Tuesday, 17 November 2020

Another MeriKKKan Fascist and Assassination Candidate



Another MeriKKKan Evangelist Fraudster and Fascist and Assassination Candidate 


Soaring case numbers now reflect accelerating spread of the virus, not simply wider testing


“The virus is never going to go away. It’s just a part of our lives.”

Soaring case numbers now reflect accelerating spread of the virus, not simply wider testing. Can't happen to a better CUNTRY. 


The EwwwwwSA is DYING. 

A fitting END to a racist fascist murderous empire. 

Emily Lance publishes photo of peeing on the Pigland flag... 

Emily Lance, of Philadelphia, has received rape & death threats for posting video of herself urinating on US flag on Independence Day.


She captioned the video "Fuck your nationalism. Fuck your country. Fuck your stupid fucking flag."
The song playing in the background of the video is "Night Moves" by Bob Seger & The Silver Bullet Band. 


Mitch The Bitch

There are estimated 25 million ppl in the EwwwSA with military / weapons experience ... so WHY doesn't someone just go after Bitch McConnell and put a BIG HOLE in Bitch McConnell's head and be done with that right-wing fascist fuck?

As long as that Filthy Fuck remains alive, MeriKKKa will NEVER attain real peace, real security, real progress. 

Iran To Import North Korean missiles In 25-Year Military Deal With China - Oct 19, 2020
