Friday, 17 December 2021
WHY these ZIONIST HEATHENS are so dangerous
You can see WHY these ZIONIST HEATHENS are so dangerous...and Facebook and its criminal censors are actively PROTECTING & PROMOTING these fascist racist thieves and murderers.
WHERE do you think ISIS / ISIL get their bombs, plastic explosives, sniper rifles, suicide vests, night vision equipment, ETC from? ANSWER: Mossad and the CIA. These weapons just do not appear out of thin air or by magic.
I would like each and every one of you to COPY & PASTE these images and SHARE to your friends and groups.
The PLAIN TRUTH must spread like a virus.
Do NOT let the Facecrooks hide the truth from you.
I have shared these images to well over 500 places on the Internet, just in case the Facecrook censors delete these images on this platform, which the Facecrooks have done BEFORE.
Every time the Facecrooks censor a post of mine, I take a SCEEN GRAB and I send the deletion by FB and the ensuing threat to the CANADIAN FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.
Join me on Twitter, TikTok, Gab, and MeWe to spread the truth. Four of MANY PLATFORMS I use to spread THE PLAIN TRUTH.
Please do not post personal stuff on Facebook because Facebook is the biggest SPYBOOK on Earth.
If you crave attention (EXACTLY what Zark Fuckerbogus and his Facecrooks are counting on AND want you to do), and you want to JOURNAL your daily life and activities, there are BLOGS such as and and,
and other platforms.
Facebook should be used for spreading the truth AND promoting your talent, skills, projects, and business endeavours.......NOT JOURNALING ALL your private life and details.
Do you know Zark Fuckerbogus, the owner of Facebook, has several Mossad body guards and FB spends many millions of dollars trying to keep that zionist-mafia don alive? How many billions of dollars of his ill-gotten gains (the rat makes money OFF YOUR FACEBOOK DETAILS by selling YOUR PERSONAL DETAILS to advertisers) do you think that rat sends to the APARTHEID zionist COLONY in OCCUPIED PALESTINE every year? If anyone has overseas secret back accounts, it is this zionist-mafia don.
What cigarettes are to your lungs, zionism is to your soul.
Sunday, 12 December 2021
Climate Change and Texas
People tend to move up the food chain as their incomes rise, consuming more meat than they might have when they made less money.
FYI, it takes around seven pounds (3.4 kilograms) of grain to produce a pound of meat.
It takes around three to four pounds of grain to produce a pound of cheese or eggs.
You need not believe one single word you're reading here...DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH.
Needless to say, the CORPORATE beef and poultry and dairy sectors account for MORE THAN 40% of all the GREEN HOUSE GAS EMISSIONS. The beef industry, ALL BY ITSELF, accounts for 25% of ALL GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS. Atrocious but verifiable and true and factual.
What the beef and poultry and dairy industries should be doing is producing SUSTAINABLE CROPS, SUSTAINABLE FISHERIES, ETC.
If people STOPPED eating meat, and reduced or stopped eating dairy products, it would reduce green house gases by at leat 25%, enough to prevent the polar ice caps and the Greenland ice sheet from melting and the resulting sea water level from flooding 50% of the Earth.
Try to imagine a world in which HALF THE PLANET'S LANDMASS is submerged under salty sea water. I can guarantee you that it will not be fun for most of us. Tens of millions of people and innumerable vegetation and creatures will die and hundreds of millions of people will be forced to move on an epic scale NEVER SEEN BEFORE in human history.
Almost every single VITAL city and town across the ENTIRE WORLD is either a RIVER PORT or an OCEAN PORT, meaning that THEY WILL ALL BE SUBMERGED UNDER MANY METERS OF SEAWATER. We will all be scrambling LIKE RATS trying not to drown and being evacced from flooded cities and areas. The wars and violence over drinking water, the struggle, the costs of rebuilding, the costs of resettlement, the destruction and deaths, will make the 2nd World War look like a walk in the park.
Can you imagine the ENTIRETY of Florida under the icy cold salty waters of the Atlantic Ocean on THIS DAY 12 December 2121, exactly 100 YEARS FROM TODAY?!?
THINK ABOUT THIS every time you put meat or milk or eggs into your mouth. YOUR action today will either kill this planet or allow it to flourish.
For the past TWO GENERATIONS, 70 years, our best minds and best technology and best telescopes have been scouring the entire Milky Way Galaxy looking for a planet where life can exist, and to this day NOT ONE SINGLE PLANET - - manifesting GOLDILOCKS FEATURES meaning drinkable water and breathable air and just the right place in its solar system - - HAS EVER BEEN FOUND anywhere within our travel range, that is 10 light years, or 10 years for light, traveling at the speed of light, to reach us from a star 10 light years from Earth.
Did you know that the average temperature over Montreal is 2.2 degrees HIGHER than it was last year? And 2020 was warmer than 2019, and 2019 was warmer than 2018, and so on. Every single month of 2021 has been warmer than the corresponding month of last year.
Did you also know that TODAY it is WARMER IN THE HUDSON BAY AREA (more than a thousand miles NORTH of Montreal) than in many parts of the US and Mexico?!?
Another question you may want to seriously consider : what is more it better to save the planet or save jobs in the meat and dairy industries?!?
A fourth question we pose is, just how much area does the entire 7 billion population of planet Earth need to live on, if this entire area was a MEGAHOUSE, that is NOT INCLUDING highways, streets, hospitals, universities, shopping centers, banks, pharmacies, government offices, office space, ETC that a MEGACITY has?
The US province of TEXAS has an area of 268,596 SQUARE MILES. Using an UNIT CONVETER app, we can calculate this area in terms of square feet: 7,488,032,189,689. That is nearly 7.5 TRILLION SQUARE FEET. Let's divide this entire number by 7 billion, that is 7,000,000,000. It appears that the entire planetary human population of 7 billion, every man and every woman and every child, can live in a megahouse built on the entire area of the province of Texas, and each and every individual can have living space of about a 1,070 square feet.
1,070 SQUARE FEET per human being. Amazing but it's true.
Let's look at 4 types of living space.
The average size of a MASTER BEDROOM is 14 x 16 may be bigger than that, but 225 square footage is a minimum..300 - 350 sq-ft is the average and is plenty big enough...this ensures that you can easily accommodate a king or queen-size bed in the master bedroom while still leaving enough closet space.
A BACHELOR'S APARTMENT is one that combines the bedroom, living room, and kitchen (or kitchenette) in the one room unit...most bachelor apartments are somewhere between 250 to 600 square feet...the less square feet, the cheaper the apartment tends to any given city, bachelor apartments are usually the cheapest choice for an apartment home...bachelor apartments are typically the size of an inexpensive, basic hotel room, as a comparison measure...bachelor apartments share a basic layout: the single room combines the living room, kitchen, and sleeping some bachelor apartments, the kitchen may have a window partition to separate it partly from the rest of the room, but rarely is the kitchen or kitchenette its own separate room in a bachelor apartment...don’t worry, the bathroom is still usually a completely separate room...the bathroom for a bachelor apartment is usually much smaller than a typical bathroom in a one-bedroom apartment.
Sometimes, a bachelor apartment is confused with a STUDIO APARTMENT, which is almost always much larger than a bachelor's a bachelor apartment, a studio apartment combines the bedroom and living room into one...yet, a bachelor apartment is often much smaller than a studio apartment, and a studio apartment often has a separate room for the kitchen and even sometimes an alcove where sleeping quarters can be separated from the rest of the apartment...the latter is rarely found in a bachelor apartment...the bachelor apartment is the smallest, cheapest option between the two for independent apartments usually max out at a total of 600 square feet but can get as small as 300 square feet...a studio apartment and a bachelor's pad are basically self-contained units and houses everything in the single room space except the bathroom.
There's one essential difference between a studio / bachelor apartment and a ONE-BEDROOM APARTMENT, and that's the also get walls and a distinct separation of spaces...there's a clear division between your living room, bedroom, and may also have a few more closets and a dining space...square footage in a one-bed has a decent range...smaller one-bedrooms can equal the size of a large studio...even with the same square footage, a one-bedroom can end up feeling larger since you're not looking at all your space in a single area...generally speaking, a 1-bedroom apartment should be a minimum of 450 square feet (anything less than that is generally considered a studio apartment)...anything upwards of 700 square feet is generally considered a large 1-bedroom apartment...1,000 square feet would be a very large 1 bedroom, could even be a 2-bedroom apartment which would be more than adequate for a family of 2 adults and 1 - 2 children...the average one bedroom size is probably around 600 square feet.
So, if the 1,070 ft² were to be reduced to say 500 sq-ft or 600 ft² , per adult or per family or per household, and we can probably delete from the equation the living space for children 19 years old or less because they are almost always with family in which case maintain 1,000 sq-ft per adult or family or household, and we can add to the equation the construction of very tall residential and commercial buildings in Texas, then there'll be enough space to create roads, highways, hospitals, schools colleges universities, community centers, entertainment centers, sports complexes, government offices, office spaces, stores and shopping centers, trains, metro, bus lanes, so that the MEGAHOUSE of Texas can be one MEGACITY of Texas, that is the entire province of Texas be converted into one megacity, which can be subdivided into districts for political and administrative purposes. This would allow the rest of dryland OUTSIDE OF TEXAS to be used for industry, agriculture, sports / recreation / leisure / entertainment...
Saturday, 4 December 2021
The Scottish in Occupied Scotland, the Welsh in Occupied Wales, and the people of Ireland must look closely at what just happened in Barbados, and consider asking themselves whether Scottish freedom sovereignty independence and Irish reunification are still “impossible” or not. If TINY Barbados can, why not Scotland, Wales and an united Ireland?
I moved from England to Canada for one reason : England is a fucking SHITHOLE.
England's history (starting from Alfred the Great the first King of England but really from the 1st Crusade, England's very 1st foray into International Intrigues and colonialism and imperialism) is drowning in the blood of innocent millions of people like you and me killed for the greater glory of its empire and its royals, in the terrorizing AND theft of 64 other countries that were ILLEGALLY attacked and colonized by the fucking Englander vermin.
In an IPSOS-Gallup-Guardian poll of 2017, tens of thousands of Scottish and Northern Irish and Welsh and Englanders were asked if they would leave Britain if they had the opportunity to, and 67% responded that if they had jobs in Canada or USA ETC or if they had the money, they would LEAVE Britain for good. That's how bad it is right now in Britain.
Canada is being used as nothing more than a MINING COLONY by the (1) Englanders and (2) their colonialist imperialist regime and (3) their multinational corporations. Little Barbados has taken a forceful aggressive robust step in the correct direction to limit their exposure to these 3 undesirable elements. Time has come for Scotland to do the same, Wales to do the same, and Ireland to achieve reunification even if it takes war to get the job done. Barbados was able to pull it off because they are a proud and free people who are not bootlickers of England or Elizabeth Windsor. England can no longer fight wars because it's economy and integrity and credibility would be destroyed not to mention that it has no more money to pay for wars. This is the correct time for Scotland and Wales and Ireland to make their moves too, and follow in the footsteps of cute little and Black-ruled Barbados, an island smaller than the Island of Montreal but with gonads many times bigger.
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"A noble heart can know no ease without freedom!"
- - King Robert the Bruce
Robert I (11 July 1274 – 7 June 1329), popularly known as Robert the Bruce (Medieval Gaelic: Roibert a Briuis; Modern Scottish Gaelic: Raibeart Brus; Norman French: Robert de Brus or Robert de Bruys; Early Scots: Robert Brus; Latin: Robertus Brussius), was King of Scots from 1306 to his death in 1329. Robert was one of the most famous warriors of his generation and eventually led the Kingdom of Scotland during the First War of Scottish Independence against England. He fought successfully during his reign to regain Scotland's place as an independent country and is now revered in Scotland as a national hero.
He had replaced WILLIAM WALLACE as leader of the Scottish Reblion in 1305.
As Earl of Carrick, Robert the Bruce supported his family's claim to the Scottish throne and took part in William Wallace's revolt against Edward I of England.
Sir William Wallace (Scottish Gaelic: Uilleam Uallas; Norman French: William le Waleys; c. 1270 – 23 August 1305) was a Scottish knight who became one of the main leaders during the First War of Scottish Independence.
Wallace defeated an Englander army at the Battle of Stirling Bridge in September 1297. He was appointed Guardian of Scotland and served until his defeat at the Battle of Falkirk in July 1298. In August 1305, Wallace was captured in Robroyston, near Glasgow, and handed over to King Edward I of England, who had him hanged, drawn (skinned the corpse), and quartered (cut the corpse into several pieces) for high treason and crimes against Englanders.
Edward I Plantagenet (17/18 June 1239 – 7 July 1307), also known as Edward Longshanks and the Hammer of the Scots (Latin: Malleus Scotorum), was King of England from 1272 to 1307. The kings and queens of England have been historically and traditionally EVIL and a brutal and murderous and blood-thirsty lot, but Edward Longshanks or Edward I was one of the biggest fucked up in the head brutal butchers in the history of England. It was a good thing for England AND for Scotland when this fucking bloody cunt died in 1307, just 2 years after he he did nasty shit with the body of the Scottish hero Sir William Wallace.
Bruce moved quickly to seize the throne, and was crowned king of Scots on 25 March 1306. England's King Edward I's forces defeated Robert in the battle of Methven, forcing him to flee into hiding before re-emerging in 1307 to defeat an English army at Loudoun Hill and wage a highly successful guerrilla war against the English. Bruce defeated his other opponents, destroying their strongholds and devastating their lands, and in 1309 held his first parliament. A series of military victories between 1310 and 1314 won him control of much of Scotland, and at the Battle of Bannockburn in 1314, Robert defeated a much larger English army under Edward II of England, confirming the re-establishment of an independent Scottish kingdom. The battle marked a significant turning point, with Robert's armies now free to launch devastating raids throughout northern England, while also extending his war against the English to Ireland by sending an army to invade there and by appealing to the Irish to rise against Edward II's rule. Robert the Bruce was to England what Hannibal Barca was to the Roman Empire 2,000 years prior to his own era. In fact, there are many historical evidences that Robert the Bruce studied the brilliant military tactics ("A good defense is a great offense") of Hannibal Barca (ruler of Carthage in North Africa and known today as Tunisia) who had come very very close to destroying the young Roman Empire.
RNA = ribonucleic acid
Ribonucleic acid (RNA) is a polymeric molecule essential in various biological roles in coding, decoding, regulation, and expression of your genes, the genes of all organisms.
Like DNA, RNA is assembled as a chain of nucleotides, but unlike DNA, RNA is found in nature as a single strand folded onto itself, rather than a paired double strand. Cellular organisms and many viruses use messenger RNA (mRNA or MRNA) to convey genetic information (using the nitrogenous bases of guanine, uracil, adenine, and cytosine, denoted by the letters G, U, A, and C) that directs synthesis of specific proteins.
Many viruses encode their genetic information using an RNA genome.
The Pfizer AND Moderna vaccines BOTH are MRNA vaccines. They allegedly vaccinate ppl at the CELLULAR AND/OR MOLECULAR LEVEL, a huge and UNPRECEDENTED DIFFERENCE from TRADITIONAL VACCINES!!
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DNA = deoxyribonucleic acid = the cellular level, the molecular level HEXAGONAL double helix code that makes up who you are ... deoxyribonucleic acid is a molecule composed of two polynucleotide chains that coil around each other to form a double helix carrying genetic instructions for the development, functioning, growth, and reproduction of all known organisms including humans.
DNA and ribonucleic acid (RNA) are nucleic acids. Alongside (1) proteins, (2) lipids, and (3) complex carbohydrates (polysaccharides), nucleic acids are one of the four major types of macromolecules that are essential for all known forms of life.
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If governments and BigPharma are trying to vaccinate against a virus-borne illness like CoViD-19 with MRNA-based vaccines, then why are governments and BigPharma not vaccinating against other virus-borne diseases such as HIV, influenza, the common cold, ETC? Are the MRNA-based vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna the 1st generation of MRNA-based vaccines against ALL virus-borne diseases going forward?
The SMALLPOX VIRUS was defeated in 1980 and then quarantined into just 2 VIALS that very same year in just 2 countries, the USA at the Center for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta, and in Moscow, Russia. The last naturally occurring case was diagnosed in October 1977, and the World Health Organization (WHO) certified the global eradication of the disease in 1980. This great feat was done one generation ago WITHOUT the use of MRNA-based vaccines, that is vaccination against a virus-borne disease at the CELLULAR AND/OR MOLECULAR LEVEL. How was that feat accomplished WITHOUT any MRNA-based vaccines, and why is vaccination not being done the SAME WAY against CoViD-19, that is WITHOUT any MRNA-based vaccine?
ALL CANCERS are cellular-level events that require MITOCHONDRIAL AND PROTEIN-BASED alteration for unnaturally rapid cellular division & growth, meaning that all cancers are as good a candidate for MRNA-BASED vaccines as any virus-borne diseases. Currently, the very best anti-cancer treatments/drugs are IMMUNOTHERAPY-BASED, also called VIRAL IMMUNOTHERAPY, pioneered by such amazing doctors as Canadian Doctor Patrick Lee at Dalhousie University at Halifax, Province of Nova Scotia, and at Calgary General Hospital in Province of Alberta ... his video at a TED Halifax presentation, SEE YOUTUBE VIDEO, on viral immunotherapy was very eye opening for me ... that is, using viruses stripped of all bad stuff and reprogrammed to be killer viruses that hunt and destroy specific types of cancers ... why are cancers not being targeted by MRNA-BASED vaccines?
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Double-helix DNA strand
Single strand RNA
Wednesday, 1 December 2021
Facebook knew of Honduran president’s manipulation campaign
Facebook is a zionist-mafia right-wing PIECE OF SHIT that ALL USERS need to be SERIOUSLY AWARE OF.
Today, Tuesday 30 November 2021, the people of Honduras rose up, LED BY THE NATIVE PEOPLES, and in a MASSIVE SHOW OF SUPPORT in their 2021 presidential election, took their country back from the right-wing rats, from the conservative con-artists, from the neo-fascists, and TODAY THEY HAVE ELECTED A LEFTIST SOCIALIST GOVERNMENT that has already sent friendship letters to Iran China Laos Cambodia Venezuela Bolivia Nicaragua Cuba Peru Argentina Russia Syria Vietnam and Hezbollah (Lebanon).
The flirtation with fascism is finished.
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Facebook knew of Honduran president’s manipulation campaign – and let it continue for 11 months.
Juan Orlando Hernández falsely inflated his posts’ popularity for nearly a year after the company was informed about it
By Julia Carrie Wong in San Francisco and Jeff Ernst
The Guardian
13 April, 2021
Facebook allowed the president of Honduras to artificially inflate the appearance of popularity on his posts for nearly a year after the company was first alerted to the activity.
The astroturfing – the digital equivalent of a bussed-in crowd – was just one facet of a broader online disinformation effort that the JOH regime has used to attack critics and undermine social movements, Honduran activists and scholars say.
Where do you think this dirt-poor 3rd world regime learned such savvy Facebook tactics? This can only be the handiwork of the criminal zionist-mafia spy organization the Mossad, and of course the CIA ... in other words the usual culprits, the USUAL SUSPECTS.
Facebook posts by Juan Orlando Hernández, an authoritarian right-winger whose 2017 re-election is widely viewed as fraudulent, YET RECEIVED THE BLESSING OF THE TRUMP REGIME IN WASHINGTON DC, received hundreds of thousands of fake likes from more than a thousand INAUTHENTIC FACEBOOK Pages – profiles for businesses, organizations and public figures – that had been set up to look like Facebook user accounts.
The campaign was uncovered in August 2018 by a Facebook data scientist, Sophie Zhang, whose job involved combatting fake engagement: comments, shares, likes and reactions from inauthentic or compromised accounts.
Zhang began investigating Hernández’s Page because he was the beneficiary of 90% of all the known fake engagement received by civic or political Pages in Honduras.
Over one six-week period in 2018, for example, Hernández’s Facebook posts received likes from 59,100 users, of whom 46,500 were fake.
She found that one of the administrators for Hernández’s Page was also the administrator for hundreds of the inauthentic Pages that were being used solely to boost posts on Hernández’s Page.
This individual was also an administrator for the Page of Hilda Hernández, the president’s sister, who served as his communications minister until her death in December 2017.
Although the activity violated Facebook’s policy against “coordinated inauthentic behavior” – the kind of deceptive campaigning used by a Russian influence operation during the 2016 US election – FACEBOOK DRAGGED ITS FEET FOR NEARLY A YEAR before taking the campaign down in July 2019.
Despite this, THE CAMPAIGN TO BOOST HERNÁNDEZ ON FACEBOOK REPEATEDLY RETURNED, and Facebook showed little appetite for policing the recidivism. Guy Rosen, Facebook’s zionist-mafia vice-president of integrity, referred to the return of the Honduras campaign as a “bummer” in an internal discussion in December 2019 but emphasized that the company needed to prioritize influence operations that targeted the US or western Europe, or were carried out by Russia or Iran, the Mossad's greatest enemies.
HERNÁNDEZ ’s PAGE ADMINISTRATOR ALSO RETURNED TO FACEBOOK DESPITE BEING BANNED during the July 2019 takedown. His account listed his place of employment as the Honduran presidential palace and included photos taken inside restricted areas of the president’s offices.
The Page administrator did not respond to queries from the Guardian, and his account was REMOVED TWO DAYS AFTER THE GUARDIAN QUESTIONED FACEBOOK ABOUT IT.
A Facebook spokesperson, Liz Bourgeois, said: “We fundamentally disagree with Ms Zhang’s characterization of our priorities and efforts to root out abuse on our platform.
“We investigated and publicly shared our findings about the takedown of this network in Honduras almost two years ago. These investigations take time to understand the full scope of the deceptive activity so we don’t enforce piecemeal and have confidence in our public attribution ... Like with other CIB takedowns, we continue to monitor and block attempts to rebuild presence on our platform.”
FACEBOOK DECLINED TO COMMENT on Hernández’s Page administrator’s return to the platform. It did not dispute Zhang’s factual assertions about the Honduras case.
Hernández did not respond to queries sent to his press officer, attorney, and minister of transparency.
Deceptive social media campaigns are used to “deter political participation or to get those who participate to change their opinion”, said Aldo Salgado, co-founder of Citizen Lab Honduras. “They serve to EMULATE POPULAR SUPPORT THAT THE GOVERNMENT LACKS.”
Eugenio Sosa, a professor of sociology at the National Autonomous University of Honduras, said the government’s use of astroturfing to support Hernández “has to do with the deep erosion of legitimacy, THE LITTLE CREDIBILITY THAT HE HAS, and the ENORMOUS PUBLIC MISTRUST ABOUT WHAT HE DOES, WHAT HE SAYS, and what he promises”. Beyond the president’s loyal supporters, however, Sosa said he believes that it has little effect on public opinion, due to a steady stream of headlines about HERNÁNDEZ ’s CORRUPTION and ties to the narcotics trade.
Hernández’s brother was convicted of drug trafficking in US federal courts in October 2019 (SEE THE ARTICLE BY THE NEW YORKER) and the president has himself been identified by US prosecutors as a co-conspirator in multiple drug trafficking and corruption cases.
Hernández has not been charged with a crime and has denied any wrongdoing. Until recently, HE WAS CONSIDERED A KEY US ALLY in Central America.
Salgado said that the HERNÁNDEZ’S RIGHT-WING REGIME BEGAN RESORTING TO SOCIAL MEDIA DISINFORMATION CAMPAIGNS IN 2015, when a major corruption scandal involving the theft of $350 million from the country’s healthcare and pension system inspired months of torchlit protest marches. “That’s when the need for the government arises and they DESPERATELY BEGAN TO CREATE AN ARMY OF BOTS,” he said.
Facebook, which has about 4.4 million users in Honduras, was a double-edged sword for the non-partisan protest organizers, who used the social network to organize but also found themselves attacked by a disinformation campaign alleging that they were controlled by Manuel Zelaya, a former president who was deposed in a 2009 coup.
“The smear campaign was psychologically overwhelming,” said Gabriela Blen, a social activist who was one of the leaders of the torch marches. “IT IS NOT EASY TO ENDURE SO MUCH CRITICISM AND SO MANY LIES. It affects your family and your loved ones. It is the price that is paid in such a corrupt country when one tries to combat corruption.
“In Honduras there are no guarantees for human rights defenders,” she added. “We are at the mercy of the powers that dominate this country. THEY TRY TO TERRORIZE US AND STOP OUR WORK, EITHER THROUGH PSYCHOLOGICAL TERROR OR CAMPAIGNS ON SOCIAL NETWORKS TO STIR UP REJECTION AND HATRED.”
The disinformation campaigns are most often employed during periods of social unrest and typically paint protests as violent or partisan, according to Sosa, the sociologist. “It scares people away from participating,” he said.
Hernández won a second term in a 2017 election plagued with irregularities. With the country rocked by protests and a violent government crackdown, researchers in Mexico and the US documented the wide-scale use of Twitter bot accounts to promote Hernández and project a false view of “good news, prosperity, and tranquility in Honduras”.
Fresh protests in 2019 against government efforts to privatize the public education and health systems were again met by a digital smear campaign – THIS TIME WITH THE BACKING OF AN ISRAELI POLITICAL MARKETING FIRM THAT WAS BARRED FROM FACEBOOK IN MAY 2019 FOR VIOLATING ITS BAN ON COORDINATED INAUTHENTIC BEHAVIOR.
In 2019, the JOH regime, ruling a 3rd world and dirt poor nation of Honduras, ordered the construction of a brand new embassy in Jerusalem, the illegal capital of the zionist-mafia colony militarily occupying and colonizing Palestine.
ARCHIMEDES GROUP based in zionist-mafia occupied Palestine, set up FAKE Facebook Pages purporting to represent Honduran news outlets or community organizations that promoted pro-Hernández messages, according to an analysis by the Atlantic Council’s DFRLab. Among them was a Page that ran ads again alleging that Zelaya was the source of the protests, and two Pages that pushed the message that Hernández was dedicated to fighting drug trafficking.
“They said that we were inciting violence and had groups of delinquents,” said Suyapa Figueroa, the president of the Honduran Medical Guild, who rose to prominence as one of the leaders of the 2019 protests. “Some people were afraid to support the [protesters’] platform because they thought that [the ousted president] Mel Zelaya was behind it. There were always fears that the movement was politically manipulated and that stopped it growing.”
Figueroa continues to struggle with Facebook-fueled disinformation. A Facebook Page purporting to represent her has nearly 20,000 followers and has been used to “attack leaders of the opposition and create conflict within it”, she said.
“I’ve reported it and many of my friends have reported it, yet I haven’t been able to get that fake Page taken down,” she said.
IT IS THE SAME FACEBOOK THAT METES OUT 30-DAY SUSPENSIONS to anti-zionist and leftist posts.
Tuesday, 23 November 2021
Abolish Animal Sacrifice
Animal Sacrifice To Gods, Animal Sacrifice In Religion - - We Can Do Without It
The Muslim community of Planet Earth, numbering some 2.5 BILLION people, 1/4 of the entire human population, or 1 out of every 4 persons, is also responsible for the biggest annual slaughter of animals to a god as part of their religious rites. It is by far the largest animal sacrifice in the world on an annual basis.
However, Islam and muslims are not alone in sacrificing millions of animals every year to a god. Hindus, jews, christians, buddhist, and other religious communities allow for massive numbers of animal sacrifice.
Animal sacrifice in Islam is centered around the story of Ismail.
Ismail (Arabic: إسماعيل, romanized: ʾismāʿīl) is regarded as BOTH a prophet and a messenger and the founder of Ismailites in Islam. He is the son of Ibrahim (Abraham), born to Hajar (Hagar). Ismail is also associated with Mecca (Al-Makkah, Makkah-Sharif, The Holy Sanctuary) and the construction of the Ka'aba. Ismail is considered, aside from Ibrahim and Hajar, an ancestor to the Prophet Muhammad.
Ismail is the figure known as Ishmael in Judaism and Christianity. These sources include the Holy Qur'an, Qur'anic commentary (tafsir), hadith, and historiographic collections.
▪ Ismail's Birth ▪
In both biblical and in the Qur'anic narrative of Ismail, he was the first-born son of Ibrahim; his mother was Hajar. The story of the birth of Ismail is rarely assigned special significance in Islamic sources. There are many versions of the story, some of which include a prophecy about Ismail's birth. One such example is from Ibn Kathir (d.1373) whose account states that an angel tells the pregnant Hajar to name her child Ismail and prophesies, "His hand would be OVER everyone, and the hand of everyone would be AGAINST him. His brethren would rule OVER all the world." Ibn Kathir comments that this foretells of the Prophet Muhammad's ascendancy and leadership thousands of years later, and CONSEQUENTLY thr advent of Islam and its prophesized world-wide domination.
▪ Ismail and Hajar taken to Mecca by Ibrahim ▪
Ismail and Hajar being taken to Al-Makkah by Ibrahim in Islamic texts is an important part in the story of Ismail, as it brings the focus to Al-Makkah and is the beginning of Mecca's sanctification as a holy area.
Islamic tradition says Ibrahim was ordered by his god to take Hajar and Ismail to Al-Makkah, and later Ibrahim returned to Al-Makkah to build the Ka'aba. In this case, it is explicitly implied that it is the Ka'aba that was the very First Holy Temple, meaning the Temple of Solomon is the second temple, instead of being referred to as the First Temple by the Hebrews / Jews. In many of these accounts, the Sakina (something like a wind or spirit sent by Ibrahim's god), or the archangel Gabriel (Jibral), guides the trio to the location of the Ka'aba, at which point Ibrahim builds it and afterwards, leaves the other two there. Other versions of this story say the construction of the Ka'aba occurred later and that Ismail took part in its construction. Generally, it is said that Hajar asks Ibrahim who he is entrusting herself and Ismail to as he leaves them. He answers that he is entrusting them to his god, to which Hajar then makes a reply that shows her faith, stating that she believes Ibrahim's god will guide them. Hajar and Ismail then run out of water and Ismail becomes extremely thirsty. Hajar is distressed and searches for water, running back and forth seven times between the hills of Al-Safa and Al-Marwah. Hajar is later remembered by Muslims for this act during the Hajj, or pilgrimage, in which Muslims run between these same hills as part of the Sa'yee (the procession of rituals during a Hajj). When she returns to Ismail, she finds either the baby boy or an angel scratching the ground with their heel or finger, whereupon water begins flowing out of the scratched ground, whereupon Hajar collects some and dams it up. This spring or well is known as Zamzam, and it allegedly exists to this day. At some point, a passing tribe known as the Jurhum sees birds circling the water and investigates. They ask Hagar if they can settle there, which she allows, and many versions say as Ismail grew up he learned various things from the tribe. There are numerous versions of this story, each differing in various ways. The versions used in this summary, as well as others, can be found in al-Tabari's history.
▪ The sacrifice ▪
Muslims believe that Ibrahim was told to sacrifice his son, Ismail, although the Qur'an does not mention the name of the son. The multiple versions suggest that the "dhabih" (blood sacrifice) was originally an oral story that had been circulating before being written as it is in the Qur'an. Each version is indeed unique, differing from another in various ways to present certain ideas, such as the importance of Ismail over Isaac because Ismail was indeed the first child. Since it was normal customery traditional for a patriarch of that ancient time to give his blessing to his firstborn, it would mean that it was IMPLIED in these stories that Ismail the first-born, and not Isaac, who was indeed the would-be sacrifice AND subsequently received Ibrahim's blessing and his covenant with his god.
The general narrative pertaining to Ismail in Islamic literature describes the sacrifice either as a test or as part of a vow. Some versions tell of the devil trying to stop Allah's (Ibrahim's god) command from being obeyed by visiting Hajar, Ismail, and Ibrahim. Every time the devil says Ibrahim is going to sacrifice Ismail, each person answers that if Allah commanded it, they should obey. Eventually, Ibrahim tells Ismail about the order/sacrifice, and Ismail is willing to be sacrificed, and encourages his father to listen to Allah. Ismail is portrayed as telling Ibrahim some combination of instructions to bring his bloodied shirt back to his mother Hajar, bind him tightly, sharpen the knife, and place him face down, all so that there will be no wavering in the resolve to obey Allah.
As Ibrahim attempts to slay Ismail, either the knife is turned over in his hand or copper appears on Ismail's neck to prevent the death, and Allah tells Ibrahim that he has fulfilled the command. Unlike in the Bible, there is no mention in the Qur'an of an animal (ram) replacing the boy; rather he is replaced with a 'great sacrifice' (dhibḥin ʿaẓīm). Since the sacrifice of a ram cannot be greater than that of Ibrahim's son (and a prophet of Islam at that), this replacement seems to point to EITHER the religious INSTITUTIONALISATION of the sacrifice itself, or to the FUTURE self-sacrifices of the Prophet Muhammad and his Companions (who were destined to emerge from the loin of Ismail) in the cause of their faith, ISLAM.
During every Eid al-Adha once a year, Muslims around the world slaughter an animal to commemorate
(1) Ibrahim's covenant / vow with his god,
(2) the unwavering determination of both father and sin,
(3) their unwavering faith and trust in their god,
(4) the unflinching act of the sacrifice itself,
(5) and to remind Muslims of self-negation in the way of Allah.
In the jewish bible, a ram is provided which is slaughtered instead.
The actions of Ismail in this narrative have led him to become a model of obedience. This story in the Qur'an is unique when compared to that in the Bible because Ibrahim talks with his son, and so the son is thus aware of the plan to become a sacrifice and approves of it. As noted above, Ismail makes sure that neither he nor his father hesitate in their obedience to Allah. In this way, Ismail is a model of surrendering one's will to Allah, an essential characteristic in Islam. One of the meanings of the word ISLAM is SURRENDER, more specifically PEACE, and thus peaceful surrender to Allah.
Disputes over which son, Ismail or Isaac as the sacrifice, suggests that the story, and where and to whom it happens, is extremely important. It is argued by jewish scholars that the story originated from rabbinic texts and was adapted to Islam over time in order to give Mecca religious importance and connect the story with the pilgrimage. Arguments by Muslim scholars for Ismail as the intended sacrifice include that Jews claim it is Isaac only because they are jealous that it was actually the ancestor of Arabs, Ismail. In looking solely at LOGIC and the TEXT of the Qur'an to determine which son was to be sacrificed, the strongest case for Ismail in the Qur'an AND the Bible is that DIRECTLY AFTER the sacrifice narrative, Ibrahim is told of the coming of Isaac's birth, therefore, it must be Ismail the true first-born son who was about to be sacrificed, AND and who logically and via tradition received Ibrahim's blessing 1st and secondly received Ibrahim's Covenant with his god as his BIRTHRIGHT by fact of being Ibrahim's true first-born son.
That might explain why there are almost three billion Muslims on this planet as opposed to 20 million or less Jews ... and why nearly 70 countries and regions around the world are muslim-majority while the Jews are ILLEGALLY MILITARILY OCCUPYING the long-suffering land of Palestine which never belonged to the Jews in the first place. LOL!!
In fact no Jehofuck / Yahweh ever created the ilegal colonial terrorist entity of PISSRAEL in 1948. Like AL gods and goddesses, Jehofuck / Yahweh never existed. He is the FIGMENT OF THE VERY FERTILE AND CREATIVE HEBREW / JEWISH MIND. Pissrael, this neo-colonialist neo-imperial basket-case banana republic AND erstwhile military base in the Middle-East owned and funded / financed SOLELY by the TRIAD OF TERROR FUKUS (France, UK, US) , and managed by their allies the PALESTINIAN JEWS, FUKUS's Rottweiler dogs in that region, was actually created by the colonial regime of the British Empire in the form of Lord Balfour, in 1948, less than 20 years before the British Empire itself was dead, as all of the colonies of the Empire became independent sovereign bations by 1968.
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They're TWO things we need to look at at this point.
NUMBER ONE : all of this is a lot of fun storytelling, compelling even at the theological level, and makes for great conversation, discussion, and debate.
Then, there is issue NUMBER TWO : there has never been even one slightest archaeological and/or historical evidence of anyone called Abraham ever to exist in the ENTIRE Bronze Age Era (3000 BC to 1000 BC.), or 5000 years to approx 3000 years ago. The ancient Egyptians Assyrians Akkadians Babylonians Phoenicians were are all next-door neighbours of the PROTO-hebrews (POLYTHEISTIC Canaanite tribes that lived between 2000 BC to 1500 BC or 4000 to 3500 years ago but who HAD NOT YETZ TURNED INTO MONOTHEISTIC HEBREWS) ... these polytheistic tribes, 14 in TOTAL, COALESCED into the MONOTHEISTIC Hebrew confederation around 1500 BC to 1200 BC or 3500 to 3200 years ago, centered around the CULT of Yahweh, once a minor god of war and thunder and lightning, who by 1500 BC had been ELEVATED OUT OF THE BLUE into the single most important god of the new Hebrew confederation called Israel / Israelites OR more widely known as the Ibri / Ivri / Ibrihim / Ivrihim ("followers of Ivrihim" , circa 1500 BC) ... these next-door neighbors kingdoms empires societies used all kinds of writing materials such as papyrus, steles,, bronze plates, rudimentary iron, clay pottery, lapis lazuli vases, terra cotta, parchment, leather, mud bricks, and other materials, and the actions and commercial transactions and victories in war and their kings and queens are meticulously inscribed on many of these materials, using many different writing STYLES such as hieroglyphics and linear A and B scripts, ETC, and so they have left us a WEALTH OF INFORMATION on them, their rulers, heros, war victories, their civilizations kingdoms empires ... yet these fucking hebrews, having access to these same writing materials, NEVER left even one shard of clay or pottery or lapis or bronze or stele or papyrus on Abraham or any of their VIPs ... they left us no such records on any kind of surface or material, meaning that absolutely no such historical and / or archaeological evidence has ever been found on any Hebrew VIP called Abraham, Isaac, Ismail, Jacob, Noah, Moses, David, Solomon, or any of these so-called "biblical" persons. And even more incredibly, is the fact that the nearby civilizations kingdoms empires societies cultures NEVER MENTIONED on any materials any name or persons associated with Ibrahim or Abraham or any of these Hebrew VIPs. Which LEADS us to suspect, because of the sheer LACK of even one iota of historical and/or archeological EVIDENCE, that this is all nothing more than Hebrew MYTHOLOGY, that is a series of MYTHS AND LEGENDS, cleverly weaved and secretly created, to perpetuate their continued racist colonial military OCCUPATION OF ALL PALESTINE. First the generations of Christians, who were almost entirely ILLITERATE AND IGNORANT, were DECEIVED in to believing the Hebrew / Jewish lies deceits and propaganda, followed 550 years later on by the first generations of Arabs / Muslims who were similarly ILLITERATE & IGNORANT thus were too hoodwinked and bamboozled lied cheated deceivrd into believing this same Hebrew / Jewish BULLSHIT MYTHOLOGY propaganda.
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It is now the 21 CENTURY.
Enough already.
What can we do about it, ANIMAL SACRIFICE, especially in a SOCIALIST COMMUNITY?
It is important for all of us to understand that in SOCIALISM OF THE 21ST CENTURY, the rights of "animals" are just as important as human rights, women's rights, and children's rights.
The MERIT, the VALUE, the PROGRESSIVENESS, the WORTH of a SOCIETY is HOW it takes care of those who CANNOT SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES, who DO NOT have a voice.
If humanity, if human beings, have been put in charge of administering and managing this planet, we as SENTIENT beings, as APEX POWER, as human beings, must come to understand that
(1) ALL SENTIENT "animals" have as much right to exist and live in peace as any human being, AND
(2) that all animals' right to exist, right to live in peace, is more important than any religious / belief system, AND
(3) that whenever and wherever the two - - right to live and religion - - come into conflict, THE RIGHT TO LIFE MUST ALWAYS TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER DEATH AND CREED.
The FIRST STEP that can be taken to stop / terminate/ prevent any and all animal sacrifice by any and all religions and religious communities, IS TO PASS LEGISLATION that bans / abolishes / criminalizes animal sacrifices in any way, shape, or form.
The SECOND STEP that can be taken is to ban / abolish / shut down all slaughterhouses that are specifically used to kill animals for religious purposes.
These 2 are the only ways by which we as progressive human society can put a stop to to Muslims, Jews, Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, and other religious communities from making animal sacrifices to their gods.
If I have said it a thousand a times, I will say it again:
Andrew Wakefield
The ANTI-VACCINE movement began with this right-wing Conservative Party icon and nut-job: ANDREW WAKEFIELD.
The origins of ‘one of the biggest frauds in the world’
22 OCTOBER 2021
The BBC (UK)
In 1998, the now-disgraced British doctor Andrew Wakefield wrote a study falsely claiming that the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine caused autism in children. This disinformation generated mass panic, and subsequently a vastly popular anti-vaccination movement that still has major consequences today.
Monday, 15 November 2021
AmeriKKKa's Persecution of Julian Assange
America’s persecution of Julian Assange has everything to do with Yemen
▪ The US feels enraged by any revelation of what it really know or does, by any alternative source of information. Such threats to its control of the news agenda must be suppressed where possible.
▪ WikiLeaks Editor-in-Chief Kristinn Hrafnsson says Julian Assange's arrest is a 'dark day for journalism'
by Patrick Cockburn
Friday 31 May 2019
I was in Kabul a decade ago when WikiLeaks released a massive tranche of US government documents about the conflicts in Afghanistan, Iraq and Yemen. On the day of the release, I was arranging by phone to meet an American official for an unattributable briefing. I told him in the course of our conversation what I had just learned from the news wires.
He was intensely interested and asked me what was known about the degree of classification of the files. When I told him, he said in a relieved tone: “No real secrets, then. '
When we met later in my hotel I asked him why he was so dismissive of the revelations that were causing such uproar in the world.
He explained that the US government was not so naive that it did not realise that making these documents available to such a wide range of civilian and military officials meant that they were likely to leak. Any information really damaging to US security had been weeded out.
In any case, he said: “We are not going to learn the biggest secrets from WikiLeaks because these have already been leaked by the White House, Pentagon or State Department.”
I found his argument persuasive and later wrote a piece saying that the WikiLeaks secrets were not all that secret.
However, it was the friendly US official and I who were being naive, forgetting that the real purpose of state secrecy is to enable governments to establish their own self-interested and often mendacious version of the truth by the careful selection of “facts” to be passed on to the public.
They feel enraged by any revelation of what they really know, or by any alternative source of information.
Such threats to their control of the news agenda must be suppressed where possible and, where not, those responsible must be pursued and punished.
We have had two good examples of the lengths to which a government – in this case that of the US – will go to protect its own tainted version of events.
The first is the charging of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange under the Espionage Act for leaking 750,000 confidential military and diplomatic documents in 2010.
The second example has happened in the last few days. The international media may not have always covered itself in glory in the war in Yemen, but there are brave journalists and news organisations who have done just that.
One of them is Yemeni reporter Maad al-Zikry who, along with Maggie Michael and Nariman El-Mofty, is part of an Associated Press (AP) team that won the international reporting Pulitzer prize this year for superb on-the-ground coverage of the war in Yemen. Their stories included revelations about the US drone strikes in Yemen and about the prisons maintained there by the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
The US government clearly did not like this type of critical journalism. When the Pulitzer was awarded last Tuesday in New York, Zikry was not there because he had been denied a visa to enter the US.
There is no longer a US embassy in the Yemeni capital Sanaa, but two months ago he made his way to the US embassy in Cairo, Egypt, where his visa application, though fully supported by AP and many other prestigious institutions, was rejected.
After AP had exerted further pressure, Zikry made a second application for a visa and this time he was seen by a counsellor at the embassy. He reports himself as asking: “Does the US embassy think that a Yemeni investigative journalist doing reporting for AP is a terrorist? Are you saying I am a terrorist?”
The counsellor said that they would “work” on his visa or, in other words, ask the powers-that-be in Washington what to do. “So, I waited and waited – and waited,” he says. “And, until now I heard nothing from them.”
Of course, Washington is fully capable of waiving any prohibition on the granting of a visa to a Yemeni in a case like this, but it chose not to.
Can what Assange and WikiLeaks did in 2010 be compared with what Zikry and AP did in 2019?
Some commentators, to their shame, claim that the pursuit of Assange, and his current imprisonment pending possible extradition to the US or Sweden, has nothing to with freedom of expression.
In fact, he was doing what every journalist ought to do and doing it very successfully.
Take Yemen as an example of this. It is a story of great current significance because in recent days senior US officials have denounced Iran for allegedly directing and arming the Houthi rebels who are fighting Saudi and UAE-backed forces. Action by these supposed Iranian proxies could be a casus belli in the confrontation between the US and Iran.
Mike Pompeo, the US secretary of state, says that Iran has provided the Houthis “with the missile system, the hardware, the military capability” that they have acquired.
John Bolton, the national security adviser, said on Wednesday that Iran risked a “very strong response” from the US for, among other things, drone attacks by the Houthis on Saudi Arabia for which he holds the Iranians responsible.
These accusations, by the US, Saudi Arabia and whoever is their Yemeni ally of the day that the Houthis are stooges of Iran armed with Iranian-supplied weapons, have a long history. But what do we know about what Washington really thinks of these allegations which have not changed much over the years?
This is where Wikileaks comes to the rescue.
The US embassy in Sanaa may be closed today, but it was open on 9 December 2009 when Stephen Seche, the US ambassador, sent a detailed report to the State Department titled: “Who are the Houthis? How are they fighting?”
Citing numerous sources, it says that the Houthis “obtain their weapons from the Yemeni black market” and by corrupt deals with government military commanders. A senior Yemeni intelligence officer is quoted as saying: “The Iranians are not arming the Houthis. The weapons they use are Yemeni.” Another senior official says that the anti-Houthi military “covers up its failures by saying that the weapons [of the Houthis] come from Iran.”
Yemeni experts on the conflict say that Houthi arms acquisition today has likewise little to do with Iran. Yemen has always had a flourishing arms black market in which weapons, large and small, can be obtained in almost any quantity if the money is right. Anti-Houthi forces, copiously supplied by Saudi Arabia and UAE, are happy to profit by selling weapons to the Houthis or anybody else.
In an earlier period, the embassy study cites “sensitive reporting” – presumably the CIA or another intelligence organisation – as saying that extremists from Somalia, who wanted Katyusha rockets, had simply crossed the Red Sea and bought them in the Yemeni black market.
Revealing important information about the Yemen war – in which at least 70,000 people have been killed – is the reason why the US government is persecuting both Assange and Zikry.
The defiant Yemeni journalist says that “one of the key reasons why this land is so impoverished in that tragic condition it has reached today is the US administration’s mass punishment of Yemen”. This is demonstrably true, but doubtless somebody in Washington considers it a secret.
Settlers = palestinian jew colonisers
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The zionist-mafia ...
sell nothing to them,
buy nothing from them.
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In case YOU missed the History Channel documentary, the Palestinian jews like to style themselves as Israelites / Israelis.
Modern jews are as close to ancient hebrews as modern Syrians are to ancient Syrians ... sure there are DNA commonalities but many repeated invasions and intermarriages and wholesale exterminations have VASTLY DILUTED the original racial and ethnic traits.
There was a racist murderous blood-thirsty hebrew-israelite colony-kingdom called Israel that existed around 3000 years ago, between 1047 BC and 930 BC, just 117 years., but it descended / degenerated into a murderous bloody civil war in which hebrews slaughtered hebrews, eventually leading to 2 colonies-kingdoms, one in the north called Israel, and one in the south called Judah, in 933 BC. The god of the heebs was nowhere to be found.
In 722 BC, just 110 years later (during which time the two hebrew colonies-kingdoms constantly fought each other, leading to both of them weakening militarily & economically and having low populations), the massive superpower of the time, the Assyrian Empire, in the form of SARGON II (Sargon the Great), destroyed the colony-kingdom of Israel in the north, completely EXTERMINATING 10 of the 14 heeb tribes, slaughtering over a million heebs, and DEPORTED the small numbers of survivors of the remaining 4 heeb tribes throughout the massive Assyrian Empire, one of history's very first example of total wholesale ethnic cleansing AND internal deportation / internal resettlement / forced expulsion / forced transfer. Again Jehofuck / Yahweh the god of the heebs was nowhere to be found.
Sargon proved that (the god of) money and (the god of) military power were the ONLY TWO GODS that really exist.
Sargon had a massive hatred of the god of the heebs and the extermination of 10 heeb tribes greatly satisfied him. The great emperor gloated over his victory, of the victory of his god over Jehofuck / Yahweh the god of the heebs, and the gory details of this near-extermination / holocaust were recorded by his scribes, and these have survived and have been excavated by archeologists.
That was the end of the hebrews' so-called Israel, or an area where the CONFEDERATION of the hebrew tribes lived.
In 585 BC the next superpower, the Babylonians, in the form of King Nebuchadnezzar the Great, eliminated the remaining heeb colony-kingdom in the south, Judah, in an invasion that completely destroyed the hebrews' capital city of Jerusalem, and their massive temple once and for all, reduced the temple's so-called Holy of Holies (sanctum sanctorum) into a toilet for an elite branch of Babylonian troops and horses, and the small number of heebs that were still alive were carried off as slaves to the capital city of Babylonia (in today's Iraq). Again the god of the heebs Jehofuck / Yahweh was nowhere to be found. The great king's massive victory and the near-extermination of the heebs was recorded by his historians and scribes and these have also been excavated and are visible for all to see at the British Museum in London and museums in Iraq.
From 1047 BC to 585 BC, for around 500 years, the MONOTHEISTIC hebrews had been OCCUPYING, COLONIZING, and TERRORIZING the land of CANAAN-PHILISTYA and mass-murdering the non-hebrew POLYTHEISTIC Cannanites and Philistines, the ancient ancestors of today's Palestinians. This was nothing less than MASS ETHNIC CLEANSING at a religious level, and was nothing less than a HOLOCAUST of the NATIVE Canaanite-Philistine population by the monotheistic hebrew confederation, a holocaust the jews and the zionist-mafia of TODAY never bother to talk about, discuss, debate, air, or publish. Lesson 1 and Propaganda 101 : exterminate your enemies yet project yourself as the victim, which is what the Jewish Bible is all about, one of the greatest propaganda feats/pieces in world history.
The destruction of BOTH Israel and Judah was Karma. Yeah, KARMA IS A BITCH.
Not until 1948 would there be another so-called Israel, more than 2,500 years after the events of 585 BC.
Who created so-called Israel in 1948? No it was NOT Jehofuck / Yahweh, the mythical fairy god of the jews-hebrews ... he NEVER EXISTED, just like Thor, Odin, and Loki never existed, just like Apollo, Athena, Zeus, and Hera never existed, just like Baal, Ishtar, and other Mid-East deities never existed, just like Shiva, Hanuman, Kali, Durga, Rama, Mithra, or Indra never existed.
The earliest linear pictographs of Jehofuck / Yahweh, rudimentary linear depictions on clay tablets found by Jordanian archeologists in the 1930s, show a figure that looks like a horned goat, leading to speculation among archaeologists & historians that Jehofuck / Yahweh was the hebrew version of the ancient Greek god of wine, sexuality, immorality, and debauchery, Dionysos.
Other archaeologists and historians refer to Jehofuck's / Yahweh''s earliest pictograph depictions as Baphomet (SEE WIKIPEDIA ARTICLE).
What is clear is that Jehofuck / Yahweh was a minor God of War in the ancient Canaanite pantheon of deities that included Baal and Ishtar and hundreds of other gods.
According to archeological & historical records of the Middle East, Jehofuck / Yahweh was elevated, suddenly out of the blue, from a minor Canaanite god, around 2,000 BC (4,000 years ago), to the one and only god of the newly founded / newly-created hebrew tribes / hebrew tribal confederation around 1,500 BC or about 3,500 years ago.
So if Jehofuck / Yahweh did not create a new hebrew colony in 1948, who did? The British Empire, in the human form of Lord Balfour, created the new hebrew COLONY in 1948.
Friday, 12 November 2021
Denis Coderre' Career Finished
"Despite Coderre’s repeated insistence that the election should not be a referendum on his personality, he was running as much against himself as he was against Plante. As mayor from 2013 to 2017, Coderre irked Montrealers with his go-it-alone attitude, content to spend public funds on vanity projects, and extravagances like lavish 375th-anniversary celebrations for Montreal and the Formula E race.
This self-conceited self-delusional self-glorifying egotistical narcissistic trickster and right-wing motherfucker's political career is FINISHED.
Definition of MOTHERFUCKER :
STUPID and/or CRAZY beyond absurd, beyond hope, beyond comprehension.
As in : "This motherfucking plane is full of snakes!"
As in : "She is a motherfucker!"
Montreal's political future is now IRREVERSIBLY DOMINATED BY FEMALES. This is a GOOD THING. Females in Montreal outnumber males by 53% to 47%. A clear majority. So why shouldn't the City be governed by the majority? Females represent COMPASSION AND LOGIC...most of the we shall see how all this shapes up!!
Having so many right-wing conservative jews and zionist-mafia scum on his team Ensemble Montréal, a right-wng municipal political party, didn't help.
Furthermore, Denis Coderre should have known that Montreal in 2021 is GROUND ZERO / HQ of the anti-jew and anti-zionist BDS Movement (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions). The BDS Movement is based on the correct and logical assumption that money / revenues is the very AIR in the lungs and the BLOOD in the veins of those being targeted. If you want to destroy someone, FOLLOW THE MONEY, and then cut the revenues. ERGO, choke off the air and cut the vein, and the monster will die. This tactic NEVER FAILS. This is why the jews and the zionist-mafia are up in arms in all Western countries and states and provinces and cities, trying desperately YET USUALLY IN VAIN, to get laws passed by BRIBED & CORRUPT POLITICIANS to criminalize BDS, too stupid in their mad rush to realize that BDS IS A PERSONAL CHOICE WHICH CAN NEVER BE CONTROLLED NOR LEGISLATED AWAY by some fucking law or legislation passed by BRIBED & CORRUPT POLITICIANS who pay lip service to democracy, democratic ideals, and freedom of choice. The corrupt Democratic Party Governor of New York State Andrew Cuomo, who was hounded and bribed by the jews and the zionist-mafia to pass a law criminalizing BDS, was forced to resign because of sexual harassment. Several of the 10-plus women who accused Cuomo of sexual harassment were in fact BDS supporters. Cuomo was not just the latest victim of the jews and the zionist-mafia and their bribery and extortion, he was the victim of karma. These criminals want all the rights and freedoms and privileges for themselves yet restrict and limit and even terminate the same rights and freedoms and privileges for the rest of us. Showing double standards and being hippocrites are their standard policies.
Also, Muslims such as Arabs, Iranians, Pakistanis, Nigerians, Somalian, Syrians, Bangladeshis, et cetera, constitute something like 10% of the city's nearly 2 million people, meaning 200,000 Muslims ... in the Montreal Greater Metropolitan Area of nearly 5 million people, nearly half a million or 10% of 5 million, are now Muslims. Being the motherfucker he is, Coderre forgot all about these people, as if these people didn't exist, and their voices and votes didn't count. Let me tell you something : when Muslims arrive in a city, the Jews leave : TO WIT, currently in the entire Montreal metro area, including Laval and North Shore and South Shore,, LESS than 70,000 jews now remain. Compare that to half a million Muslims and you can see right away where the FUTURE of Montreal politics lie.
A few more factors : Montreal has a
(1) huge LGBTQ community, and
(2) people who believe in a woman right to choose, and
(3) those who believe that the fascist frathouse known as the Montreal Police Department needs to be urgently DEFUNDED, and
(4) Montreal is increasingly becoming a left wing/socialist city AND a SANCTUARY CITY, for all of the above reasons
Coderre and his right-winger gangsters in Ensemble Montréal DID NOT PAY ATTENTION to all these factors listed and described above, instead choosing to run the campaign on traditional right-wing hocus pocus BULLSHIT like PUBLIC SECURITY, when in fact his own people knew from all the police records and public records and govt statistics, that crime, REPORTED CRIME IN PARTICULAR, has been decreasing EVERY SINGLE YEAR SINCE 1975. And so Coderre and his right-wing gang paid the price through a devastating defeat.
I do not believe another right-wing party will come into power in Montreal again. Not for a long time. Right-wing politicians should be very afraid for their political future.
Thursday, 28 October 2021
Saudi crown prince a ‘psychopath’
Saad Aljabri says Mohammed bin Salman boasted he could kill former ruler King Abdullah
by Stephanie Kirchgaessner (in Washington)
Mon 25 Oct 2021
The Guardian (UK)
Wednesday, 27 October 2021
This post was researched and edited and published by the Research & Reporting Bureau (RRB Unit) of The Garnet Troy Rossi Society. For TRANSPARENCY PURPOSES, the Bureau is an intelligence unit staffed by 8 paid researchers who have access to sources and information not available to most people. We do hope you will enjoy reading this informative article.
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Facebook's days are numbered.
Do you have a REPLACEMENT platform?
Marcus Fuckerbogus' days in the sun are coming to a shuddering end.
This right-wing zionist-mafia don has ex-Mossad terrorists & murderers acting as his spies and security detail following him everywhere because Fuckerburg fears for his life. GOOD! The more he is scared, the better WE THE PEOPLE should feel. He is the only CEO in the world who requires a small army to protect him and which costs Facebook millions of dollars annually in security expenses. An article on this will be posted soon.
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Why the writing is on the wall for Facebook
by Arwa Mahdawi
Tuesday 26 Oct 2021
The Guardian (UK)
Uh-oh, it looks as if Mark Zuckerberg has caught on to the media’s dastardly plot to destroy Facebook!
As you have probably noticed, the technology behemoth has been in the news nonstop recently, as media outlets plough through thousands of pages of internal documents leaked by the Facebook whistleblower Frances Haugen.
Frances Haugen: ‘I never wanted to be a whistleblower. But lives were in danger’
by Dan Milmo, Global technology editor
The Observer (UK)
Sun 24 Oct 2021
⋆ The woman whose revelations have rocked Facebook tells how spending time with her mother, a priest, motivated her to speak out
How losing a friend to misinformation drove Facebook whistleblower
by Dan Milmo
Global technology editor
The Guardian (UK)
Mon 4 Oct 2021
⋆ Frances Haugen was frustrated that Facebook was not publicly acknowledging the harm its platforms could cause
⋆ Facebook is putting profit before public good, says whistleblower
Key excerpts from whistleblower’s revelations
Facebook putting profit before public good, says whistleblower Frances Haugen
by Kari Paul and Dan Milmo
Mon 4 Oct 2021
The Guardian (UK)
⋆ Internal papers show firm is lying about making progress against hate, violence and misinformation, ex-employee says
Most people might think journalists reporting revelations about one of the world’s most powerful companies was par for the course.
Zuckerberg, however, seems to think it’s some sort of vast conspiracy.
“My view is that what we’re seeing is a coordinated effort to selectively use leaked documents to paint a false picture of our company,” Zuckerberg said during an earnings call on Monday (yesterday, 25 October, 2021).
Sounds a little Trumpy, doesn’t it?
Admit no wrong; instead, cast yourself as the victim of the malicious mainstream media.
That is not where the Donald Trump comparisons end; the two men are strikingly similar.
Both seem to prioritise profits over people.
The Facebook Files
A Wall Street Journal investigation
⋆ Facebook Inc. knows, in acute detail, that its platforms are riddled with flaws that cause harm, often in ways only the company fully understands. That is the central finding of a Wall Street Journal series, based on a review of internal Facebook documents, including research reports, online employee discussions and drafts of presentations to senior management.
⋆ Time and again, the documents show, Facebook’s researchers have identified the platform’s ill effects. Time and again, despite congressional hearings, its own pledges and numerous media exposés, the company didn’t fix them. The documents offer perhaps the clearest picture thus far of how broadly Facebook’s problems are known inside the company, up to the chief executive himself.
Both extend different rules to celebrities and the powerful than to everyone else.
Facebook Files: 5 things leaked documents reveal
24 September, 2021
The BBC (UK)
(1) Celebrities were treated differently by Facebook
Facebook Says Its Rules Apply to All. Company Documents Reveal a Secret Elite That’s Exempt.
by Jeff Horwitz
The Wall Street Journal
Sept. 13, 2021
⋆ A program known as XCheck has given millions of celebrities, politicians, and other high-profile users special treatment, a privilege many abuse
(2) Its response to employee concerns about human trafficking was often 'weak'
=> : Silicon Valley's Online Slave Market - Full documentary - BBC News Arabic | BBC Africa Eye
=> : A turning point for Facebook?
(3) Facebook faces a huge lawsuit from shareholders.
(4) Has Facebook been promoting positive stories about itself?
No More Apologies: Inside Facebook’s Push to Defend Its Image
by Ryan Mac and Sheera Frenkel
The New York Times
Sept. 21, 2021
⋆ Mark Zuckerberg, the chief executive, has signed off on an effort to show users pro-Facebook stories and to distance himself from scandals.
⋆ Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook’s chief executive, signed off last month on a new initiative code-named Project Amplify.
⋆ The effort, which was hatched at an internal meeting in January, had a specific purpose: to use Facebook’s News Feed, the site’s most important digital real estate, to show people positive stories about the social network.
⋆ The idea was that pushing pro-Facebook news items — some of them written by the company — would improve its image in the eyes of its users, three people with knowledge of the effort said.
⋆ But the move was sensitive because Facebook had not previously positioned the News Feed as a place where it burnished its own reputation.
⋆ Several executives at the meeting were shocked by the proposal, one attendee said.
⋆ Project Amplify punctuated a series of decisions that Facebook has made this year to aggressively reshape its image. Since that January meeting, the company has begun a multipronged effort to change its narrative by distancing Mr. Zuckerberg from scandals, reducing outsiders’ access to internal data, burying a potentially negative report about its content and increasing its own advertising to showcase its brand.
(5) Facebook knew Instagram was 'toxic' for teens
Facebook Knows Instagram Is Toxic for Teen Girls, Company Documents Show
by Georgia Wells, Jeff Horwitz and Deepa Seetharaman
The Wall Street Journal
Sept. 14, 2021
⋆ Its own in-depth research shows a significant teen mental-health issue that Facebook plays down in public
Congress grills Facebook exec on Instagram’s harmful effect on children
by Kari Paul and Dan Milmo
The Guardian
Thu 30 Sep 2021
⋆ Senators highlighted research revealed in the Wall Street Journal showing how the photo app could affect girls’ body image and self-esteem
Facebook disputes its own research showing harmful effects of Instagram on teens’ mental health
by Dan Milmo and Kari Paul
The Guardian
Thu 30 Sep 2021
⋆ US Congress to question firm’s head of safety after Wall Street Journal reports revealed research on the photo app
Facebook’s Effort to Attract Preteens Goes Beyond Instagram Kids, Documents Show
by By Georgia Wells and Jeff Horwitz
The Wall Street Journal
Sept. 28, 2021
⋆ It has investigated how to engage young users in response to competition from Snapchat, TikTok; ‘Exploring playdates as a growth lever’
Both seem to have an unusual relationship with facts.
And both seem to reckon that the US is the only place in the world that matters.
Internal documents appear to show that only 13% of Facebook’s misinformation-moderation staff hours were devoted to non-US countries last year, even though their populations comprise more than 90% of Facebook’s users.
by Ellen Cushing
The Atlantic
OCTOBER 25, 2021
⋆ Internal documents show the company routinely placing public-relations, profit, and regulatory concerns over user welfare. And if you think it’s bad here, look beyond the U.S.
If it sounds as if I am conflating Facebook the company with Zuckerberg the man, by the way, it’s because I am.
Zuckerberg, it’s clear, exerts an unhealthy amount of control over Facebook.
“Right now, Mark [Zuckerberg] is unaccountable,” Haugen told the Observer. “He has all the control. He has no oversight.”
In short, he is the sort of autocrat you imagine Trump wishes he could have been.
Before he lost the 2020 election and legal troubles started to mount, Trump was known as “Teflon Don”.
He faced scandal after scandal, but nothing seemed to stick to him.
Facebook has had a similarly charmed run.
Over the past few years, the company has been mired in endless negative PR.
It has been accused of facilitating genocide in Myanmar.
And turning a blind eye to human trafficking in the Middle East.
It has been accused of mass surveillance.
It has been accused of ignoring Instagram’s impact on the mental health of teenage girls. I could go on: there is seemingly almost nothing good to say about Facebook.
And yet, that negative coverage hasn’t hurt the company’s profits.
Its shares are up 25% since January 2021. On Monday, Facebook reported more than $9bn in profits during its most recent financial quarter, along with a 6% increase in daily active users. It has exceeded investor expectations.
(Selling user information to advertisers has its advantages. Those IDIOTS who keep posting personal info and photos are getting their Facebook pages drilled with ads relating to their personal details and likes, cities they live in, and other info they willingly fill in, not knowing that Facecrooks' algorithms are HARVESTING all that info to hit the user with TARGETTED ADS. The LESS you post about your personal details, the less ads you will see. Simple, ain't it, to understand?)
Does all this mean that Facebook is untouchable? Impervious to negative headlines? Able to do whatever it likes with zero consequences?
Not entirely.
Facebook’s PR problems have apparently made it leak top talent.
“Facebook is extremely thinly staffed … and this is because there are a lot of technologists that look at what Facebook has done, and their unwillingness to accept responsibility, and people just aren’t willing to work there,” Haugen said in a briefing last week.
If Facebook can’t attract the most talented technologists, then it’s going to have a very hard time growing.
Another existential threat revealed by the Facebook files is the extent to which the company is losing traction with young people.
Its user base is ageing and the kids that Facebook needs to engage if it wants to remain relevant think the platform is “boring, misleading and negative”.
What’s more, internal documents don’t seem particularly optimistic that the company can turn this around easily.
Facebook may be performing well financially for the moment, but its continued success is far from a given.
The writing is on the wall.
Arwa Mahdawi is a Guardian columnist
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