Tuesday, 27 February 2024


From the 1960s through to the 2020s, a span of 70 YEARS or 2 GENERATIONS, extensive research, more recently using AI-powered metadata harvesting and data analytics, as well as very intensive archeological digging and historical search, has not found even one single piece of hard factual evidence of the events of the Exodus, and not a single shred of evidence of the existence of Moses, meaning that both the figure of Moses (MUSA being his original ARABIC NAME), as well as all the events surrounding his life, such as
● the story of the so-called "Exodus", 
● the story of the plagues of locusts and frogs in Egypt, 
● the so-called "angel of death" bringing death to Egyptian households yet not the homes of so-called "hebrews" , meaning so-called "Passover", 
● the so-called "burning bush" on Mount Sinai, 
● the so-called "parting of the Red Sea" leading to the mass drowning of Pharoah's troops, 
● the story of Moses' walking stick turning into a snake, 
● and ALL THE OTHER STORIES surrounding the life, activities, and achievements of Moses ... 

If Moses and the story of the so-called "Exodus" are the basic foundation, the spinal column, the nervous center of so-called "judaism", yet since Moses is a fictitious imaginary invented concocted made-up mendacious deceitful hoodwinking bamboozling MYTHOLOGY, and so-called "Exodus" is a fictitious imaginary invented concocted made-up mendacious deceitful hoodwinking bamboozling MYTHICAL EVENT, never happened, never existed, it would logically mean that so-called "judaism" also CANNOT EXIST.

Since Abram / Abraham (his original ARABIC NAME being IBRAHIM) also did not exist (because not one single shred of factual archeological historical evidence has ever been found about his very existence), that means all HIS DESCENDANTS, such as his sons ISMAIL (original ARABIC NAME is ISHMAEL) and ISSAC (original ARABIC NAME is ISHAK), and Ishack's sons ESAU and JACOB/ISRAEL (his original ARABIC NAME is YACOUB), and all of Yacoub's sons including JUDAH, also did not exist, cannot exist, because like Ibrahim they too are fictitious imaginary invented concocted made-up mendacious deceitful hoodwinking bamboozling 

That means the very word "hebrew" which has been used since the late 900s AD to describe a nation people group community religion tradition culture and language ALSO CANNOT EXIST LOGICALLY bcause that word "hebrew" is derived from the name of Abraham ... by extensions "jew" , "jews" , "jewish" , and "judaism" also cannot exist because JUDAH did not exist. 


How do you name a nation people group community religion tradition culture and language after PEOPLE WHO NEVER EVEN EXISTED? 

This is 💯% ILLOGICAL, as far as I am concerned. 


I'm not getting racist or any of those things, because I'm looking at all this from the perspective of SCIENCE ARCHEOLOGY HISTORY AND FACTUAL EVIDENTIARY INFORMATION. 

I refuse to take any of this at face value. 

I refuse to believe in anything without questioning. 

Having a science-based academic background, BLIND FAITH, or believing without questioning, is completely outside my MODUS OPERANDI.  

Being an engineer, I solve problems. I'm a problem solver. I am known for being a PROBLEM SOLVER. So all this, everything I've learned about the KIKELS over the past one full year of research and analysis, I find is part of the problem, and not part of the solution. 

Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING I've ever learned about the KIKELS, just STINKS of fraud, fake, bamboozling, hoodwinking, lies, deceits deceitful deception, extortion, bullshit, nonsense, monkey chatter, propaganda ON A MASS SCALE ... epecially when there's not one single fucking piece of hard physical or historical or archaeological evidence found anywhere over the past SEVENTY (70) years of meta data mining and data analytics and archaeological digging and historical research. 


I don't understand WHY the CANADIAN FEDERAL GOVERNMENT doesn't have the balls, the spine, the backbone, to simply call all this 💯% fictitious imaginary invented concocted made-up mendacious deceitful hoodwinking bamboozling "PURE & APPLIED MYTHOLOGY" ... and , BY EXTENSION, simply ban all of this outright, including the words 
● JEW, 
● JEWS, 
● JEWISH, and 
● HEBREW ... 
... because when you use ANY OF THESE 10 (TEN) WORDS, you play right into the hands of these SCAMMING DECEITFUL MENDACIOUS KIKELS and their brainwashed ZOMBIES, and it empowers them, gives them credence credibility integrity reputation legitimacy and acknowledgment, NONE OF WHICH THEY DESERVE. 

Try to understand that dozens and dozens of countries and governments have RESTRICTED their so-called "religion" (read MYTHOLOGY) ... China Angola North-Korea USSR Cuba Laos Vietnam Cambodia are just a few. 

If Canada too severely restricted these TEN (10) words, would mean the entire population of KIKELS would simply disappear overnight FROM CANADA 🇨🇦 !! 

China Russia, Japan, India, Singapore, Taiwan, South-Korea, Iran, Indonesia, Turkey, and other countries around the world have already proven that KIKELS ARE NOT NECESSARY in a successful growing expanding wealthy countries. 

In fact, KIKELS are DETRIMENTAL AND DANGEROUS, are walking two-legged clear and present danger to every country and everyone living in that country. 


No such word / people / group / community / nation / language as so-called "jews" ... this is a 💯% INVENTED IMAGINARY FICTITIOUS MADE-UP MENDACIOUS MYTHICAL word which has ZERO MEANING & REFERENCES ... 

...therefore, I have labeled them KIKELS ... or ZEROS in so-called "yiddish" ... 


... just like the way the WAHABI and SALAFIST communities (see ISIS , Al-Qaida) espouse / follow extremist laws that are literally in MANY PARTS COPIED WORD FOR WORD from the so-called DEUTORONOMY / "Laws of Moses" (an invented imaginary fictitious made-up mythical man), the KIKELS also espouse / follow in many parts the EXACT SAME LAWS called "Talmud" & "Mishna", also in MANY PARTS COPIED WORD FOR WORD from the so-called DEUTORONOMY / "Laws of Moses" ... 

... MOSES is an OLD ENGLISH (a word in use only circa 900s AD) TRANSLITERATION of his ORIGINAL ARABIC-ARAMAIC NAME of Musa ... if he actually existed (which he DID NOT of course , because HE IS A MYTHICAL BEING, with not one single piece of hard archaeological and historical evidence of his existence ever been found), he would have been AN ANCIENT ARAB, speaking an ancient ARABIC DIALECT called ARAMAIC, which spun out as a dialect from OLD ARABIC around 2000 BC or 4,000 yea
rs ago ... 

...the KIKELS speak an ancient ARABIC DIALECT called ARAMAIC which they FALSELY renamed "hebrew" , a word which also DOES NOT EXIST and is a 💯% INVENTED IMAGINARY FICTITIOUS MADE-UP MENDACIOUS MYTHICAL word that has ZERO MEANING & REFERENCES. 

The KIKELS - - descendants of the ANCIENT CANAANITES tribes that embraced MONOTHEISM around the worship of YAHWEH, an ANCIENT CANAANITES god of war, lightning, thunder, and weather, about 1500 AD or 3,500 years ago - - truly believe in their very souls that the PALESTINIANS are NON-INDIGENOUS / NON-NATIVE EUROPEAN IMMIGRANTS who are DESCENDANTS of the ANCIENT PELESET PEOPLES, a WHITE INDO-EUROPEAN (ARAYAN??) group of marauders and invaders (warriors from Cyprus and Crete called Myceneans, ancient Greeks/ Acheans, Illyrians and Albanians from the Balkans, Hitties & Mittani from Asia Minor/Anatolia or what is today TURKEY), who invaded the entire area from ANCIENT EGYPT to what is today Lebanon and Syria, including the entire COASTAL LEVANT, between 1500 AD and 1100 AD or 3,500 to 3,100 years ago from today.  

The PELESET INVASION, also called THE SEA PEOPLE, destroyed the BRONZE AGE completely in the entire EGYPT TO SYRIA region ... the Bronze Age was replaced by the Iron Age. After their invasions and destruction of the previous Bronze Age kingdom empires civilizations and cultures from ANCIENT EGYPT to ANCIENT SYRIA, weakening this entire region, the PELESET PEOPLES / SEA PEOPLES colonized all the areas from northern Sinai and Gaza in the south to Beirut, Sidon, and Tyre in LEBANON to the north, a region of POLYTHEISTIC people that came to be called PHILLISTYA in the South and PHOENICIA in the NORTH. 

Massive archeological and historical evidentiary records indicate all this.

Eventually the PELESET settled / colonized the coastal areas, and founded the cities of GAZA, BEIRUT, SIDON, AND TYRE. Unlike their polytheistic CANAANITE neighbors, they were never defeated in battle by the ancient Canaanite tribes that embraced monotheism and called themselves so-called "Israelites".  

The monotheistic Canaanite tribes eventually defeated their polytheistic Canaanite brethren in a centuries-long FRATRICIDAL INTERNACINE warfare, yet they could never defeat the Philistines/PELESET. 

The entire region of ANCIENT LEVANT came to be called CANAAN- PHILLISTYA, referring to the two largest and most powerful ethnic communities of thw ANCIENT LEVANT region.

Over many centuries (1500 BC to 500 BC, a span of 1000 years), the PELESET had become a very integral part of the region ... they integrated themselves into the greater population of the Levant, converted to the local polytheistic religion of the worship of Baal, Ishtar, Yahweh, and other Old Arabic / Canaanite divinities, and they even learned OLD ARABIC, the mother tongue of the Canaanite tribes ... the only difference between the Philistines & Phoenicians (the PELESET PEOPLES) and the Canaanites is that the FORMER dominated the coastal areas of Sinai to Syria, while the latter dominated the interior regions of the Levant ... when the Assyrian Empire and the Babylonian Empire attacked the Levant between 750 BC and 585 BC, the polytheistic Philistines, the polytheistic Phoenicians, and the monotheistic Canaanites fought against those Empire TOGETHER. 

The PELESET / PHILISTINES, undefeated by the Canaanites, eventually gave their name to the entire area that they came to dominate. After the Canaanites / "Israelites" were defeated, mass exterminated, and scattered to the four winds by the Assyrian, then the Babylonian, then the Persian, then Alexander, then Roman Empires, from 750 BC to 250 BC, a span of 500 years, the Philistines came to DOMINATE THE LEVANT since their enemy and regional rivals the Canaanites / "Israelites" were no longer around. From 550 BC, the entire Levant came to be known as PALESTINE ... and REMAINED PALESTINE until 1948, a span of 2,550 years. 

Try to wrap that around your head. 


Saturday, 17 February 2024

Don't Let Them Fool You

There is no such thing as a 
"jew" / 
"hebrew" / 
community, nation, people, history, religion, culture, traditions, and language ... NONE WHATSOEVER ... it's ALL ARAB AND ARABIC. 

Using bribed historians (the KIKELS cannot bribe archeologists so easily because archaeologists are scientists tied to scientific organizations and scientific publications), the KIKELS have tried to fool everybody into believing that somehow in some way, THEY (meaning their MYTHICAL community nation people history religion culture traditions language) ARE DIFFERENT from allegedly "other ethno-religious communities" in the Middle-East. 

This is 💯% fake and fraud. 

There's ONLY ONE ETHNIC PEOPLE AND LANGUAGE in the Middle-East : ARABS & ARABIC (since 3000 BC or 5,000 years ago), with LOCALIZED VARIATIONS called DIALECTS. 

Do NOT be fooled !! 

The mandicious deceitful KIKEL SCAMMERS can only fool some people all the time, many people sometimes, but they can't fool everybody all the time. 

BECAUSE jew" / "hebrew" / "israelite" / "talmud" / "mishna" community, nation, people, history, religion, culture, traditions, and language are ALL 💯% made-up fake fraudulent fantasy invented fictitious imaginary and
mythical, perhaps the time has come for for countries such as Canada US Britain France Japan Russia China Australia ETC, to PERMANENTLY BAN all that made-up mythology stuff. 


People also need to understand that mendacious deceitful scammers like the KIKELS, EVANGELICALS , BAPTISTS, AND MORMONS have used this "FREEDOM OF RELIGION" LOOPHOLE to spread their DECEITFUL MENDACIOUS MYTHOLOGICAL NONSENSE.


Sunday, 4 February 2024

The University of Göttingen, in GERMANY

The University of Göttingen, in GERMANY, is the topic of this post. 

This university, an extreme right-wing, deeply conservative university, originally established by King George II of England in 1734, was created to promote the ideals of THE AGE OF ENLIGHTENMENT, precursor to the AGE OF LIBERALISM ... Classical Liberalism was a RESULT of the Age of Enlightenment ... the real SPINE of fascism & capitalism is CLASSIC LIBERALISM ... just as it is easy to go from a job to homelessness then into the welfare rolls,  it is easy to be shoved from liberalism to fascism ... this University in the  1770s veered towards RACIAL THEORY and SCIENTIFIC RACISM , inventing such RACIAL words as SEMITE , SEMITIC , NEGRIOD (BLACK), CAUSASIAN (WHITE), MONGOLOID (CHINESE) ... the racial words that the Göttingen University 
School of History INVENTED in the late 1770s were ABSORBED by the German fascists in the 1870s (such as Wilhelm Marr , who invented the words  ANTI-SEMITISM, ANTI-SEMITE, ANTI-SEMITIC in the 1870s), 
and by the NAZIS in the 1930s and 1940s, and today's fascists. 

Modern Western historians and kikels have been using  the words SEMITE AND SEMITIC to attempt to COMBINE all the ARABIC DIALECTS of the Middle-East into a so-called SEMITIC FAMILY OF LANGUAGES, which is a  completely BOGUS FAKE FRAUDULENT INVENTION, ridiculous because 
(1) Sem/Shem, the son of Noah, is a MYTHICAL FICTITIOUS INVENTED IMAGINARY figure, just like Noah ... and
(2) A FAMILY OF LANGUAGES over very large areas have A COMMON ANCESTOR , whereas DIALECTS means LOCAL VARIATIONS OF ONE LANGUAGE in a small area , which is exactly the case in the Middle-East.

This FRAUDULENT ATTEMPT is to cast the so-called "hebrews" / "jews" / kikels / "judah" as a DISTINCT SOCIETY, as if THEY are a  DIFFERENT SEPARATE DISTINCT religion , culture , language , people , community , than all the other people living in the Middle-East ... the zionazis AND the zionist-mafia mob are  the biggest BENEFACTOR of this attempt ... they have bought into this  FRAUD INVENTION FAKERY hook, line, and sinker. If you mess with this FRAUD & FAKERY, they call you "anti-semitic", even though YOU AND THEY KNOW FULL WELL that Sem/Shem (rhymes with SHAM lol) never existed, is  mythical invented fake imaginary. 

That's why I keep saying OPENLY over and over again that the more I learn about the so-called 
the more I am finding out is FAKE FRAUDULENT INVENTED IMAGINARY NONSENSICAL MORONIC AND MYTHICAL , to hoodwink and bamboozle and deceive the simple minded, the LOW-IQ folks, the ignorant, and the easily impressed. 

You can fool many sometimes, a minority all the time, but you cannot fool everybody all the time. 


Saturday, 3 February 2024


KIKEL means ZERO in Yiddish ... means they are NOT REAL, they DO NOT EXIST, they are MYTHICAL ... they are INVENTED PPL.

Once you get past the BIBLE MINDSET, once you become AWARE of the conniving of pro-kikel, pro-bible activities of Western historians and the kikels themselves, the rabbis and their BRIBED politicians, once you are able to put the MYTHICAL IMAGINARY INVENTED FAKE FRAUDULENT Sem/Shem aside, 
meaning NO MORE 
"anti-semitism" , 
and other hocus-pocus smoke-and-mirror hoodwinking bamboozling nonsensical propaganda extortion blackmailing, 
...once you're able to put aside the MYTHICAL IMAGINARY INVENTED FAKE FRAUDULENT 
Sem/Shem (rhymes with SHAM, because THAT is exactly what it is), 
the 13 tribes, 
the Exodus, 
...then and only then, YOU are able to become the Government of North Korea, China, USSR, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Cuba, ETC, 
then and only then, YOU are able to COMPREHEND the SYSTEMIC deception deceits lies bullshitting bamboozling hoodwinking and propaganda GOING ON around SUPPORTING AND PROTECTING AND PROMOTING the KIKELS and their RABBIS and the Old Testicle ... IT IS A PROTECT RACKET, AS IN A MASSIVE WESTERN RACKETEERING going on here ... and the SYSTEMIC ATTEMPT at a COVER UP ... a SYSTEMIC ATTEMPT to PLANT EVIDENCE.

When YOU REALIZE AND UNDERSTAND THIS SYSTEM-WIDE / SYSTEMIC WESTERN CONSPIRACY, all of these things as I have clearly understood, THEN you know that you're dealing with the BIGGEST SCAM & FRAUD IN HUMAN HISTORY ... and once you have arrived at that CONCLUSION, like I have, 


the BIGGEST THREAT, the biggest CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER the world and humanity HAS EVER FACED : what's happening in GAZA can and will happen to you, your country, your town.

Only THEN you are able to come to a CONCLUSION that these WESTERN historians and the kikels and the rabbis and the politicians, ALL ARE IN THIS CONSPIRACY TOGETHER ... all SUPPORTING each other in a single WESTERN PROTECTION RACKETEERING ... these historians are aiding and abetting the conspirators ... they are part of the problem , NOT part of any solution. 

Unless we are able to 
this problem, you see what's happening in GAZA ... that is what's gonna happen to you and me IN OUR OWN COUNTRY AND OUR TOWNS, if we THE PEOPLE allow this 

We must take back control of our governments. Our constitutions,
Our laws, our regulations, our rules. We must become China ... China has proven to the entire world that KIKELS, RABBIS, L OLD TESTICLE , are redundant, undesirables, and unnecessary to become the GREATEST COUNTRY ON EARTH ... we must eliminate the threat posed by the kikels, rabbis, the Old Testicle the current BRIBED politicians. 

Sadly, eliminating this threat MUST NECESSARILY ENTAIL A REVOLUTION, a civil war, just as it has happened in the USSR, CHINA VIETNAM CUBA ETC ... 

That, my friends, is EXACTLY THE REVOLUTION that the kikels, the rabbis, the bribed Western politicians FEAR MORE THAN ANYTHING ELSE ... a revolution that will ELIMINATE them once and for all, and their hoodwinking bamboozling deception propaganda nonsense conspiracy lies deceits, meaning ALL THAT KIKEL BIBLE MYTHOLOGY that they're trying to PROTECT AND PROMOTE. 

In the US, there exists 16+ spy agencies and massive military forces to PREVENT SUCH A REVOLUTION, a socialist revolution. 

Thursday, 1 February 2024


Here is a short history of ARABIC. 

Arabic is an Afro-Asiatic language which first appeared as PROTO-ARABIC around 3000 BC or 5,000 years ago. 

It is known as the MOTHER LANGUAGE of the Middle-East REGION. 

It's arrival on the scene was CONTEMPORANEOUS with the arrival of SANSKRIT in the Caspian Sea region. 

These TWO languages are among the MOTHER LANGUAGES of humanity. Turkic, Chin, Bantu, and Swahili are some of the others. 

SANSKRIT eventually MORPHED into the languages of India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, and Iran, as well as all the languages of Europe, from Iceland and Ireland to Russia, from Sweden and Norway to Greece, Italy, and Spain. This is why this FAMILY OF LANGUAGES is known as INDO-EUROPEAN. 

FAMILY OF LANGUAGES refers to many languages that have a COMMON ANCESTOR, and are spread over a very large area, say a continent or more. 

Simultaneously, in the Middle-East REGION, Proto-Arabic MORPHED into many LOCAL DIALECTS. 

DIALECTS refer to LOCAL VARIATIONS OF ONE LANGUAGE, within a relatively much smaller area, say a region or territory. 

From 2000 BC or 4,000 years ago, we see the rise of Aramaic and many other DIALECTS (also known as LOCAL VARIATIONS of the mother language), such as Assyrian, Syriac, Egyptian, Phoenician, ETC. 

By 1000 BC or 3,000 years ago, Classical Arabic was taking shape, and by the time of Jesus, Classical Arabic was already lingua franca from Syria to Yemen. 

Jesus himself spoke in one dialect of Arabic, called ARAMAIC. If you heard him talk to you and you were an Arabic speaker, you'd understand virtually 70% of what he was saying. 

Today, Classical Arabic and its variations (DIALECTS) are spoken by over 500 HUNDRED MILLION people, of which 95% are Muslim Arabs. Ancient Arabic, by comparison, has become near-extinct, with only Assyrian and Syriac being its leftover examples. 

The earliest Aramaic inscriptions date from the 1200s BC, placing it among the earliest languages to be written down. 

As in other ARABIC DIALECTS, Aramaic Syriac, ETC, morphology (the way words are formed) is based on the consonantal root. The root generally consists of two or three consonants and has a basic meaning, for example, k-t-b has the meaning of 'writing'. This is then modified by the addition of vowels and other consonants to create different nuances of the basic meaning: 
● kṯāḇâ = handwriting, inscription, script, book ... Classical Arabic : KITAB = BOOK 
● kṯāḇê = books 
● kāṯûḇâ = secretary, scribe 
● kiṯḇeṯ = I wrote 
● 'eḵtûḇ = I shall write 

Ever since the word "SEMITIC" was INVENTED in the LATE 1770s by a fascist ultra conservative extreme right-wing UNIVERSITY in Germany, WESTERN AND KIKEL historians and deceitful mendacious PROPAGANDISTS have ATTEMPTED to bring ALL the ARABIC DIALECTS into a so-called "SEMITIC FAMILY OF LANGUAGES" ... except they forgot ONE LITTLE THING : there's not one single shread of evidence, historical or archaeological, that Noah in the Old Testicle ever existed ... since Noah is mythical, did not exist, never existed, The Flood is a MYTHICAL EVENT, did not exist, never happened ... LOCALIZED FLOODING of the Euphrates and Tigris rivers cannot be called s WORLD-WIDE FLOOD, unless the KNOWN WORLD AT THAT TIME was Ancient Eraq ... anyway, since Noah is mythical, then his 3 sons, including Sem / Shem did not , COULD NOT EXIST.

It is from SEM/SHEM that the word so-called "SEMITIC" is derived, that is his descendants. 

No Sem/Shem = no "SEMETIC" peoples ... very logical, and as simple as that. 

THEREFORE, we could safely do away with the word "SEMETIC" altogether, because it is nothing more than a Western / German CONSTRUCT based around the MYTHICAL FIGURE of Sem/Shem in the Old Testicle. 

The word so-called "SEMITE" is the USUAL Western bible-centric FAKE FRAUDULENT INVENTION / PROPAGANDA, to essentially PROPP UP and give credence / legitimacy to the MYTHOLOGICAL BULLSHIT known as "JEWS" / "JUDAISM" / KIKELS. 

I would say the giggling kikels and their brainwashed supporters ain't giggling no more, after THIS EXPOSE. 

When you do that, safely do away with the word "SEMETIC" altogether, and you're finally able to CAST ASIDE Western and kikel bullshit mendacious deceitful PROPAGANDA, then you realize, then you can see for the first time ever with your own eyes and understanding, that the so-called "FAMILY OF SEMITIC LANGUAGES" does NOT EXIST !!! 

What you have at that point, what you are left with, is a SERIES OF DIALECTS, local dialects, not languages ... and THE MOTHER LANGUAGE of these LOCALIZED DIALECTS is ARABIC. 

