Wednesday 31 January 2024


No such thing as so-called "jews" ... no such thing as "history" of the "jews" ... TRY MYTHOLOGY INSTEAD ... there is absolutely NOT ONE SINGLE PIECE of hard fact, hard archeological and historical EVIDENCE, that Abraham had ever existed ... the Old Testicle, I repeat, the Old Testicle, is not, I repeat is not, an historical account of anything ... OUTSIDE the pages of the Old Testicle, specifically Genesis and Exodus, THERE IS NOT ONE SINGLE PIECE OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL EVIDENCE that Adam, Eve, Noah, his 3 sons including Sem/Shem, Ever/Eber the father of Abraham, Abraham himself, his 2 sons Ismail and Issac, the 2 sons of Issac (Esau and Jacob), all of Jacob's sons who were chieftains of their tribes, 12 or 13 tribes in total, EVER HAD EXISTED ... since Abraham and his father are MYTHICAL, then the words "hebrew" / "ivri" / "ibri" / "ivrihim" / "ibrihim" CANNOT EXIST and are also INVENTED / MADE-UP / MYTHICAL because these FIVE WORDS are derived from the names Eber, Ever, and Abraham ... by extension, then, ALL of Abraham's DESCENDANTS also are MYTHICAL AND DID NOT / CANNOT EXIST ... meaning there was NO Ismail Isaac Esau Jacob Joseph Judah Moses Aaron David Solomon ... all of these ppl, the 12 / 13 tribes, all the events SURROUNDING THEM too, are INVENTED / MADE-UP / MYTHICAL ... since those tribes never existed, including Judah, that means "Judaism", which is derived from "Judah" CANNOT EXIST ... by extension the word "jew" , also derived from "Judah" also CANNOT EXIST ... therefore, so-called "Judaism" is MYTHICAL ... by extension so-called "jew" is also MYTHICAL. They DO NOT have a history ... they have MYTHOLOGY ... THEY do not exist as a people. They are, in fact, ARABS, who speak an ANCIENT ARABIC DIALECT called ARAMAIC, falsely/wrongly labelled "hebrew" which in reality DOES NOT EXIST ... the words "hebrew" and "jew" and "judaism" are used by Western historians and deceitful mendacious PROPAGANDISTS ONLY TO GIVE LEGITIMACY to this group of people, to make them somehow stand out from / BE DIFFERENT FROM other MID-EAST people, like the Arabs, when IN FACT / IN REALITY, these so-called "jews" ARE INDEED ARABS speaking an ARABIC DIALECT. 

One final point ... since Noah is mythical, so are his 3 sons, including Sem / Shem ... since the father is mythical/never existed, then the son also cannot exist ... this is pure logic ... since Sem / Shem is mythical, then the words "semites", "semitic" , "anti-semite" , "anti-semitic" , and "anti-semitism" also CANNOT EXIST ... in fact, these are all MADE-UP / INVENTED STUPID SHIT. In fact, the word "SEMITE" was FIRST INVENTED by a racist rabidly right-wing extremist conservative UNIVERSITY in GERMANY in the late 1770s ... before that time, nobody had ever used THAT WORD "SEMITE" to describe any group of people or race or religion. Furthermore, the words "anti-semitism" and "anti-semite" and "anti-semitic" were FIRST INVENTED by a racist right-wing conservative extremists journalist in Germany in the late 1870s ... he was the infamous WILHELM MARR ... before him no one had ever used THOSE 3 WORDS to describe anybody. Today , the KIKEL (my YIDDISH word for "jews" because they are ZERO , they do not exist), and the western deceitful mendacious PROPAGANDISTS use these words like as if these words mean something ... THEY DO NOT. 

How pathetic. These ppl think the rest of humanity are ALL STUPID, easily brainwashable. 


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