Monday 17 April 2023

Fuck the neo-fascist truckers

Those FUCKING TRUCKERS were a pack of ludicrous Dumpster diving NEO-FASCISTS. 

They got what was coming them.

They should have been dealt with using MILITARY FORCES.

Fucking assholes.  

Sorry ... my apologies to all assholes, because at least assholes have a purpose ... these fucking trucking neo-fascists have no purpose except to cause trouble ... I mean the number of job losses, economic losses,  financial losses due to their weeks of protesting, will never be forgotten or forgiven. 

They and you talk about democracy ... that's a fucking  laugh LOL 😆  ... these neo-fascists' right-wing cousins in the Tennessee state legislature recently expelled 2 Black members of the legislature because these two men EXERCISED THEIR DEMOCRATIC RIGHTS to march in a Black Lives Matter demonstration ... so don't give me your fucking lecture about trucker fuckers wanting  democracy ... these neo-fascist fuckers want democracy and all their democratic rights and freedoms and privileges for themselves ... BUT ... they want to TAKE AWAY the same democratic rights and freedoms and privileges from everybody else ... we know their GAME PLAN ... we know their playbook  very well.  

Justin Trudeau is an idiot ... so unlike his socialist left-wing father, the late former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, who would have had the MILITARY shoot these truckers.  In videos on YouTube, in 1969 Pierre DEALT with another group of neo-fascist terrorists, the FLQ, in Quebec, who had staged a similar protest, in Montreal, and were actually attacking the podium on which Trudeau was sitting ... he defied their charge, refused to flee the stage, sent in the Canadian Military which occupied all the cities in Quebec especially Montreal and Quebec City, and when asked if he was going to deal with the right-wing terrorists FURTHER he exclaimed : JUST WATCH ME!" 

These fucking truckers actually attempted to bring down a duly elected government of Canada. 

Their dirty conniving leaders are now in federal and provincial prisons. The truckers, these low-IQ blue-collar right-wing rats 🐀 and supporters of Donald Dumpster and the RatpubliKKKan Party, got their STUPID ASSES handed to them ... their collective SPINE / BACKBONE has been crushed LOL 😆 !!  They were read the RIOT ACT, and were advised that if they don't want to be SHOT BY GUNS next time around, they will never ever do that again on CANADIAN SOIL. 

Neo-fascists fascist and right-wing rats only seem to UNDERSTAND THE LANGUAGE of threats, intimidation tactics, aggression, and war ... it took the idiotic Justin Trudeau regime TO FIGURE THIS OUT some 2 weeks after the 1st truckers showed up ... with me, 24 HOURS is all these neo-fascists would have received to get off the streets. 

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