Sunday, 17 April 2022

The Red Pill VS The Blue Pill

I think you got the RED PILL (stands for SOCIALISM and being held in the LEFT HAND) mixed up with the BLUE PILL (FASCISM and being held in the RIGHT HAND).  

Internationally, RED has always Always ALWAYS been the colour of socialism and the left-wing and communism and the liberals, but not fascism and conservatism. 

Everywhere you look, BLUE represents conservative values and right-wing policies and fascism.  Most businesses, like Facebook, IBM (called Big Blue), Walmart, Twitter, Bell, ETC use the colour BLUE on their corporate flags and business cards and letterheads.  The Cons (Conservative Party of Canada) use blue on their flags and business cards and letterheads.  The US presidential office (The White House) uses blue script.  The neo-fascist neo-Nazi zionist-mafia Jew regime occupying PALESTINE uses blue on its star-of-David flag.  In their SICK AND TWISTED MINDS, the right-wingers and the conservatives think and believe strongly that THEY REPRESENT god and heaven, and that their racist conniving neo-fascist dirty dastardly devious diabolical debased debauched demented ASPIRATIONS AND ACTIVITIES AND VALUES are heavenly and SANCTIONED BY GOD ... blue has ALWAYS been the colour of GOD / HEAVEN / SKY.  Do you all now see how their fucked-up minds work?  Colour and symbols are big with these fucked-up ass-wipes.  One of the ways a socialist / left-wing government can TAKE ACTION AGAINST the right-wing and conservatives is by PERMANENTLY ABOLISHING THE COLOUR BLUE on all flags and business cards and letterheads ... and force these right-wing conservative ass-wipes to use green red brown purple ETC ... LOL! ... can you imagine HOW ANGRY these retarded rabid right-wingers and conservatives would get If the color blue was abolished permanently on all flags and business cards and letterheads?!? HAHAHA!!! 

Big Blue IBM worked with the Nazis in the 1940s to create a computerized numbering system to identify and number Jews who were then sent off to extermination camps.  Hundreds of thousands of Jews and other UNDESIRABLE MINORITIES like Gypsies and mentally and physically disabled people were murdered by these fascist Nazi right-wing savages.  When information about Big Blue's work with the Nazis LEAKED OUT into the media, IBM computers were literally thrown out of every single government and public and business office and replaced by Dell and other computer brands. 

The Nazis and the Rats (RatpubliKKKans in AmeriKKKa) have a lot of common because they USE RED ON THEIR FLAGS TO DECEIVE EVERYBODY, hoping to bring the left-wing and socialists and communists and liberals into their fold ... but WE are not going to be hoodwinked and bamboozled and conned and fooled into believing their stupid nonsense.  

The ONLY THING I NEED TO KNOW is that fascists and neo-fascists and racists like the KKK have historically and traditionally put ALL THEIR VOTES to the Rats and the Cons (RatpubliKKKan Party in the US and the Conservative Party in Canada).  If there was JUST ONE REASON to legislate the Rats and the Cons right out of politics, right out of the electoral process, right out of the government, IS THIS REASON : their affinity and pandering to fascism and  neo-fascists. 

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