Saturday, 21 May 2022



#1 : 

This is a HARVESTER & AGGREGATOR app / software / website, that harvests and aggregates the real-time INFORMATICS (information and data analytics) of all the world's 
and to a much lesser extent, 
* ETFS, 


#2 : 

This will be a cellphone app / computer software / website that we will NOT BE selling to anyone as an unit of product. 


#3 : 

Instead, it will a financial services tool, based on pay-per-use and membership-based, for individuals and businesses to use for trading Commodities and Derivatives. 

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This is an auto-trading / robot trading / robot assistant APP that utilizes A VERY HEAVY AMOUNT OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (A.I.) (MACHINE LEARNING ALGORITHMS), downloaded and installed on CELLPHONES, for trading in the COMMODITIES & DERIVATIVES MARKETS ONLY.   

The 3 main cellphone Operating System (OS) platforms are : 
* iPhone / iOS 
* Windows 
* Android 




This is an auto-trading / robot trading / robot assistant SOFTWARE that utilizes A VERY HEAVY AMOUNT OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (A.I.) (MACHINE LEARNING ALGORITHMS), downloaded and installed on COMPUTER DEVICES like desktops, laptops, and tablets, for trading in the COMMODITIES & DERIVATIVES MARKETS ONLY.  

The 3 main computer disk operating systems (DOS) are : 
* Apple OS / iOS 
* Windows OS
* Open-source OS (Linux OS, Linux-based Ubuntu OS and Fedora Mint OS, ETC, Google Android OS, Unix OS) 






The 4 main browsers are : 
Apple Safari 
Internet Explorer / Microsoft Edge 
Google Chrome 

The WEBSITE must load and run on ALL FOUR MAIN BROWSERS. 

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* Data harvesting / compiling / aggregating from the MARKETS listed above

* automated data analysis 

* news harvesting / compiling /  aggregating and analysis

* metadata analytics and presents the data and analysis in real-time 

* MACHINE LEARNING ALGORITHMS will enable this trading tool to  AUTOMATICALLY ASSIST the user in PLACING TRADES (called HOLD and PUT) ... the trading tool will perform WIITHIN PARAMETERS AND BOUNDARIES SET by the user ... there will be many check-listed parameters,  such as a traider selecting to be either an aggressive trader or a conservative trader, which Commodities to trade or not, which Derivatives to trade or not, ETC - -  a complete and lengthy list of user check-marked variables / parameters / performances will be compiled by the Engineering & Programming Department and the Department of Product Development ... through the trading process performed many times, the trading tool will learn from the user's trading behavior and asset trading trend of the user, thereby being able to, in many cases, PREDICT the user's next trade move or future trade moves, based on the data being CONTINUOUSLY harvested and aggregated from the world's markets indexes (indicies) and the info-analytics performed by the trading tool as AUTOMATIC BACKGROUND PROCESSES ... this is called AUTO-TRADING / AUTO-TRADER / ROBOT TRADING / ROBOTIC TRADING / ROBOT-ASSISTED TRADING / ROBOTIC TRADING ASSISTANT. 

Future upgrade/update may include a female or male voice integrated into the trading tool, and several different languages (Arabic, English, French, German, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Urdu), and several different accents (American, Australian, British, German, Irish, Russian, Spanish). 

To make our website more STICKY, we may integrate weather and music/Internet radio, but NOTHING, including ads, that will DISTRACT the user from the business of trading. 

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TradeTech / TradeTek 

DayTraders Group 


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I am creating a start-up company, yet to be named. 

On my list of Projects, this is PROJECT #8, raised from its PREVIOUS STATUS as Project-19, due to its increasing IMPORTANCE and POTENTIAL and IMPACT, called IPI in investment language.  It began its development at Project #98 in 2015. 

I am seeking a few Level 4 and Level 5 (Engineering level and Administration level) programmers to work in a team environment to produce an ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE-BASED (ALGORITHMS for MACHINE LEARNING) APP FOR CELLPHONES, the same as a  SOFTWARE FOR COMPUTER DEVICES, and this TOOL INTEGRATED INTO A WEBSITE ... that will revolutionize auto-trading (robot trading) in the COMMODITIES MARKETS AND DERIVATIVES MARKET (OPTIONS & FUTURES & FORWARDS). 

REMUNERATION commensurate with experience and performance.  USD $250,000 or equivalent in your currency, per year, for top-level experience and performance, plus bonuses, plus possibility of executive  even partnership positions. 

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Derivatives are essentially INSURANCE POLICIES you can take out on SPECIFIC COMMODITIES.  

This link has the answer:

These insurance policies are always bought and sold within seconds and minutes and hours, rather than days and weeks and months. 

Right away, you now know that Derivatives are interconnected with Commodities.  In fact, the Derivatives market is intrinsically linked with the Commodities market. 

Instead of buying, and thus taking possession of, large quantities of physical commodities that always requires large amounts of money for often lengthy periods of time, Derivatives traders buy and sell Derivatives within very short periods of time.  Thus the phrase DAY TRADING.  

Instead of buying and holding onto stocks and bonds for days and weeks and even months, Derivatives traders buy and sell Derivatives within very short periods of time.  Thus it's called DAY TRADING.  

To be able to buy and sell Derivatives is a skill everyone should possess who wish to LOGICALLY get away from the turbulent and often money-losing ups & downs of the stock markets (equities/shares, and mutual funds).  



In fact, I have a secret to share with all of you: banks, large private and public investors, trusts, and investment banks, the 5 APEX PREDATORS in our capitalist economy, do not, I REPEAT DO NOT, usually buy and sell stocks and bonds and mutual funds, an exercise that requires massive amounts of money and tons of precious time, and I am talking days and weeks and even months (called HOLD instead of SELL). 

So what they do with YOUR MONEY that YOU DEPOSIT in their institutions, is that they buy and sell Derivatives, and they buy and sell Commodities, like the USD, Euro, Yen, oil, gold, and silver, among others, which require a FRACTION of the funds required to buy massive numbers of shares in companies ... and take far less time to buy and sell ... and what YOU RECEIVE in return for all your MISPLACED TRUST in these financial institutions and YOUR DEPOSITS in their branches, is a very VERY small percentage of their trade REVENUES in the Derivatives—Commodities markets!!  

Let me give you an example: Larry Larry is a multi-billionaire or an institutional investor, who is the blue-chip client, could be a person,  could be a company, could be a  government, could be a pension fund, whatever, and he goes to TD Canada Trust and he agrees to tie up 100 million dollars or 1 billion dollars for 5 years or 10 years, could be more or could be less, into a GUARANTEED INVESTMENT high-return investment vehicle, could be a Guaranteed Investment Certificate (GIC), could be a blind-trust fund, could be any kind of high-yield annually-accruing interest investment portfolio, and the return on his investment is 3%, or 8% (often available at Caisse Populaire Desjardins), could be 15%, or 20%, could be 25% or even 35%, could be as high as 40% (usually the absolute maximum) ... so TD will take that massive amount of money and give it to its investment banking arm, PriceWaterhouseCooper (PwC), and what PwC does is that it rolls that money over and over, and like clockwork, gives Larry their (TD-PwC) blue-chip client his annually accruing interest which is very high, and will guarantee his investment deposit (that is, after the full term is over he will not just get back his investment deposit in full, he will also be earning that high interest every year) ... Larry is as happy as a clam ...  what Larry does not know is that TD-PwC will not roll his money through the stock markets and mutual  funds and high-yield bonds, instead what they will do is that they will roll his money over and over into buying and selling Commodities and Derivatives,  and give him his agreed-upon interest,  but they will earn the vast majority of the revenues from his investment deposit ... how much? ... think of at least double, or triple, or quadruple, or even higher ... if he is getting say 10% interest, they are making several times more, FROM HIS MONEY ... if our AI-POWERED trading tool can one day become an investment banking house,  we too can be making that kind of money on our clients' deposits ... and every body is happy!   No decent bank today has assets of less than one trillion dollars.  There's so much money floating around out there it truly boggles the mind.  If the NYSE (New York Stock Exchange) / Dow Jones shows 35,000 points, it means there are at least 35 trillion dollars  circulating in just that ONE stock market index ... ALL the stock indexes in the USA (the Dow, S&P, etc) offering stocks and bonds and mutual funds, are circulating around 50 trillion dollars annually ... however, just in China alone, last year's (2021) Commodities and Derivatives trading was worth 90 trillion dollars (see the news article from Xinhua).  If our AI-based trading tool can get into the Commodities-Derivatives markets, and just take a fraction of the trading action, even if we are earning revenues from membership-based and pay-per-use activities, it'll be worth tens of billions of dollars.  You get the picture.  



The stock markets, corporate shares, bonds, and mutual funds are among the BIGGEST SCAMS going in an increasingly-unregulated marketplace. 

What the banks, large private and public investors, investment banks, trusts, the stock market pundits, governments, and media allies / parrots / talking heads WILL NOT TELL YOU is that THE TRUE MONETARY MEASURE of a nation's wealth, THE TRUE MONETARY MEASURE of personal wealth, is HOW and AT WHAT LEVELS we invest in the DERIVATIVES MARKET AND COMMODITIES MARKET, instead of the stock markets, stocks, bonds, and mutual funds.  

Currently and illogically, the "marketplace" narrative is being controlled and promoted and propagandized by stock market "pundits", governments, banks, investment banks, trusts, and private and public institutional investors, in other words those who control the vast majority of stocks and bonds and mutual funds.  It does not help that they have parrots / allies / talking heads in the CONTROLLED MASS MAIN STREAM MEDIA (MSM). 

Because these players control most of the wealth (assets) and money in our society, these are the SAME PLAYERS who are heavily into trading in the Derivatives—Commodities markets.  THEY just don't want YOU to know about it ... THEY want YOU to focus on, you guessed it, the stock markets, stocks, bonds, IPOs, and mutual funds. 

It is true that trading in the Derivatives—Commodities markets is RISKIER than owning stocks and bonds and mutual funds in your investment portfolio, especially shares  that provide DIVIDEND INCOME, and it is true that governments often have strict set of rules about trading in these markets. 

However, it does not take an 8 year old to figure out that these governmental policies and programs and measures to "SAFEGUARD INVESTORS", are really NOTHING BUT HOODWINKING AND BAMBOOZLING the general population into believing that WE ABSOLUTELY NEED mutual funds and stocks and bonds, and by extension, the stock markets. 

NO WE DO NOT!! THEIR narrative is NOT TRUE.  These are the usual CORPORATE LIES AND DECIETS.  These are ALL FALLACIES!!   

The stock markets and stocks and bonds and mutual funds and IPOs only exist TO ENRICH THOSE MAJOR PLAYERS MENTIONED enrich the CORPORATE ELITES and the POLITICAL ELITES. 

Corporate Elites and Political Elites are almost always IDENTICAL TO EACH OTHER : they go the same schools, the same clubs, the same parties ... one scratches the other's back ... and they're almost always INTERCHANGEABLE in corporations and in politics, called the POLITICAL-CORPORATE NEXUS. 

And that's all it really is : the stock markets and stocks and bonds and mutual funds and IPOs exist only to put money into THE HANDS OF CORPORATE ELITES, ostensibly to fund THEIR PET PROJECTS ... the stock markets and stocks and IPOs and bonds and mutual funds only REPRESENT HOW THOSE PLAYERS, THE CORPORATE ELITES, RAISE CAPITAL FUNDS FROM PEOPLE WHO SHOULD KNOW BETTER. 



However, IN FACT, trading Derivatives—
Commodities is where the true measure of your wealth lies, and those who are able to use their intellect and money to skillfully trade in the Derivatives—Commodities markets will realize wealth and wealth-building far quicker and more meaningfully than owning any mutual funds and stocks and bonds. 

What THEY are not telling you is that Commodities are the MUST materials we require in our economy, in our daily lives, on a daily basis, such as copper, steel, iron, orange juice, beef, sugar, salt, wheat, corn, maize, flour, the US dollar, the Euro, gold, silver, oil, petroleum, home heating oil, jet fuel, kerosene, lumber, pulp & paper, and many others.  Commodities are the building blocks of our economy.  Most often they are materials that come raw and right out of the Earth, this beautiful planet, our homeworld.  We DO NOT REQUIRE stocks and bonds and mutual funds anywhere near the same level and importance as we require Commodities!  This is what THEY are not telling you you.  THEY are lying to you and deceiving you.  Stocks and bonds and mutual funds and stock markets are not anywhere near as important as having gasoline in your car, cereals and foodstuffs on your table, or gold in your investment portfolio. 

Trading in Derivatives—Commodities means that you own a part of this Earth, and what comes out of this beautiful and resources-filled Planet, and so for people like me, artists like me, trading in Derivatives—Commodities is a much more romantic, logical, moral, and ethical exercise and experience in investing!  Take out the ART out of EARTH and you are left with EH.  

EH? is the word I associate with the stock markets, stocks, bonds, IPOs, and mutual funds.  They are as confusing as hell, DELIBERATELY SO, even the rules and regulations are deliberately confusing, created by those who run these scams, so that you are bamboozled and hoodwinked into putting your hard-earned money into these scams.  



Owning stocks and bonds and mutual funds in often immoral and unethical and criminal corporations and their shenanigans (and by extension investing in their often nameless and faceless owners and executives and managers) does not sit well with me, I am sorry to say. 

Trading in the Derivatives—Commodities markets is all about PURE MATHEMATICS AND NUMBER CRUNCHING, whereas the stock markets, stocks, bonds, and mutual funds are nothing more than scamming on a massive scale.  

It is the stock markets, ladies and gentlemen, that are the REAL DISEASE of the capitalist economy, where unregulated and greedy capitalists and corporations are wrecking havoc on individual private wealth building and wealth management, and hijacking our governments in the process.  

To wit, millions of people loose massively in the stock markets EVERY SINGLE DAY ... furthermore, EVERY 3 TO 7 YEARS, we are experiencing ECONOMIC RECESSIONS ... and it's all because of stock markets and mutual funds.  

During the FIRST year of the CoViD-19 pandemic, that is 2020, the Dow Jones / New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) dropped from near 30,000 points to around 15,000, meaning around 15,000 points lost in a matter of months.  What those 15,000 points mean is that at least 15 trillion dollars of wealth / America's market capitalization WAS LOST FOREVER.  This calamity was one of the reasons why US Fake President Donald Dumpster lost the presidential elections on November 20 of that year.  Yet his Dumpster divers, his ardent voters / followers, cannot see the lies, deceits, cheating, and fraudulence in this well-documented scammer and faker. 

But do you know how many millions of individual private investors, especially those over 45 years old, including Dumpster divers, who lost everything during that stock market nosedive, the biggest and steepest market losses in the history of the stock markets?  Many of these people have not yet rebuilt their lives, many ended up living on the streets, still are living on the streets or in their cars, and many have fallen through the cracks of the social safety net.  All because these misled and misguided and deceived people decided to put, or rather were hoodwinking and bamboozled into putting, their hard-earned money into the hands of corporate scammers who raised all those trillions of dollars for pursuing their pet projects (like buying back shares, or buying up competitors, or bribing sitting politicians). 



As far as I'm concerned, stock markets, bonds, mutual funds, IPOs, shares, should ALL BE TERMINATED AND LEGISLATED RIGHT OUT OF EXISTENCE PERMANENTLY.  ENOUGH IS ENOUGH ALREADY!!   This is one of the ways to put a final nail into the COFFIN OF CAPITALISM, which has been dirty business from the get-go.  

Capitalists and the business community should be FORCED TO GO TO THE BANKS FOR LOANS, to raise funds, just like everybody else, just like you and me ... instead of being able to / allowed to raise funds through the stock markets, by issuing stocks, bonds, and mutual funds, all of which should be legislated right out of existence.  

Essentially, just the fact that stock markets and bond markets and mutual funds exist, just going to show you that there are different sets of rules for capitalists, the business community, corporations, and business people on the one hand, and all the rest of us on the other hand ... it is hypocrisy, it is double standards ... pure and simple. 

As most of you know, I'm of the school of Socialism For The 21st Century, and in this form of Socialism there is NO PLACE for stock markets and stocks and bonds and mutual funds and IPOs.  

Every one of these INSTITUTIONAL MASSIVE SCAMS should be legislated right out of existence completely and permanently.  

Instead, people are given free classes throughout high schools economics courses as well as in universities as to how to manage and build private wealth using the tools of trading in the Derivatives—Commodities markets.  

All 3 levels of governments need to step in and terminate the lies, deceits, the hoodwinking and bamboozling by corporate elites. 

Furthermore, if all 3 levels of governments owned and operated INVESTMENT BANKS at all 3 levels, and used public funds through these investment banks to buy and sell Derivatives—Commodities, the amount of revenues they could raise would be MANY TIMES MORE than what they currently raise through PERSONAL INCOME TAX, meaning that the ENTIRE PERSONAL INCOME TAX STRUCTURE itself would NO LONGER BE NECESSARY in Canada.  

Buying out, owning and operating even 10% of Fortune 500 Companies, or 50 Fortune 500 Companies, would also bring in MORE REVENUES than all the annual income tax combined.  

If all religions' temples and religious organizations in Canada WERE TO BE TAXED at the preferential corporate tax rates, our personal income tax rate would DECLINE to LESS THAN 3% ANNUALLY. 

The personal income tax structure has been in place only since World War One, ostensibly to pay for THAT War's expenses, but was never erased because governments found out how lucrative the personal income tax really is!! 

Ladies and gentlemen, the personal income tax is THEFT OF ONE'S PERSONAL WEALTH, pure and simple.  It's an illegal money grab and it really should NOT exist, ESPECIALLY DURING PEACETIME.  The personal income tax  could be legislated back into existence if and when there's a world war, to pay for the war's expenses. 

Revenue Canada's and Revenue Quebec's ability and capacity to IMPOSE AND COLLECT personal income tax on citizens is an ILLEGAL ACT that should be legislated out immediately and completely, at least during PEACETIME, lest we forget that World War I and World War II are long gone and we are living currently in the longest stretch of peace in modern history.  

The  corporate income tax structure is PERFECTLY GOOD (and must be INCREASED even more) because corporations DO NOT HAVE ANY RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS AND PRIVILEGES like we humans do : corporations / businesses only have SOCIETAL OBLIGATIONS as A REWARD FOR THEIR LICENSE TO OPERATE!!   One certain EVIDENCE of their societal obligations is that businesses are forced to have tax numbers, meaning they're allowed TO COLLECT SALES TAXES ON BEHALF OF THE GOVERNMENTS.  You don't see government employees sitting at the counters of every single business collecting taxes on every single transaction on behalf of the government. 

Increasingly, criminal conservative right-wing and business-friendly and neo-liberal REGIMES ARE DEREGULATING the stock markets and the behavior of corporations, increasingly making things even worse.  They are actually giving businesses tax incentives, tax deferrals, tax exemptions, tax cuts, tax write-offs, and all kinds of other corporate welfare. 

This is pandering and cowtowing to corporate elites and it is nothing short of criminal / illegal behavior on the part of the immoral and unethical conservative and neo-liberal regimes ruling over us. 

One of the striking examples of corporate welfare is the REFUNDING OF THE PROPERTY TAX TO LANDLORDS / REAL ESTATE COMPANIES who claim it back against their rental income ... the property tax is possibly by far the largest single so-called "business expense" that landlords face every year ... it is the ONLY TAX in Canada that is GIVEN BACK, to real estate companies / landlords, BUT NOT TO PRIVATE HOME OWNERS who have revenues in the form of jobs and careers and yet have home-owning expenses such as mortgages, renovations, etc.  

Using patent bribery, blatant bribery, at the highest levels, of sitting politicians and mandarin bureaucrats, landlords / real estate companies have actually managed to have the property tax THEY PAY recognized as an OPERATING EXPENSE!! 

HOW IS IT POSSIBLE that a tax, a public tax on property ownership THAT ALL PRIVATE HOME OWNERS AND PRIVATE LANDLORDS PAY, has been recognized BY THE GOVERNMENT as a business expense FOR PRIVATE LANDLORDS but not for private homeowners?  

Let's look up Canada Revenue Agency's PROPERTY TAXES section. 

Line 9180 – Property taxes: 

 Rental expenses you can get REFUNDED :  

 Other rental expenses you can get REFUNDED : 

Owning real estate or getting into the real estate business is like hitting the jackpot because EVERYTHING IS GIVEN TO YOU ON A SILVER PLATTER: everybody advises you to GO INTO REAL ESTATE!!  Because the tax laws are CRIMINALLY AND ILLEGALLY STACKED in your favour!!  Everybody knows this, EVEN THE GOVERNMENT, and it is the biggest OPEN secret in town!!  Please understand that CORPORATE ELITES AND POLITICAL ELITES ARE ALMOST ALWAYS ONE AND THE SAME, that they ARE INTERCHANGEABLE, and that mandarin bureaucrats and politicians are almost always landlords themselves, owning rental properties.  Donald Dumpster is a perfect example.  The Dumpster is also a blatant example of corporate-political rot, and an example of the interchangeability of corporate elites and political elites. 

The landlords / real estate companies do not really pay the property tax, THE TENANTS WHO LEASE apartments and office space from landlords / real estate companies pay the property tax that is INCLUDED INSIDE THEIR MONTHLY RENTS ... on their annual tax returns, landlords / real estate companies get the property tax refunded back to them against their rental revenue!!  Having your TENANTS pay the property tax that is INTEGRATED inside the rent THEY pay every month, and then being able to get back the property tax against rental income from your tenants. Is this not a case of DOUBLE DIPPING ?  

What about the matter of governments subsidizing your payroll , when you hire 5 or more employees, say hiring LAWYERS AND NOTARIES to provide you with LEGAL SERVICES, like most rental property owners / real estate companies/ landlords do, and then claiming that "business expense" back against rental revenues during tax filing. Is that not a form of DOUBLE DIPPING? 

What about the matter of governments subsidizing your payroll , when you hire 5 or more employees, say hiring ACCOUNTANTS to provide you ACCOUNTING SERVICES, like most rental property owners / real estate companies/ landlords do, and then claiming that "business expense" back against rental revenues during tax filing. Is that not a form of DOUBLE DIPPING? 


We as a society - - we as a progressive SYSTEM, facing SYSTEMIC PROBLEMS with ingrained and institutionalized and intrinsic CORRUPTION ALWAYS ASSOCIATED with capitalism and pandering to capitalist corporate elites - - MUST MOVE AWAY from capitalism and the capitalist corporate elite based system. 

In this sad and depressing economic ecosystem - - in which changes can ONLY COME FROM BEING INSIDE GOVERNMENTS, yet changes that ALWAYS FACE INSURMOUNTABLE OPPOSITION from politicians and bureaucrats who have VESTED INTERESTS IN THE STATUS QUO - - individual private investors need to look elsewhere for wealth building and wealth management. 

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Trading in the Derivatives—Commodities markets is the LOGICAL SOLUTION. 

And what better way to trade Derivatives than an ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE-BASED AUTO TRADER that makes trading a breeze for everyone, including homemakers and retirees and seniors?  An app - software - website that automatically harvests all the information that you need from ALL THE STOCK MARKETS / INDEXES and ALL THE DERIVATIVES —COMMODITIES INDEXES around the world, an app - software - website that presents to you the data, data analysis, and instantaneous updates in REAL TIME in an easy-to-understand and logical format on an informative, educational, engaging, exciting, and professional trading platform, as well as ANALYZING THE NEWS pertaining to specific Commodities, so that your trades are successful minimum 8 out of 10 times.  This algorithm-based, this AI-based, auto trader will harvest and aggregate all known information AND news AND variables AND data, including up-to-the-second price fluctuations of commodities, and provide you the trader with real time INFORMATICS, that is all AVAILABLE INFORMATION AND DATA ANALYTICS OF SUCH INFORMATION, in real time. 

By creating this tool, website, software, app, and allowing it into the hands of the general public, we hope to level the playing field SIGNIFICANTLY between the banks and investment banks that currently own and operate such apps /software, and the general public. 

Derivatives and Commodities are my favorite forms of SECURITIES in my investment portfolio.  

I only buy and own stocks that provide DIVIDEND INCOME ... I do not own any other kind of shares, nor bonds, and I certainly do not sell stocks and bonds. 

One day soon, I will sell off these dividend income shares and be done with them once and for all.  My trades in the Derivatives—Commodities markets is more than what I require in my investment portfolio. 

I am heavily into Derivatives trading (often called DAY TRADING, as opposed to trading in the stock markets). 

My interest and expertise in the field of day trading in Derivatives led me to create an ONLINE COURSE FOR BEGINNERS IN TRADING DERIVATIVES SINCE 2019. 

It is this background that has led me to pursue creating an online auto-trading platform that will take out most of the uncertainties, failures, stress, and risks  associated with traditional trading in,  and the run-of-the-mill trading bots associated with, Derivatives and Commodities. 

I have tried literally dozens of  auto-trading / robot trading apps found in app stores and websites, and they all are missing one and the most important ingredient that I've been looking for : I believe I have created the foundations of a brand new type of auto-trader app that addresses the concerns of day traiders around the world....I call this The 5 Seconds Window.  

FIVE SECONDS in the field of trading is a lifetime because you only need 1 second or 2 seconds maximum to make a trade via an automated trading assistant.  Having 5 seconds or more gives you a huge leg up on your fellow traders.  A 5-seconds window gives you the chance to have a successful trade 8 out of 10 times at the very minimum.  Combining ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI) ALGORITHMS (also called machine-learning) WITH REAL-TIME DATA AND ANALYSIS (called ANALYTICS) from ALL the Commodities and Derivatives indexes around the world gives you unmatched trading capability.  

Furthermore, specific COMMODITIES-BASED stocks and bonds would be listed and followed second-by-second by this app - software - website.  These commodities-based stocks and bonds could be such as companies that extract and refine and produce and retail gold and silver ... companies that manufacture foods ... companies that extract and produce and retail oil gas  petroleum kerosene and home heating oil and diesel fuel and jet fuel and other types of energy products ... companies that manufacturer steel iron copper etc, companies that manufacture 
cereals corn OJ bacon beef chicken poultry and dairy products ... you get the picture : COMMODITIES.  This app - software - website would not list nor follow the stock prices of say banks and retail companies ETC because they have nothing to do with extraction and  manufacturing of commodities.  Furthermore, the price of these commodities-based stocks will be shown/followed, but traders will not be able to buy and sell stocks or bonds through our app - software - website.  As mentioned above, this tool will only allow trading in the Derivatives-Commodities markets. 

The AI-based app we will create will have a success rate of 80% to 92% on a trade-by-trade basis, with a window of trading opportunity between 3 seconds and 5 seconds, and often up to TEN SECONDS, and in some cases (gold, silver, USD, Euro) 60 SECONDS, all of which means a huge step above the nearest app competitors and your peers. 

Approx. 15% of the coding has already been written and will be added to the final app-software ... this 15% is actually the final 2 parts of the app-software ... the final 2 aspects or parts that I HAVE NOT TOLD YOU ABOUT and that I will not tell you nor describe in any great detail until 85% of the product is completed.  These last 2 aspects / parts are the two FINAL COMPONENTS that will put this app - software - website into a  REVOLUTIONARY TYPE PRODUCT that will zoom it past all existing auto traders and peers.  But I require a much higher level of experience & expertise to complete the rest of the product. 

I will require one person to finish the final 2 components.  I need a second person to check the work of the 1st person.  Then, in the 3rd step, I'll need a 3rd person to double check the work of the first two.  

Once the 3 readings have been completed, reading 1, reading 2, reading 3, and I'm satisfied that everything is in working order and functional, then just before launch, we WE ALL GET TOGETHER and 
(2) run the SOFTWARE on tablets and laptops and desktop computers that use SEVERAL DIFFERENT COMPUTER OS, 
(3) and load the website on those FOUR MAIN DIFFERENT BROWSERS. 

Once we agree that everything is in working order and ready to go, our app and our software and our website need to be copied into secondary hard copies and sealed into a secure site or platform. 

Once the website and the app/software are completed, I will create MULTIPLE MIRROR WEBSITES of the original website hosting the app/software, so that our hard work, our website, our app/software, are always protected from any hackers and hacking and hijacking attempts, may they be intel organizations, other banks, hackers organizations, or state actors. 

Those applicants chosen will form the NUCLEUS/CORE partners and executives.  

Please contact me ASAP. 


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This app - software - website has the potential to generate revenues in excess of 100 million dollars within the first one or two years, and then half a billion dollars within the next 5 to 10 years, maybe possibly even reaching the one billion dollars mark.  

The revenues will be based on not just our own investment through this program tool, but also on a pay-per-use and membership-based fee structure  among several other streams of revenues.  A complete list of streams of revenues will be available soon. Research on other trading tools will confirm this list of revenue streams. 

I will find the link to the only one app / website that will act as our TEMPLATE for the website construction.  This link will be forwarded to Rizwan Asland, whose Engineering & Programming Department will design and complete the website, and integrate the trading tool.  I have managed to acquired the SOURCE CODE, but the source code is not enough since Rizwan's Dept requires an actual visual of that website.  The company that website belongs to was established in 1963, is based in Britain, is registered with and ruled by the Financial Conduct Authority (the FCA, Britain's version of the American Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).  The  FCA  regulates the financial services industry in the UK.  Its role includes protecting consumers, keeping the industry stable, and promoting healthy competition between financial service providers. 

This trading app is a sure-fire way towards owning and operating our very own INVESTMENT BANKING HOUSE (into the long-term future plans of expansion), which will only add more revenue generating possibilities for our group.  Think TD-AmeriTrade.  Think Rothenberg & Rothenberg in Westmount. Think Nesbitt Burns of BMO.  Think PriceWaterhouseCooper of TD.  But armed with an AI-powered trading platform that is not just accessible to large blue-chip investors and clients but also to the world-wide general public!! 

Annual revenues of that scale and size and tempo, will allow us to upgrade all our machinery and equipment, such as servers and computers, and bring in the most up-to-date cutting-edge technology ... not to mention going into other business projects that will widen and strengthen our revenue streams.  

For examples, I may pursue a free animal hospital in Montreal ... perhaps make a bid to buyout the Decarie Square Mall, an uptown shopping centre that contains 3500 free outdoor and underground / indoor parking spaces, and has large spaces for possibly 2 radio stations I may buyout and 2 music recording studios combination units, and 2 large theaters for live entertainment and movies ... perhaps create an independent production studio that will produce TV shows and movies. 

I'm sure each and every one of the Core members have their own pet projects and business projects that they will be able to pursue, with literally unlimited revenues coming in. 

■ ■ ■ 

Breakdown of individual roles/departments/corporate officer positions & responsibilities 

SHERYL FOLEY will be president / Director of Payroll & Personnel & Human Resources, and she will be also responsible for distributing the 40% of the company that we will exclusively earmark for all our non-Core office staff and programmers ... 40% in a 10 million dollar per year company is 4 million dollars, which will be divided as follows : office workers, technicians,  lawyers, accountants, corporate secretary, secretaries, receptionists,  office manager, they will get one million out of the 4 million (25% of 4 million) ... the remaining 3 million (or 75%) will be divided equally between the programmers ... let's say there are 6 programmers, so  each will receive 500K ... or 3 programmers get 1 million each ... 10 programmers means each will receive $100K ... in a 100 million dollar per year company, 40% means 40 million dollars, and a lot more programmers ... you get the picture. 

LARRY DAY will be president / Director of the Communications Department, meaning that corporate lawyers, the corporate secretary, corporate governance, government rules and regulations, community outreach, communication with the media, and other related communications and links, anything that has to do with communications with people and entities outside our company.  He's a Core Executive member, meaning that he will provide leadership, and receive 10% of the company ... so in a 10 million dollar company, his stake will be worth one million dollars ... in a 100 million dollars per year company, his stake will be worth 10 million dollars. 

RIZWAN ASLAN will be the president / Director of the Engineering & Programming Department, arguably the most important arm of the company, the spine or the backbone of the entire operation, because this Department will have all the programmers and the coders and the engineers responsible for our computer software and the website and the cellphone app, and all the updates and the upgrades and the maintenance and the servers thereof ... he will be responsible for everyone and everything in that Department. 

PETER LEE would be the Managing Director of the company, meaning  president / Director of Operations, meaning that he will make sure everything is moving forward, aa the officer in charge of day-to-day operations. 

MY position will be CEO / Chairman of the Board, my role would be to essentially provide direction and cohesion;  delegating and directing agendas;  driving our company's success reputation integrity and credibility;  managing our company's organizational structure;  planning and directing our corporate strategy;  
macromanagement or managing the company's overall business operations.   Once the website and the app / software are completed, I will create MULTIPLE MIRROR WEBSITES of the original website hosting the app / software, so that our hard work, our website, our app / software, are always protected from any hackers and hacking / hijacking attempts, may they be intel organizations, other banks, hackers organizations, or state actors.  If I die or am disabled or incapacitated in any way shape or form and thus unable to continue with my position and responsibilities, the 5 remaining Core Executives must choose one among them to replace me.  I hereby nominate Larry to be the next replacement, followed exactly 12  months and 1 day later by Sheryl, followed by Jayne, then back to Larry, in that sequential order.   My goal is to make sure that eventually ALL 6  Executives serve as CEO / Chairman for at least one year, so that each and every one of them learn the ins and outs of this company and the position of a CEO / Chairman.  This will be beneficial to all of them and the company in the long-term.   In my honest opinion, Larry is the senior statesman among the 6 Core  Executives and he is the person most experienced and knowledgeable to fill the position of CEO / Chairman, so that I am happy to give up my current CEO / Chairman designation to Larry.   If he accepts the role and the position of CEO / Chairman, he will still be responsible for his other portfolio, which is the Communications Department.  His decades of organizational experience and skills, as a deal-maker, in negotiations, in strategic planning, in communications, is priceless, and our company will greatly benefit from his leadership.   Sheryl will create new portfolios for me, president / Director of Product Development, Director of Quality Control, and Director of Oversight &  Transparency, which will allow me to work closely with Rizwan and his Department of Engineering & Programming. 

The 6th Core Executive member TBA will be responsible for SAMPs : that is sales, advertising, marketing, promotions.  Sheryl and I nominate Jayne-Marie Heitmayer, Larry's wife, to fill this very important position.  If Jayne accepts this nomination, then she will receive a 10% stake in the new company, as the 6th and final Core Executive member. 

The 6 Core Executives will form the EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, which will together find consensus on pretty much all the important decisions and policies.  Their consensus and decisions will be implemented by the various Departments and by the sitting  CEO / Chairman of the Board and the SCO (Second Commanding Office) who is the sitting Managing Director / Director of Operations. 

The 6 Core Executives members will receive a maximum total of 60% of the company, meaning each will receive a maximum of 10% stake in the company.   So for example, in a 10 million dollars a year company, each of the Core Executives members will be worth one million dollars ... in a 100 million dollar company, each of the six Core co-owners will be worth 10 million dollars ... you get the picture. 

We are NOT going to be a profit-oriented company.  I would like it rather that all the revenue streams are given to the Core group and the rest of the company staff and employees, meaning that all of our revenues will go towards these 2 groups, instead of making profit ... I'd rather spend the revenues on giving each and every one of us great jobs with high salaries and great bonus packages.  I rather like the idea of a non-charity yet a non-profit organization / business model. 

The Core group that controls 60% of the company ... if any of us want to sell our stake, we must offer that block of stake (a total of 10% sub-divideable into fractions) FIRSTLY among the Core Executives members on a first come first served basis AND a right of first refusal basis ... the next group to have a shot at buying a stake from any  Core group member would be of course the remaining staff and employees.  No one single person may posses more than a maximum 10% stake in the company.  No one single group of owners may posses a maximum total of 20% stake in the company.  

■ ■ ■ 

Program development time-frame 

The software must be completed within 6 months of the entire Core group coming together, coalescing into the software company ... the remaining year would be spent on developing the company and its employees, and upgrades of hardware and equipment, and updating the app / software, automatically, in the background, as in background process, and no one amongst our clientele will ever know about it because it's a work in progress ... and as such, the  development of this software app website will be a continuous process ...  

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Our company WILL NOT be a broker that offers an electronic trading platform for trade of financial assets including common stocks, preferred stocks, futures contracts, exchange-traded funds, forex, options, cryptocurrences, mutual funds, fixed income investments, margin lending, and cash management services. WHY?  Because to offer ALL these above services, we will require extensive SEC clearance AND certification AND licenses. Perhaps in the long-term future these may become our future streams revenues.   These kind of services are offered by multi-billion dollar Fortune 500 companies, like investment banks AmeriTrade, PricewaterhouseCooper (TD), Nesbitt Burns (Bank of Montreal BMO), etc. 

Our company will EXCLUSIVELY be an AI-based robotic electronic trading platform for trading Derivatives (futures contracts, options, and forwards), and Commodities.  

The company will receive revenue from REVENUE STREAMS INCLUDING commissions for order execution, payment for order flow, direct investment, membership based fees, pay-per-use, ETC...

■ ■ ■

Derivatives In The News 

BEIJING, April 20, 2022 (Xinhua) -- Chinese lawmakers on Wednesday voted to adopt a law on futures and derivatives to better protect investors' interests and develop the futures market instead of the stock markets.  

The law, to take effect on Aug. 1, 2022, was approved at a session of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, China's top legislature.

China's financial derivatives market, one of the largest in the world, requires a law specifically made for its regulation, said Li Zhengqiang, a researcher at the University of International Business and Economics.

China's futures market posted record-setting trading volume and turnover in 2021, which stood at 581.2 trillion yuan (about 90.8 trillion U.S. dollars) and over 7.5 billion lots, respectively, data from the China Futures Association showed. 

Note :  The stock markets indexed around the world show trading  volumes of about 100 trillion dollars annually, including around 40 trillion dollars  in the USA alone (Dow Jones / NYSE shows 35,000 points today, meaning 35 trillion dollars) ... compare this number, 100 trillion, to the total value of the commodities/derivatives markets, which stands at over 222 trillion dollars per year,  including 90 trillion dollars in China alone. 

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Analyzes (1) HERD movements in call and put, or buy and sell, (2) thereby able to PREDICT the movements of prices up or down ... this prediction is for 5 seconds to 10 seconds and up to a minute for certain types of Commodities.  

These are the 2 SECRET ASPECTS of the app - software - website that I did not tell Rizwan about. 

The auto-trader robot will make a trade, according to / based on the HERD MENTALITY & MOVEMENTS it tracks in REAL TIME and analyzes for a specific commodity.  

I will LOCK THE SOURCE CODE so that no one can ever copy or steal our hard work. 


Tradebotek Inc. 

Predictive Trading Technologies (PTT)

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Wednesday, 18 May 2022

Pissrael Jets Targetted by Russia

PISSRAEL (Palestine's Illegal Israelite Regime and Apartheid Estate) jets targetted by Russian air defense in Syria.  

This is the beginning of the end of that apartheid regime in Occupied Palestine 

I predicted that  Russia will soon  recognize the zionist-mafia Nazi-Jew colony in Occupied Palestine as AmeriKKKa's PROXY in the Middle-East. 

So, to destroy PISSRAEL is to destroy AmeriKKKa's main military base in the Middle-East. 

Russia's close military allies Iran and Syrian will now receive Russian military equipment and THEY will finish off this Jewish bullshit colony of Pissrael. 


Tuesday, 17 May 2022

Expel zionist-mafia from Canada


Facecrook censors are protecting you ... BUT the world is watching your dirty crimes.

We should be glad these dastardly demented devilish degenerate ZIONIST-NAZIS are not a majority in this country, a mere 3%, but if they were, we Canadians would be subject to their SAME BRUTALITY & BARBARITY as the Native Palestinians are forced to endure at this time in Occupied Palestine.

The LIBERATION & EMANCIPATION of Palestine is coming, let me assure one and all.  These nei-nazi zionist-mafia  criminals must not be allowed to escape their just punishment.

We need to look at ways to EXPEL THE ZIONIST-MAFIA living and working in Canada 🇨🇦  ...

STEP #1 ... we must make BDS (BOYCOTT DIVESTMENT SANCTIONS) a state/national government POLICY ...

STEP #2 ... we must declare zionism as RACISM, APARTHEID, TERRORISM,  NEO-COLONIZATION ... this is a step that will allow the national government to
(a)  ABOLISH / BAN zionism and the zionist-mafia (individuals and groups associated to/with zionism) thru laws  and legislation ,
(b) ban and block permanently all future immigration to Canada by jews and zionists and zionist-mafia ,
(c) ban and block all imports from  Occupied Palestine and the West Bank ,
(d) permanently terminate Canada's diplomatic recognition of the illegal zionist-mafia squatters and colonizers of Palestine ,
(e) ban and block the UPC code unique to the zionist-mafia colony in Occupied Palestine ,
(e) take quick, aggressive, effective, efficient measures to hunt down and  shut down zionists in Canada and EXPEL EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM....
MANY MORE sanctions and restrictions.

STEP #3 ... we must ban / abolish DUAL CITIZENSHIP ...

STEP #4 ... we must take full control of the media, establishing air-tight rules regulations laws legislation on media ownership and content ...

Sunday, 15 May 2022

Euro-Vision 2022

If the Ukis had sang an ABBA song,  they would still have won ... this is like allowing Palestine-occupying neo-Nazi neo-fascist apartheidist racist anti-Semitic murderous Pissrael Jewish criminals into the United Nations building in NYC ... just another blatant example of WESTERN AMERIKKKA-CRAFTED BULLSHIT POLITICIZED SHAMELESS PROPAGANDA LOL 😆 absolutely shameful performance by this zero-talent gang.  It's a good thing their fake "country" with the fake name will not last much longer and REVERT BACK TO THE "KIEV REGION" under the control of Mother Russia.  Trying to separate Kiev from Moscow is like trying to separate California from the USA, or Ontario from Canada, or Manchester from London ... just ain't gonna happen.


Friday, 13 May 2022

Socialism and YOUR Heart


America the Topsy-turvy State

- America, the topsy-turvy state -   

Red has been, historically &  traditionally, the flag and the colour of left-wing progressive socialist politics and political parties and activism and revolutions.  

The Republican Party in the US began as the Liberal / Whig party of America, their colour was red,  meaning that the organization was a anti-monarchy , left-wing group that fought for 
America's independence from the conservative, right-wing, blue colour of the England monarchy, in 1775-76 … the left-wing Republican Party and their revolutionary allies led by General George Washington eventually won the American Revolution / American War of Independence in 1776 ... that same organization in the early 1860s, this time led by Abraham Lincoln, freed the African slaves and abolished slavery in America, and even went to war in the American Civil War against the blue flags of the Southern States that were pro-slavery and pro-monarchy, and thus receive massive financial and military assistance from England's king. 

Sadly and unfortunately, that same left-wing socialist  progressive secular  Republican Party, with the red flags and the red banners, and show-casing its Whig / Liberal / socialist / left-wing / progressive policies programs aspirations value beliefs and objectives, became the neo-fascist neo-nazi right-wing SHITHOLE that we can all see today, led by criminals and corporate thieves and hooligans  like Lindsey Graham , Donald Dumpster, and other Rats and Cons (RatpubliKKKans and Conservatives).  So you have the RED STATES.   

This sad transformation took place in the 1940's and in the 1950s, when the Democrats held unbroken years of presidential power and Congressional dominance in the US.  

The Republican Party has  conveniently sarcastically ironically RETAINED, indeed HIJACKED, the RED COLOUR for their own hateful racist dirty fascist  neo-fascist and neo-Nazi behavior activities policies and programs ... and thus has become the joke of the entire world.  In 1933 to 1945, a fascist organization in Germany called the Nazis, VERY SIMILARLY, also had hijacked the colour red and indeed even called  themselves The National Socialist Party, to hoodwink and bamboozle the German people into believing that the Nazis were a socialist left-wing political party  out to strengthen economically Germany which had been defeated and weakened by World War I, but as it turned out the actually fascist Nazis only hijacked the red colour and the red flag and banners to fool the German population.  The sad result was World War II and the absolute destruction of Germany as a military and economic and political power. 

CONVERSELY, the one-time right- wing, conservative, pro-monarchy,  pro-slavery fascist organization, based EXCLUSIVELY in the Southern States, and known as the Democratic Party, still clad in their original blue colours and blue banners, TODAY APPEARS TO  REPRESENTS socialism and socialists and the  left-wing in America.  So you have BLUE STATES. 

THAT IS HOW FUCKED UP America has become.  Topsy-turvy, upside-down.  


Tuesday, 10 May 2022

Don't Fuck With Russia

The Russian military forces are on track to kill about 1,000 Ukis every single day ... 70 days into the invasion of Ukistan by Russian Military Forces, over 70,000 Ukis have been killed or have disappeared, including over 40,000 Uki rebel regime forces and their Nazi neo-fascist paramilitary allies ... every single day and night, while Western  media scum and criminal Western  politicians are claiming that Russia is being defeated, in fact the EXACT OPPOSITE is true, that is the Russian Military Forces are attacking and destroying literally hundreds,  sometimes even a thousand targets,  every single day and night, killing hundreds and hundreds of Ukis ... it is 100% GUARANTEED that because the Uki regime is now TEETERING ON THE BRINK OF BEING WIPED OUT OF EXISTENCE,  it is NOW being CONTROLLED AND DIRECTED, including its decimated military forces and its bloodied Nazi paramilitary forces, by American British and Pissrael commanders and Intel, Zelenskyy the zionist-mafia criminal is NOT IN CHARGE, meaning that this CLOWN CANNOT STOP THE WAR … this motherfucker is not even ethnically a Uki, he is a JEW PRETENDING to be a Uki ...  NATO and its Western criminal regimes want to fight a war against Russia BUT USING EVERY LAST UKI AS CANNON FODDER, all in the attempt to try defeating or militarily weakening Russia ... THEREFORE, the only way to stop this vicious brutal savage blood-letting is for Russia to DECLARE IMMEDIATELY A NO-FLY ZONE over all of Ukistan ... then METHODICALLY destroy every single road highway street avenue boulevard bridge railroad, railway station, civilian and military airport ... especially in the several WESTERN PROVINCES BORDERING Romania Hungary Slovakia and Poland ... so that gluttonous plutocratic kleptocratic criminal devious diabolical degenerate Western politicians , like BIDEN MACRON ETC , cannot go into Ukistan for photo opportunities with Zelenskyy the zionist-mafia asswipe who wants to turn Ukistan into a modern-day version of jew-controlled Khazaria Empire of 1200 years ago (800 AD) ... so that the Uki rebel regime forces and their Nazi paras and their Western criminal gangster regimes cannot transport weapons and weapons systems of any kind into Ukistan ... so that the Uki rebel forces are defeated as quickly as possible ... so that millions of lives can be saved ... OTHERWISE, the  Russian Military Forces WILL KILL every last Uki there is, and totally destroy every single city town village and hamlet, because the Russian Military is far more powerful than any in the West including AmeriKKKa's because Russia's military was geared and built for not just taking on AmeriKKKa but all of NATO ... and so Russia won't stop because all of Ukistan is ANCIENT RUSSIA, the Russians' ANCIENT MOTHERLAND, and so Russia  will not stop, the Russians will take back every square inch even if it takes the next 10 to 100 years ... Russia cannot be defeated ... Russia cannot be occupied ... Napoleon and the French  tried, the Nazis tried, the Persians tried, the Ottomans tried, the Mongols tried, the Japanese tried, the British tried, the Poles tried, the Swedes tried, so did  Finland ... not one of these invaders were successful ... in fact, ALL INVADERS were defeated, and destroyed in time.  Russia is not a   militarily weak and defenseless country like Libya Iraq Afghanistan Somalia Yemen Lebanon Grenada Panama Sudan, ETC, that Uncle Sam had illegally attacked. 

This is a warning to NATO and AmeriKKKa and Uncle Sam's LAPDOGS. 



PIGS Fucking Each Other

The New World Order, according to the zionist-mafia and the Anglo-Saxon-Germanic parasites and blood-thirsty murderers.  The zionist-mafia illegally occupying PALESTINE, and the Germanic-descended peoples who had  invaded and occupied and colonized America Canada Britain France Australia New-Zealand Denmark Holland Norway, ETC, TOGETHER these two groups of people, represent the single greatest threat to world peace and security.  In the next world war, these two groups will be targetted more than any other.  Many Jews and Germanic-descended peoples are coming to terms with the basic PARASITIC & MURDEROUS nature of their races, and this self-awareness is good on them because conscientiously AND consciously they are aware of how their races have fucked up this long-suffering Planet Earth in so many different ways and at so many different levels ... however, the vast majority of Jews and  Germanic-descended peoples are still living within their self-righteous cocoons. 


The world is a stage BUT if you were to move the CURTAINS to the side a bit and SNEAK A PEEK behind it,  you will see THE REAL ACTORS AS DEPICTED BELOW and the real action, because the stage is just smoke-and-mirror  hocus-pocus BULLSHIT, with  hoodwinking and bamboozling and propaganda going on 24 x 7 x 365 , courtesy of the political and media and corporate elites NEXUS in Western countries. 


Sunday, 8 May 2022

Ain't Gonna Happen

The Russian Military Forces will not just take the east and the south oblasts (provinces) of the KIEV REGION, they will also take the center, the north, and the west, including Odessa ... this is in the pipelines ... it will take one year or ten years or a hundred years ... the Russian foreign ministry, the defense ministry, the military, even the executive office of President Putin have said it  often, that the Russian Military has been have in Syria since 2014, that's almost 8 years now, so if they're in Syria which is  not even their country, to ostensibly help an ally, then just believe when they say to you that they'll be in Ukistan for generations if necessary, and they WILL UNLEASH NUCLEAR STRIKES on any country or regine they find militarily interfering directly in Ukistan ... WHY? ... because the ENTIRE KIEV REGION is ANCIENT RUSSIA ... it is the HOMELAND of anyone who thinks of themselves as RUSSIANS ... it is their ANCESTRAL HOMELAND ... the ANCESTRAL MOTHERLAND ... there are TWO (2) RIVERS that flow through the KIEV REGION, one is the RUS and the other is the ROSAVA, the area where ancient Slavic people settled on the shores of those two rivers and in the lands in between these two rivers, the rivers giving these people their name RUSSIANS ... in 1921, the federal Parliament of the Soviet Union, called the Supreme Soviet, created the Soviet Socialist Republic of Ukraine, from lands that had been part of Russia and the central government for centuries ... just like the USA Federal Government created the provinces of California and New Mexico or Idaho Ohio Oregon Illinois Vermont Florida and other so-called "states" the US Federal Government gained/attained from wars and conquests and colonization (a so-called "state" in the USA is nothing more than deception, a deceit, a baldface lie, you know, the usual stupid  PROPAGANDA) ... just like the Canadian Federal Government created the Provinces of Alberta Saskatchewan Manitoba ETC from federal lands ... THEREFORE, to allow the ancestral homeland KIEV REGION to separate from the rest of Russia is like separating the province of Alberta or Ontario or British Columbia or New Brunswick or Quebec from the rest of Canada ... or to separate California or New York or Florida or Texas from the rest of the USA ... SIMPLY NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.