If YOU are an American - - firstly, there's no such thing as an "American" ... it is 💯 % PURE FDA-CERTIFIED BULLSHIT PROPAGANDA ... there are Russians Germans Spanish Japanese Chinese Turks Uzbekistanis Turkmenistanis Bangladeshis Eranians Burmese Koreans Vietnamese Arabs, ETC, because they have their own countries, where they are A PEOPLE CONSTITUTING THE SINGLE LARGEST ETHNIC GROUP ... but Americans DO NOT EXIST AS THE LARGEST ETHNIC GROUP ... therefore, there's no such thing / people as "Americans" unless you are simply looking at them as citizens of a COLONIAL IMPERIALIST ENTITY ... anyway, if YOU are an American, you ppl are DESPISED everywhere, no matter what your political stand is ... you live in a FUCKING SHITHOLE, pure and simple. Instead of DOING SOMETHING ABOUT IT, for instance, STOP VOTING FFS, STEP #1, you ppl keep voting for 2 fucking assholes that YOUR ELITES have chosen for you ... so by NOT voting, and therefore NOT playing into their hands, you people keep voting ... you ppl keep voting for fucking losers and war-criminals and zionist-mafia mobsters like Joseph Biblical Biden, Obama, Bush ... you keep voting for fraudsters and adulterers like Donald Dumpster ... I mean how UTTERLY fucking stupid are you ppl??? People around the world see that Americans behave like they are on some crazy fucking drugs. People in Libya, Syria, Algeria, Tunisia, Yemen, Myanmar / Burma, ETC are RISING up against the regimes and elites IN THOSE COUNTRIES ... yet you stooooopid COWARDLY OBESE / FAT MOTHERFUCKERS are eating hamburgers and French fries and guzzling beer and popping out your titties on TikTok Instagram SnapChat FBMessenger, twerking your asses, while messaging on Tinder, yet you have the fucking temerity to tell me that my CRITICISM of you FUCKING LOSERS is "counter-productive" , "hate speech", mundane" ... if you DO NOT like criticism, FUCK YOU, and GO FUCK YOURSELF, and get the fuck out of my Friend's List ... I'm not ever gonna ask you to stay on my Friend's List ... you're forgetting that there are 8 billion people on this Planet Earth, of which 2 billion are on Facebook, of which only 250 million are Americans ... so if you like my content, if you enjoy my content, which is ALWAYS entertaining educational informative interactive, then STAY AND LEARN AND ENJOY ... if you don't, then piss off LMAO 😆 🤣 😂. Say BYE-BYE now !!