Friday, 26 May 2023

No such thing as anti-Semitism

As this prompt / inquiry and response  from Microsoft's AI-POWERED ChatGPT-based chatbot-enabled Bing clearly shows, there are over 345 million (possibly as many as 400  million or even 500 million) speakers of SEMITIC LANGUAGES today , of which only 5 million to as many as 9 million to a max 20 million are Hebrew speakers ... so to ALLOW jews to HIJACK words like SEMITIC and ANTI-SEMITIIC,  for their own use,  for their own benefit, as if THEY were the only Semitic people around on Planet Earth, is immoral , unethical , and illogical, BECAUSE according to these numbers, the Hebrew speakers represent LESS THAN FIVE PERCENT of the entire world's Semitic speaking peoples.

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