Tuesday, 17 November 2020

Another MeriKKKan Fascist and Assassination Candidate



Another MeriKKKan Evangelist Fraudster and Fascist and Assassination Candidate 


Soaring case numbers now reflect accelerating spread of the virus, not simply wider testing


“The virus is never going to go away. It’s just a part of our lives.”

Soaring case numbers now reflect accelerating spread of the virus, not simply wider testing. Can't happen to a better CUNTRY. 


The EwwwwwSA is DYING. 

A fitting END to a racist fascist murderous empire. 

Emily Lance publishes photo of peeing on the Pigland flag... 

Emily Lance, of Philadelphia, has received rape & death threats for posting video of herself urinating on US flag on Independence Day.


She captioned the video "Fuck your nationalism. Fuck your country. Fuck your stupid fucking flag."
The song playing in the background of the video is "Night Moves" by Bob Seger & The Silver Bullet Band. 


Mitch The Bitch

There are estimated 25 million ppl in the EwwwSA with military / weapons experience ... so WHY doesn't someone just go after Bitch McConnell and put a BIG HOLE in Bitch McConnell's head and be done with that right-wing fascist fuck?

As long as that Filthy Fuck remains alive, MeriKKKa will NEVER attain real peace, real security, real progress. 

Iran To Import North Korean missiles In 25-Year Military Deal With China - Oct 19, 2020


Wednesday, 22 January 2020

Kill the Pimp

Just NUKE all cities (white angli-saxon COLONIES in the New World)  in the United States of Abomination, with the full intention of extermination of the entire evil population that is.kill at lest 300 MILLION, as quickly as possible. With the threat of complete and total nuclear annihilation, I highly doubt if the United States of Abomination would even dare to retaliate with nuclear weapons  knowing that it will be suicidal and the destruction of its entire population. My feeling is that Americans by and large are just filthy dirty murderous cowards ripe for the Harvest, the Purge, ready to be reaped so that the rest of the world can have peace and  security and prosperity. In the process of total annihilation and destruction of the United States of Abomination, the world will finally put an end to the zionist-mafia once and for all so that the Middle East can go back to prie-1948 and all of Uncle Sam's prostitutes like England  France Australia New Zealand Denmark Canada ETC can be picked off and destroyed one by one because the pimp is no longer there to protect its prostitutes. By the cowardly murder of Qassem Soleimani, the United States of Abomination has proven itself once and for all as the most evil entity on the planet since the British Empire and so it has forfeited its very existence and all of its population which has had the ability to change the regime thru a civil war if necessary has failed to carry out that Holy Mission and so they have also forfeited their owb lives and must be hunted down to the very last one by one and liquidated without mercy and without further ado. The current geopolitical situation can no longer be allowed to continue on day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year.  Someone needs to pull the trigger or press the button on the nukes and get this Holy Process starting. Targetting and killing Pompeo Drumpf Bolton Bush Clinton Obama Mekrel Johnson Graham Trudeau, is not enough. The complete and total and permanent destruction and desolation of the House of Evil that these filthy degenerates have built since 1948 must be completely totally and permanently burned down to cinder and ash.