive fines, and indefinite federal prison terms. 

● 19 ... Order all sinagogues to immediately cease operation ... confiscation of these buildings will follow immediately, followed by a public auctioning off these buildings. 

● 20 ... Order all merchandise in retail stores, export-import companies, warehouses, distribution centers, to surrender to RCMP all merchandise from Occupied Palestine ... swift seizure will follow ... by extension, ban all merchandise with the specific UPC BAR CODE representing Occupied Palestine. 


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