Thursday, 15 September 2022

Roe V Wade

Joe Biden is a FUCKING CUNT ... a  IDIOT neo-liberal (read CLOSET CONSERVATIVE) who is peddling almost the same steaming heap of monkeycrap as the Rats (RatpubliKKKan neo-conservatives). 

Did YOU ever ask yourself : why is it that the ROE V. WADE Supreme Court decision in 1974, was NEVER IMPLEMENTED AS A FEDERAL LAW by Biden or by Obama or by Clinton or any of these so called Democrat presidents claiming to be on the left?  Any one of them could have used their EXECUTIVE PRESIDENTIAL POWERS AND PREROGATIVES  to make that Supreme Court decision a FEDERAL LAW TO BE ENFORCED in every single state in the Union but it was never done.  None of them, not one of them, even tried to make that Supreme Court decision a federal law. 

Instead what we saw in 2022 is that a bunch of neanderthal hillbilly right-wing Rats judges appointed by Donald Dumpster OVERTURNED Roe V Wade, thereby taking away the right to safe healthcare and women's right to their own  reproductive systen across the entire USA. 

Biden came to power in 2020, and he knew full well that a right-wing Supreme Court may well indeed overturn Roe V Wade , and the issue was all over the media ... yet this closet-cuntservative bastard did nothing. 

Neo-libs and neo-cons ... TWO SIDES of the SAME COIN, meaning the SAME PROPAGANDA and the same brainwashing monkeycrap but packaged in two separate briefcases. 

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