Friday, 22 October 2021

The zionist-mafia crooks at Facebook have decided to change the name of the company, as Google did in 2015 rebranding the whole group to Alphabet Inc, in which Google Inc is just one of many companies.

This development comes in the wake of many governments around the world taking action against Facecrooks for
(1) it's despised and despicable opportunistic business practices such as selling user information to advertisers to make money,
(2) disregarding privacy concerns of its users in the process,
(3) for spying on its own users, probably at the behest of the three spy agencies that actually control Facebook thru backdoor channels : Mossad , CIA , MI5, the Triad of Terror,
(4) for spreading fake news,
(5) for allowing right-wing rats like Donald Dumpster and other undesirables to keep posting and spreading their hate racism lies deceits propaganda and bullshit. These reasons have led to hundreds of millions of Facebook users to leave FB and go to other platforms.

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