Friday 11 October 2024

I only use the words THE OLD TESTICLE because

I only use the words THE OLD TESTICLE because that FUCKING WORTHLESS BOOK OF MYTHOLOGICAL SHIT was written by a bunch of CONTROL-FREAK RIGHT-WING CUNTSERVATIVE MALES, for other control-freak right-wing cuntservative males, for the SOLE PURPOSE of 
● brainwashing, 
● deceiving, and 
● hoodwinking 
surrounding more control-freak right-wing cuntservative males WHO ALSO DID NOT EXIST IN REALITY. 


If people have even HALF A BRAIN, it would not take them more than 10 SECONDS to figure this out (I think I was just 10 years old) AND STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM THIS FUCKING WORTHLESS BOOK OF MYTHOLOGICAL SHIT.


Tuesday 17 September 2024


- As more information become available, I will be adding more details into this post. So keep visiting this post often to see the updates - 



His followers were a MYTHOLOGICAL TRIBE, one of 10 to 15 that comprised a greater ARAB-CANAAANITE MONOTHEISTIC MYTHOLOGICAL CONFEDERACY in a sea of REAL POLYTHEISTIC NATIONS in the Middle-East during the Bronze Age ... we are talking 2000 BC to 1300 BC. 

There's NOT ONE SINGLE PIECE of hard verifiable factual scientific empirical historical archeological evidence of the VERY EXISTENCE of this Judah and/or his TRIBE of followers. 

At a time when papyrus, bronze plates, clay pottery, stone tablets, and a WIDE RANGE of other WRITING/ INSCRIBING instruments/tools were WIDELY AVAILABLE, especially in well-documented regional civilizations/empires/nations like the Egyptians Assyrians Babylonians ETC, who left meticulous historical records of their rulers and important events, not one of these ancient kingdoms/civilizations had ever recorded any Adam, Eve, Noah Abraham, Moses, Judah, or ANY FIGURES DESCRIBED within the pages of the FIRST TEN BOOKS of the Old Testicle. 

Q : 
What are, in sequence, the first ten books of the Old Testicle? 

A : 
The first ten books of the Old Testicle, in sequence, are : 
1. Genesis 
2. Exodus 
3. Leviticus 
4. Numbers 
5. Deuteronomy (the so-called Laws of Moses) 
6. Joshua 
7. Judges 
8. Ruth 
9. ** 1 Samuel 
10. ** 2 Samuel 

Every single one of these ten books is considered by historians and archaeologists to be MYTHOLOGICAL / INVENTED. 

A LENGTHY 15-YEAR STUDY by one of the world's FOREMOST HISTORIANS AND ARCHAEOLOGISTS, resulted in the finding that EVERY SINGLE PERSON AND EVENT that are listed and described within the FIRST 10 BOOKS of the Old Testicle, are all 馃挴 % made-up imaginary concocted fictitious cooked-up up bullshit nonsensical lies and deceitful propaganda, orally transmitted by ANCIENT CLERGY/ CLERICAL GROUP OF RABBIS trying to CREATE AND CONTROL a MONOTHEISTIC SYSTEM OF BELIEFS and a MONOTHEISTIC COMMUNITY that was under CONSTANT THREAT from all around them in THOSE BRUTAL TIMES when the average age was less than 45. This oral tradition was only put down on PAPYRUS in the period between 500 BC and 500 AD, a period of 1,000 years, LONG AFTER THE PURPORTED EVENTS AND FIGURES listed and described in the first 10 books of the Old Testicle. 

Historians and archaeologists see the SHIFT from a POLYTHEISTIC BELIEF SYSTEM to a MONOTHEISTIC BELIEF SYSTEM within the greater ANCIENT ARAB-CANAAANITE NATION IN THE LEVANTINE REGION OF THE MIDDLE-EAST during the years following the advent of KING AKHENATON in NEAR-BY Egypt who also believed in a single god, ATON, rather than a traditional family / pantheon of gods. 

Akhenaten, also spelled Akhenaton or Echnaton, meaning 'Effective for the Aten'), was an ancient Egyptian pharaoh reigning from 1353–1336 or 1351–1334 BC, the tenth ruler of the Eighteenth Dynasty. Before the fifth year of his reign, he was known as Amenhotep IV (Hellenized as Amenophis IV). His main wife was the famous Nefertiti. One of his many children was the famous Tutankhamun (King Tut). 

As a pharaoh, Akhenaten is noted for abandoning traditional ancient Egyptian religion of polytheism and introducing Atenism, or worship centered around Aten. This ATEN CULT shift away from traditional religion was REVERSED BRUTALLY after his death. Akhenaten's monuments were dismantled and hidden, his statues were destroyed, and his name excluded from lists of rulers compiled by later pharaohs. Traditional religious practice was gradually restored, notably under his close successor Tutankhamun, who changed his name from Tutankhaten early in his reign. King Tut was assassinated by his dead father's clergy in a brutal murder. When some dozen years later, rulers without clear rights of succession from the Eighteenth Dynasty founded a new dynasty, they discredited Akhenaten and his immediate successors, and referred to Akhenaten as "the enemy" or "that criminal" in Egyptian archival records. 

In the meantime, in the Levant, a 
mid-level god, JEHOFUCK, not so interesting nor an important god, one of SEVERAL Arabic-Canaanites gods of thunder lightning weather, was SLOWLY BUT STEADILY being TRANSFORMED BY THE CLERICS / RABBIS, into a GOD OF WAR AND OMNIPOTENCE. Took a thousand years (2000 BC to 1000 BC), but the DIRTY DEED was done. The transformation was COMPLETED by the RABBIS by 900 BC. Why a GOD OF WAR? Because these ANCIENT RABBIS needed someone powerful and strong and omnipotent to PUT COURAGE AND HOPE into the hearts of their flock, who were being decimated, LEADING TO DEPOPULATIONS, by repeated invasions from all around. 

From that period onwards, from the 1330s BC, Egyptian military forces regularly invaded the Levant, KILLING as many MONOTHEISTIC ARAB-CANAAANITE people as they possibly can, resulting in constant population declines in the MONOTHEISTIC ARAB-CANAAANITE populations of the Levantine region. 

This also led to the systematic EXTERMINATION INVASIONS by the Assyrians, Babylonians, ETC, who ALSO SOUGHT TO ELIMINATE MONOTHEISM as an EXISTENTIAL THREAT to THEIR POLYTHEISTIC SYSTEM of beliefs that had been in existence for thousands of years, an EXTERMINATION CAMPAIGN very much organized by the POLYTHEISTIC CLERICS in those INVADING EMPIRES/CIVILIZATIONS, like Egypt, Assyria, Babylonia, ETC. 

In 721 BC, Sargon II The Great of ASSYRIA overran the northern 75% of the Levant, exterminating 90% of the monotheistic Arabic-Aramaic-Canaanites, and scattered the remaining 10% (all survivors were females and males under 25 incl children) to the four winds as SLAVES and FORCED IMMIGRANTS to all parts of his huge Assyrian Empire. The Paleset / Philistines who lived all along the coastline from Sinai to Gaza to Beirut immediately ascribed as vessels to Sargon, thereby saving their skins. The end came in 585 BC, when King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylonia/Babylon overran the remaining southern areas of the Levant, exterminating over 90% of the remaining monotheistic Arabic-Aramaic-Canaanites, taking away only 10% of the survivors as SLAVES to Babylon. Once again, the Paleset / Philistines along the Levantine coastline immediately ascribed as vessels to the Babylonians, thereby saving their skins once again. In 545 BC, Persian Emperor Cyrus I the Great defeated Assyria and Babylonia, freed the slaves, and allowed them to return to the Levant starting in 545 BC. Only about 10% of ALL ancient ARABIC-CANAANITES survived the exterminating invasions, and most of them returned to the Levant. Some of their direct descendants still live in Eran to this day. 

It was in this context of CONSTANT THREATS AND DANGERS OF EXTERMINATION, a dangerous period from 1350 BC onwards, the FORMATIVE YEARS OF ANCIENT ARAB-CANAANITE MONOTHEISM, to the 500s BC, that the ancient order of clerics / rabbis invented this long line of MYTHOLOGICAL HEROES, ostensibly to create a sense of PEDIGREE AND ANCESTRY going back into the mists of human existence, from the mythological Adam to Noah to Abraham to Moses ETC, ostensibly to create a monotheistic belief system AND a monotheistic community of people and tribes / tribal confederacy that the ANCIENT ARAB-CANAANITE RABBIS / CLERGY were trying to create and protect and control. 

The virtual extermination of the Arab-Aramaic-Canaanites population of the Levant left to the DECLINE and the eventual DEATH (by 200 Ad) of their particular DIALECT, which we all know as ARAMAIC, but which the kikels HAVE TRIED TO *STEAL*, and RENAME by the H-WORD, which doesn't really exist, because 
(1) Ever / Eber, the mythological father of the mythological Abraham was a MYTHOLOGICAL FIGURE in Genesis Book 1, but from whom the H-WORD is ascribed / invented... 
(2) his son Abraham, in actuality his original ARABIC-ARAMAIC name was IBRAHIM, was also a MYTHOLOGICAL FIGURE ... ONLY LOGICAL SINCE HIS FATHER WAS MYTHOLOGICAL, but a name from which was INVENTED the H-WORD. How do you name an entire community language religion ETC based on the names of a COUPLE OF GUYS WHO NEVER EXISTED IN THE FIRST PLACE since both are MYTHOLOGICAL?!?


Judah is the English transliteration of the original ARABIC-ARAMAIC name YAHOODA / YAHUDA ... Judah is a concocted made-up cooked-up imaginary fictitious bullshit construct by Germanic Anglo-Saxon theologians in King Alfred's royal court during the late 800s AD in their vernacular Old English language ... those who followed the mythological YAHOODA / YAHUDA were called YAHOODI ... the J-WORD in English was INVENTED from Judah by the theologians in King Alfred's royal court ... hence, JUDAH AND THE J-WORD have ZERO MEANING ... thus, Judah and the J-WORD do NOT EXIST in reality, in fact ... that is why I call this group of people and individuals KIKELS, which means CIRCLE or ZERO in Yiddish ... the real words have always been YAHOODA, YAHUDA, YAHOODI, YAHUDI. 


In the late 1770s, the Germanic people, this time in Germany proper, and not in England, at a German university no less, created concocted made-up cooked-up TWO other BULLSHIT DECEITFUL words, SEMITE and SEMITIC, referring to the MYTHOLOGICAL SON of the MYTHOLOGICAL NOAH, known as SHEM / SEM. 

Q : 
Who invented the words SEMITIC and SEMITE(S)?

A : 
August Ludwig von Schl枚zer 

The terms "SEMITIC" and "SEMITE(S)" were INVENTED by members of GERMANY'S G枚ttingen University school of history, initially by August Ludwig von Schl枚zer (in 1781), to designate a group of DIALECTS of the Middle-East, East Africa, and North Africa. 

Once again, this time in the late 1880s, a GERMAN FASCIST and journalist WILHELM MARR, invented concocted made-up cooked-up THREE MORE WORDS : ANTI-SEMITIC , ANTI-SEMITISM , and ANTI-SEMITE. 


As a reader of history and archeology, you need to keep those three very important events in mind, BECAUSE THESE 3 EVENTS PUT A GREAT DEAL OF AMMUNITION INTO THE HANDS OF THE ZIONIST-MAFIA AND THE ZIONAZIS illegally occupying Palestine : 
● (1) the transliteration of the Old Testicle texts, the names of persons too, by the GERMANIC Anglo-Saxon theologians in King Alfred's royal court during the late 800s AD ... 
● (2) the INVENTION of the words SEMITE and SEMITIC by historians in a GERMAN university in the late 1770s ... these two words never ever existed before that time ... 
● (3) in GERMANY, Vilhelm Marr's INVENTION of the words ANTI-SEMITISM, ANTI-SEMITIC, and ANTI-SEMITE in the late 1880s ... these three words never ever existed before that time. 


Please see the articles on these figures and events in and Encyclopedia Britannica online. Oxford University Press online is excellent SOURCE for almost all the details you have read above. Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and Cambridge all have excellent source materials. You can also use CHATGPT 4 (automatic internet access) to obtain all the references. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH AND LEARN ABOUT MYTHOLOGIES IN THE MODERN WORLD. Just 10 years ago, in 2014, this entire post would have taken 4 to 5 years of hard research, even using the Internet. Today, using my AI metadata harvesting and data analytics app, I posted all this VERIFIABLE FACTUAL DATA in less than 1 day. 

If I decided to post this information, from beginning to end that you have read here, on a book, using the 100-plus references that the app has given me, that book could sell hugely, make me even richer, and be a #1 best-seller on the NY Times Book Review list ... and turn everything upside down ... and land me a whole lot of enemies, whose vested interest is to make money off twits and low-IQ ignorant stupid gullible brainwashed people willing to fork out TENS OF BILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN CONTRIBUTIONS to churches and synagogues and pastors and rabbis. Do I want all that notoriety and a possible bounty on my head? FUCK THAT!!  


Sunday 15 September 2024


Facebook-protected zioNazi and zionist-mafia scum with their bullshit propaganda. 

QUESTION ... in a real life situation, shouldn't the woman at the door be shot in the head, or worse, be hit on head with a shovel or an aluminium baseball bat?? 

Violence is OFTEN a NECESSARY EVIL, especially against those threatening YOUR SAFETY AND SECURITY. 


Saturday 14 September 2024

Protect Your Posts

Whenever you post anything on Facebook, always remember to copy the post word for ward to OTHER PLATFORMS ... Blogger is one, Telegram is another, MeWe still another. THERE ARE MANY. Having your own website and corporate email addresses as well as the large online storage the website comes with is another option. You should also copy it to a STACKED SSD EXTERNAL DRIVE ... Evernote is very handy ... MS OneNote is another, although Microsoft is a zionist-mafia controlled censoring panel ... your best bets would be your own website and the stacked SDD external drive you can easily attach to your cellphone / laptop / desktop. 

To all my Facebook friends ... I am making a COPIES of all my Facebook posts as well as posts on Telegram and TikTok. These copies are being DEPOSITED into my account. But because I do NOT trust Google OR ANY US-BASED email service, because these services are almost always controlled by ZIONAZIS AND ZIONIST-MAFIA CRIMINAL FUCKHEADS, I am also depositing these posts, WORD FOR WORD, on three other places : a CD, a DVD, and a stacked external hard drive, 4 TB. I strongly advice you to do the same. This way, if any of these censoring criminals mess with your uploads, simply RE-UPLOAD AGAIN AND AGAIN. 

Friday 9 August 2024

ZioNazi Indoctrination


This is what these fucking filthy kikels VERMIN RABBIS TEACH inside their SINAGOGUES. 

It is their SUNDAY MASS, teaching racist supremacist self-worshipping self-glorifying BULLSHIT to other kikels.

Brainwashing at its finest. 

This is INTEGRATED into zioNazi and zionist-mafia mentality. 

The Canadian Govt, if it had even 1 TESTICLE, should SHUT DOWN every sinagogue in Canada. 

The so-called "chosen nation" sees all others, THE HUMAN POPULATION, as COWS TO BE MILKED for the benefit of the kikels. 

Pay very close attention to what this VERMIN RABBIS says. 

Eliminate the VERMIN RABBIS, and the H-WORD and the I-WORD and the J-WORD will CEASE TO EXIST. 

Know your enemy. 


Tuesday 6 August 2024

What I Really Think Of K K K

Somebody just asked me what I really REALLY thought about the Kriminal Kikel Kolony in Occupied Palestine. 

You're not gonna like what I have to say. But here it is. Whether you like it or not. 

My Facebook friend Russ The Guss said it best : 
Instead of shitting into a toilet every morning, he would shit into a SHOE BOX. Every morning. Until the shoe box is full. 馃挬 

That is the Kriminal Kikel Kolony. A small shoebox FILLED WITH HUMAN SHIT. 馃挬 


Wednesday 24 July 2024

No Such Thing As Abraham Accords

There is NO SUCH TREATY as the so-called "Aabraham Accords". 

It is ILLOGICAL to name a treaty after a MYTHOLOGICAL FIGURE whose very existence can only be found in the rabbi-written so-called "bible". 


MODERN ARCHEOLOGY dates from 01 July 1798, when diggers (at the time called HISTORIAN DIGGERS by French authorities) accompanied Napoleon Bonaparte to Egypt during his invasion of Egypt, Sinai, and the Levant that year. 

Since then till today, a span of over 225 years of ARCHEOLOGICAL RESEARCH AND DIGGING, not one single piece of factual hard scientific empirical historical archeological EVIDENCE has ever been found PROVING THE HISTORICITY / EXISTENCE of Adham (Adam), Hawah (Eve), Noh (Noah), Noh's flood, Sem/Shem, Ibrahim (Abraham), Ishmael (Ismail), Ishak (Issac), Looth (Lot), Yacoub (Jacob), Yusuf (Joseph), Yahooda (Judah), Musa (Moses), Haroon (Aaron), Dawood (David), Suleiman (Solomon), Shams (Samson), Layla (Delilah), ETC... these names of these MYTHOLOGICAL FIGURES are the original Arabic-Aramaic names found in the original Arabic-Aramaic "bible" ... the corresponding names in the brackets were INVENTED in the late 800s AD by Anglo-Saxon theologians in the royal court of King Alfred of United England, who ordered these theologians to TRANSLATE significant parts of the ancient Arabic-Aramaic biblical texts into the vernacular Old English ... and that's how these names within the brackets shown above have come down to us. 

Here's the kicker ... if those Anglo-Saxon theologians did not, I REPEAT DID NOT, translate the ancient Arabic-Aramaic texts into Old English, those ancient Arabic-Aramaic names would still be in existence, meaning that we would know 馃挴 % FOR SURE that the ANCIENT CANAANITES were NOT a separate distinct different identifiable culture religion language community (the so-called H-WORD, I-WORD, J-WORD), but were INDEED ANCIENT ARABS who spoke a LOCALIZED VARIATION/DIALECT OF ARABIC CALLED ARAMAIC, the official vernacular / de facto tongue of the Syria-to-Sinai region, and that these ARABIC-ARAMAIC NAMES shown above are proof positive of the ARABIC CULTURE TRADITIONS LANGUAGE AND MYTHOLOGIES of those ancient Arab-Canaanite natives of the Levant. 


Let me reiterate by saying that KIKEL MYTHOLOGY, which is actually ARAB MYTHOLOGY, dating from THE BRONZE AGE, around 1500 BC or 3500 years ago, is still MYTHOLOGY. 

Mythology is mythology, meaning that the contents of a mythology (figures and events surrounding them) cannot be, nor have ever been, positively scientifically empirically proven to exist via archaeology anthropology biology zoology botany geology physics and chemistry of the EVIDENCE-BASED PHYSICAL SCIENCES. 

Other Bronze Age mythologies, like Greek Mythology, Sumerian Mythology, Akkadian Mythology, Assyrian Mythology, Druid Mythology, Viking/Norse Mythology, Egyptian Mythology, ETC, ARE ALL DEAD. 

Only Hinduism of the Bronze Age is still alive, and only because India still exists as the ONLY HINDU MAJORITY country, as it was 3,500 years ago!!  

What I call KIKELISM / CANAANITISM / ARAB MYTHOLOGY, is being peddled as a genuine religion, which it is NOT. 

If we allow ANCIENT ARAB MYTHOLOGY to be peddled as a RELIGION TODAY, then there's NO REASON why Greek Mythology and other Bronze Age mythologies cannot be sold as religions in modern times either. 


There is no such thing as "Abraham Accords" ... it is all just a whole lot of bullshit kikel-operated zionist-mafia lies deceits nonsense brainwashing and propaganda. 


Not to mention the fact that every one of these Arab regimes that have signed this so-called "Accords" HAVE ZERO DEMOCRATIC CREDENTIALS history institutions and culture ... they're ALL authoritarian or monarchical dictatorship regimes that have virtually zero public support. 

To give diplomatic support to this so-called "Accords" is to give these murderous Arab dictatorships credibility and integrity and recognition, which THEY DO NOT HAVE. 

Canada must steer clear of recognizing this "treaty" between a kikel-operated zionist-mafia racist fascist apartheid regime and a few Arab dictatorships. 


Friday 21 June 2024

No Democracy Rights For These Freaks

There is no democracy, no rights and liberties and freedoms, for Rats 馃悁, Cunts, zioNazis, and FASCIST FUCKTARDS. Only prisons.

Montreal's Bloated Bureaucracy

The coming AI TSUNAMI will eliminate between 10% and 35% of the Montreal City bureaucracy within next 5 to 10 years ... their unions will not be able to stop these jobs from being eliminated. 
Good riddance. I hope these people will be smart enough to get jobs elsewhere. 

Municipal jobs that are likely to be impacted by AI include, but not limited to : 

Administrative and clerical roles, such as data entry, document processing, and customer service inquiries. These repetitive tasks can be automated by AI systems.

Accounting and financial analysis roles, as AI can process large amounts of data and perform complex calculations more efficiently. 

Legal roles like research and document review, as AI can quickly analyze case law and legal documents and jurisprudence. 

Some aspects of marketing and advertising roles, as AI can personalize ads and content using data analytics. 

AI will significantly impact white-collar jobs involving routine cognitive tasks, data analysis, and communication. 

While some jobs may be augmented initially, the capabilities of AI are expected to eventually exceed human performance in many of these roles, leading to potential job losses or redefinition of roles. 

Fattening their pockets WHILE THEY STILL HAVE TIME is the name of the game now. 

But as of today, the City bureaucracy is simply FUCKED UP. And what's with cutting down of so many MATURE trees all over the city? What the fuck? We need trees for shade, for cooling the air and the sidewalks, and for aesthetic reasons. I have heard from many ppl that every tree represents a dollar sign. How fucking CYNICAL is that? True real left-wing socialist governments DO NOT allow cuting down trees, logging, forestry ... in fact, left-wing governments encourage planting more trees. I will bet Valerie Plantes government has become just like all the other previous municipal regimes : it has become an ass-kisser of corporate interests, instead of being an ACTIVIST GOVERNMENT. 

Ban The RatpubliKKKan Party

The time has come for the US Government to permanently ban the RatpubliKKKan Party (which is nothing more than a fascist frat house and a neo-Nazi biker gang MASQUERADING as a political party), and take down all of its minions, and voters, and politicians, and political leaders, and its offices, and its revenue streams, and its media mouthpieces like InfoWars and Fox News, Sean Hannity, and all other nonsensical bullshit. 

The Ratbastards of the RatpubliKKKan Party represent the single greatest threat to the US and the world, and must be dismantled destroyed disemboweled dismembered without further ado. 

The US, as the society, as a country, can never move forward, can never be a progressive society, if the RatpubliKKKan Party is not destroyed dismembered dismantled. 

US Requires A 2nd Civil War

The US requires a SECOND CIVIL WAR, a socialist civil war and revolution, like in Vietnam Laos Cambodia Cuba Russia China Venezuela Bolivia, so that the right-wing cuntservative neo-fascist GARBAGE can be taken out to the curb.

The so-called "governor" of Florida, RON DeSANTIS, possibly the most evil piece of shit in the US, and therefore, a presidential contender, is busy banning books that exist in libraries around the world, busy banning movies and organizations that exist in Canada, most other US states, and the EU. 

I have a friend who lives in Port St. Lucie, Florida… she was from Montreal Canada originally, born here, holds a Canadian citizenship too, and she was a beautiful person, warm loving kind considerate compassionate empathic, you know the type, a bleeding-heart left-wing capital-red-L liberal. But when she moved to Florida, a right-wing Rat-infested (RatpubliKKKan) SHITHOLE, she was BRAINWASHED into becoming a NEO-FASCIST low-IQ FOREVER-ANGRY AT EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE FUCKTARD (fucking retard) ... what the fuck is wrong with them people anyway? Do you really want the UNION ARMY to march down to Florida again? The last time that happened, in the early 1860s, fascist Florida was defeated and was brought kicking and screaming into the Union.

Tuesday 18 June 2024


Iran should arm HEZBOLLAH and HAMAS and the HOUTHIS with every possible type of weapons, including nuclear weapons, if necessary, for the sole purpose of destroying that stupid fucking kikel kolony in Occupied Palestine. 

Complete total permanent destruction of Jerusalem and all those other kikel zionist-mafia zioNazi colonies starting with the so-called Western Wall , should be the NUMBER ONE PRIORITY ... stake the fucking vampire right in the fucking heart , be done with them.