Friday, 12 November 2021

Denis Coderre' Career Finished

HEADLINE QUOTE: "Despite Coderre’s repeated insistence that the election should not be a referendum on his personality, he was running as much against himself as he was against Plante. As mayor from 2013 to 2017, Coderre irked Montrealers with his go-it-alone attitude, content to spend public funds on vanity projects, and extravagances like lavish 375th-anniversary celebrations for Montreal and the Formula E race. This self-conceited self-delusional self-glorifying egotistical narcissistic trickster and right-wing motherfucker's political career is FINISHED. Definition of MOTHERFUCKER : STUPID and/or CRAZY beyond absurd, beyond hope, beyond comprehension. As in : "This motherfucking plane is full of snakes!" As in : "She is a motherfucker!" Montreal's political future is now IRREVERSIBLY DOMINATED BY FEMALES. This is a GOOD THING. Females in Montreal outnumber males by 53% to 47%. A clear majority. So why shouldn't the City be governed by the majority? Females represent COMPASSION AND LOGIC...most of the we shall see how all this shapes up!! Having so many right-wing conservative jews and zionist-mafia scum on his team Ensemble Montréal, a right-wng municipal political party, didn't help. Furthermore, Denis Coderre should have known that Montreal in 2021 is GROUND ZERO / HQ of the anti-jew and anti-zionist BDS Movement (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions). The BDS Movement is based on the correct and logical assumption that money / revenues is the very AIR in the lungs and the BLOOD in the veins of those being targeted. If you want to destroy someone, FOLLOW THE MONEY, and then cut the revenues. ERGO, choke off the air and cut the vein, and the monster will die. This tactic NEVER FAILS. This is why the jews and the zionist-mafia are up in arms in all Western countries and states and provinces and cities, trying desperately YET USUALLY IN VAIN, to get laws passed by BRIBED & CORRUPT POLITICIANS to criminalize BDS, too stupid in their mad rush to realize that BDS IS A PERSONAL CHOICE WHICH CAN NEVER BE CONTROLLED NOR LEGISLATED AWAY by some fucking law or legislation passed by BRIBED & CORRUPT POLITICIANS who pay lip service to democracy, democratic ideals, and freedom of choice. The corrupt Democratic Party Governor of New York State Andrew Cuomo, who was hounded and bribed by the jews and the zionist-mafia to pass a law criminalizing BDS, was forced to resign because of sexual harassment. Several of the 10-plus women who accused Cuomo of sexual harassment were in fact BDS supporters. Cuomo was not just the latest victim of the jews and the zionist-mafia and their bribery and extortion, he was the victim of karma. These criminals want all the rights and freedoms and privileges for themselves yet restrict and limit and even terminate the same rights and freedoms and privileges for the rest of us. Showing double standards and being hippocrites are their standard policies. Also, Muslims such as Arabs, Iranians, Pakistanis, Nigerians, Somalian, Syrians, Bangladeshis, et cetera, constitute something like 10% of the city's nearly 2 million people, meaning 200,000 Muslims ... in the Montreal Greater Metropolitan Area of nearly 5 million people, nearly half a million or 10% of 5 million, are now Muslims. Being the motherfucker he is, Coderre forgot all about these people, as if these people didn't exist, and their voices and votes didn't count. Let me tell you something : when Muslims arrive in a city, the Jews leave : TO WIT, currently in the entire Montreal metro area, including Laval and North Shore and South Shore,, LESS than 70,000 jews now remain. Compare that to half a million Muslims and you can see right away where the FUTURE of Montreal politics lie. A few more factors : Montreal has a (1) huge LGBTQ community, and (2) people who believe in a woman right to choose, and (3) those who believe that the fascist frathouse known as the Montreal Police Department needs to be urgently DEFUNDED, and (4) Montreal is increasingly becoming a left wing/socialist city AND a SANCTUARY CITY, for all of the above reasons Coderre and his right-winger gangsters in Ensemble Montréal DID NOT PAY ATTENTION to all these factors listed and described above, instead choosing to run the campaign on traditional right-wing hocus pocus BULLSHIT like PUBLIC SECURITY, when in fact his own people knew from all the police records and public records and govt statistics, that crime, REPORTED CRIME IN PARTICULAR, has been decreasing EVERY SINGLE YEAR SINCE 1975. And so Coderre and his right-wing gang paid the price through a devastating defeat. I do not believe another right-wing party will come into power in Montreal again. Not for a long time. Right-wing politicians should be very afraid for their political future. SEE COMMENTS FOR MORE... .

1 comment:

Viva la revolución ! said...