Sunday 15 May 2022

Euro-Vision 2022

If the Ukis had sang an ABBA song,  they would still have won ... this is like allowing Palestine-occupying neo-Nazi neo-fascist apartheidist racist anti-Semitic murderous Pissrael Jewish criminals into the United Nations building in NYC ... just another blatant example of WESTERN AMERIKKKA-CRAFTED BULLSHIT POLITICIZED SHAMELESS PROPAGANDA LOL 😆 absolutely shameful performance by this zero-talent gang.  It's a good thing their fake "country" with the fake name will not last much longer and REVERT BACK TO THE "KIEV REGION" under the control of Mother Russia.  Trying to separate Kiev from Moscow is like trying to separate California from the USA, or Ontario from Canada, or Manchester from London ... just ain't gonna happen.


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